
Chapter 331


While Sanji did have electricity, because of his fruit abilities, it wasn't as nearly strong as Enel's. His own self-generated flames were more destructive than his electricity, but weaker than Enel's lightning. That's why, he was more or less focusing on improving his firepower rather then anything else.

Mainly as Luffy, Zoro and Ace had shown how to use fire effectively. But now seeing Enel using lightning, it gave him a few more ideas. Sanji might have been a cook and a fighter, but he also had some knowledge about elements. His dear old father, did force him to study.

Fire and lightning were different, and yet similar. As blue fire, one that Ace had shown, can be even categorized as plasma. So rather than focusing on only his fire, he should also look into the lighting aspect of his powers. Though that was for later, now he was fully focused on the fight.

The fight continued for a while. Sanji constantly being on the back foot, and yet the cook refused to go full out. He was taking the time to improve his Observation haki instead. 

'It was stupid. But stupid worked.' Sanji chuckled quoting his captain on that one.

Enel sidestepped one of Sanji's kicks before he tried to stab him with his golden trident. Sanji of course avoided it easily, though Enel used that chance to grab one of his legs.

"You are dead…" Enel couldn't even finish his sentence as with the other leg Sanji kicked him in the jaw making him go back. Though, not before sending an outrageous amount of lightning through Sanji's body. While the attack didn't do too damage, it did complete Enel's goal.

"Agh, shit… those were some nice shoes bastard," Sanji growled, looking at his leg. On his right legs, his pants from his knee down were destroyed along with his shoes.

Enel who had recovered, smirked. But he was still trying to recover from Sanji's kick. This was the third time he was hit. And unlike him, Enel wasn't used to taking that much damage. 

Essentially Enel was the key definition of a glass canon. 

Though it didn't matter. Now his opponent was one sea-stone shoe down. Or that's what he thought. 

"You kind of pissed me off," Sanji said, getting off his other shoe, which was also heavily damaged before tossing it to the side. As both fighters were in the air, the shoe was lost in the destroyed island below "I really hate fighting bare feet but oh well." He shrugged. 

Seeing this Enel frowned. 

"You would give away your only advantage because of that?" Enel asked with a scoff. Acting as if he already won the fight. He crossed his arms, and shook his head, "That will be your undoing…" 

But he didn't get to finish his sentence as Sanji's form blurred right in-front of him, kicking him right side of his chest. Enel wasn't able to react in time, his body getting bent, ribs cracking as he was thrown away. 

Sanji wanted to follow through, but Enel quickly reacted, not wanting to get more damage. 

"HAA!" Lightning exploded out of his body as Sanji jumped back with another use of Soru. Enel growled, while holding his side. "You! I'm done holding back! You will die! And I will make it painful!"

Sanji smirked. "Would you look at that, you do bleed. Some god you are…" He smirked, "Don't worry, I will be sending you to the real one, pretty soon." 

Enel snarled, "Before I kill you, tell me, how are you able to touch me?." He demanded, "To touch a God as myself…" 

"Oh, for the love of…" Sanji cut off, "Did you only think I had one trick up my sleeve." He said, "And I thought Ace was bad with his Logia ego… this one has a God complex as well. News flash you moron, you aren't even a threat to me, let alone my crewmates. Heck, you don't even know about armament haki."

Sanji even showed by coating his index finger in haki. A look of recognition and almost fear dawned on his face. That fear quickly morphed into anger and pure hatred. 

"No! That's not possible!" Enel growled, "I refuse to lose again!" 

With that Enel moved his arms forward, shooting a wave of lighting at the highest speed. Far faster then the speed of lightning. "100,000,000 V Lightning Chain!" 

The unleashed lightning had a deep glow of blue, unlike before it wasn't light blue. And even without Haki Sanji knew that this was far more dangerous then before, making him unleash his full power. 


When Enel first ate the fruit, back in Birka. He planned to rule it. And he did, for years he called himself the God of that island. The island of Birka was far more bigger then skypiea, with more resources. And of course, he had more people that followed his rule there.

But one day, a man came took everything away. Was he a blue sea dweller? He didn't know. The man had several islands behind him, because of his unworldly power and unlike others that man had swords for legs. And had power and speed that made Enel look like a rat.

He was beaten and almost killed. But he fled with his life. 

The island of Skypiea was far more hidden than Birka, so he came here. Some of his loyal followers also came with him. But he still remembered that day. It was the same time his wings were cut off by the brutal man. His back still burned remembering that pain. 

After coming to Skypiea, he took over this island instead. As there weren't any strong fighters, it wasn't very hard to do.

But this time, he wasn't as passive as before. He had trained his powers to be much faster, much deadlier. So that the same thing never happens. But seeing the blue sea dweller use that thing called 'armament' gave him the remainder of that sour memory.

'I will not lose again! I refuse to lose again!'

He didn't want to chase revenge. Deming it to be petty, but underneath he knew it was his weakness talking. 

The sky island reminded him of that. And that's why he wanted to destroy it for good, to show of his power. Before heading to the moon, where it was his rightful place. 

Enel moved his arms forward, shooting a wave of lighting at the highest speed. Far faster then the speed of lightning. "100,000,000 V Lightning Chain!" 

The unleashed lightning had a deep glow of blue, unlike before it wasn't light blue. And even without Haki Sanji knew that this was far more dangerous than before, making him unleash his full power. 

Enel was done holding back. But to his surprise at the last moment, Sanji moved away from the spot just in a nick of time, appearing a few feet to the left. 

"…that was a close call."

"You! How did you get that fast?" Enel asked, anger in his voice. That attack was was far faster than his normal lightning, it wasn't his fastest attack, but even still he hadn't seen anyone other than that man dodge that attack. So he was shocked at how the blue sea dweller avoided it. 

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