
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · Anime und Comics
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190 Chs

The Viper's Den #81

Author's note: one more thing, some of you are confused about Cedric's reaction to the fact (or theory in this case) of Sabaody Park being a trap to lure out and enslave meramids and fihsmen. And well, he acted that way because it was never outright stated or even hinted that the Sabaody park was such a trap in the anime or the manga.

It makes sense if you think about and connect the dots, but that's about it. He reached that conclusion on his own after observing the kidnappers, and noticing that some of them were dressed as the park's staff.

Besides that, Im already experiencing some salt from the previous author's note, and to that I say, cray me a river. I enjoy nothing more than the tears of random internet trolls and basment dwellers!

And as the great Rick Sanchez once said, your booing means nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer!


Shakky caught the stack of cash with practiced ease, her eyes narrowing as she assessed Cedric. She weighed the money in her hand, considering his offer. The young marine's resourcefulness in finding her intrigued Shakky, and she couldn't help but wonder what he was after.

"Information doesn't come cheap, young marine," Shakky said with a wry smile, her curiosity piqued. "But for the right price, I might have what you're looking for..." She added, trailing at the end of her sentence.

Cedric met her gaze, his expression resolute. "I need details about the slaver organization operating in the area. Names, locations, any information that can help me expose and dismantle them..." He calmly said.

Shakky leaned back, her fingers drumming against the bar counter as she considered Cedric's request. The slavers were dangerous, well-organized and connected. Getting involved with them entailed risk. But Shakky was nothing if not a risk-taker, thanks to her husband's influence.

"I must warn you, young marine... you're walking into a den of viper..." Shakky warned, her voice laced with caution. "They're ruthless and well-connected. Exposing them won't be easy, but if you're willing to pay the price, I can provide you with some leads..." She added, giving Cedric a challenging look as she raised an eyebrow.

Cedric nodded, still unphased. "I understand the risks. Any information you provide will be invaluable. Naturally, I'll pay accordingly..." He calmly said.

"A marine soldier his job rather than going after pirates... I must say that's refreshing to see..." Shakky said, her amusement audible in her tone. She reached under the counter and pulled out a worn leather-bound journal.

The journal pages were full of scribbles, notes, and cryptic symbols. Shakky flipped through the pages, scanning the information she had gathered over the years.

"I've had my eyes and ears on these slavers for a while," Shakky began, her voice low. "They operate through a network of intermediaries, making it difficult to trace their operations directly..." She added, trailing at the end of her sentence.

Cedric leaned closer, his attention drawn to Shakky's voice. He knew that navigating the intricate web of the Slaver organization would require meticulous planning and insider knowledge.

"The slave trade is one of the most lucrative and despicable businesses. And here in the Sabaody Archipelago, it is especially profitable due to the presence of World Nobles ..." Shaky calmly explained. "The key figure behind the human auctioning house is the Warlord of the Sea, Donquixote Doflamingo..." She added as she turned to Cedric, studying his expression.

To Shakky's surprise, Cedric's expression remained unchanged. He met her gaze with a knowing look as if he had already been aware of Doflamingo's involvement. His reaction piqued Shakky's curiosity even further, wondering how a young marine like Cedric could possess such information.

"You seem rather unfazed by the mention of Doflamingo," Shakky remarked, her voice filled with curiosity. "Most people are taken aback when they learn about a warlord's connection to the slave trade. How did you come to know about it?" She asked with a frown.

"I have my sources..." Cedric replied with a noncommittal shrug. "I also know that I don't stand a chance against Doflamingo... what I need to know is who is running the show here, and how to take them down..." He added.

Shakky regarded Cedric with a strange look. It seemed the young marine had his own hidden agenda that extended beyond merely targeting Doflamingo. She respected his secrecy and understood that sometimes one had to play their cards close to their chest, especially when dealing with dangerous individuals.

"I see," Shakky said, her tone thoughtful. "If you're looking to dismantle the slaver organization and their operations in the Sabaody Archipelago, then you're going to have to start by targeting Doflamingo's direct subordinate, the manager of the human auctioning house in Grove-1, a man named Disco." She explained as she resumed flipping the pages of her notebook.

Cedric's interest sharpened as he nodded, absorbing every word Shakky spoke. He had anticipated that dismantling the organization would require taking down its key figures, and Disco seemed like a crucial piece of the puzzle.

"Disco, you say?" Cedric mused, his mind racing with possibilities. "Tell me everything you know about him. I need to understand his role and connections within the organization..." He inquired.

Shakky flipped through the journal's pages, searching for the relevant information. As her finger traced over the lines of her handwritten notes, she revealed what she had gathered about Disco.

"Disco is more than just a manager at the human auctioning house," Shakky explained. "He is known for his efficiency. He oversees the day-to-day operations, ensuring the slaves are acquired, sold, and transported to the nobles' satisfaction...." She added.

She momentarily paused, her eyes fixed on Cedric's determined face. "But here's something even more troubling," Shakky continued. "Disco has connections that extend beyond the slave trade. I heard he enjoys the protection of nobles from various countries not to mention Doflamingo's backing..." She added, shaking her head with a troubled expression.

Cedric's expression darkened at the mention of nobles. He knew dealing with such influential and well-connected figures would require careful maneuvering and a strategic approach.

"Disco's protected status makes my task even more complicated," Cedric acknowledged, his voice tinged with concern. "Regular nobles don't have a shred of the power that Celestial Dragons exert, but they're still influential in their own ways..." He added, clicking his tongue and pausing to weigh his options.

Shakky observed Cedric's thoughtful expression and understood the weight of his words. Nobles from the various kingdoms might not be comparable to Celestial Kingdoms. However, each had considerable sway in their respective countries. The fact that several protected Disco made Cedric's task extremely complicated.

Shakky's eyes narrowed, a sly smile crossing her lips. "Ah, but even those protected by nobles have their weaknesses," she said, her voice tinged with intrigue. "In Disco's case, I've heard whispers that he's been skimming off the top, taking a cut from the kidnap and slaver gangs he deals with..." She added.

Cedric's eyebrows raised at the revelation. If Disco was embezzling from the very criminals he worked with, he could exploit it as a vulnerability. "Skimming off the top, you say?" Cedric repeated, his mind racing with possibilities.

"That could be a weakness we can exploit. If I expose Disco's double-dealing to the other gangs, the revelation might sow discord between them and weaken Disco's position..." He added, trailing as he seemed to consider it.

Shakky nodded in agreement. "Exactly. The Hound Pets and the Coffee Monkeys, and the Flying Fish Riders are some of the notable gangs that Disco has connections with. They have their own interests and would not take kindly to Disco cheating them..." She said as she sat on the nearest chair and lit up a cigarette.

Shakky took a drag from her cigarette, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "It won't be easy," she cautioned. "Disco is clever and cunning. He's managed to maintain his position and connections despite his shady dealings. But I've got a feeling my words won't stop you..." She added, grinning and raising an eyebrow.

"No, it won't..." Cedric said with a light chuckle. "I've been growing bored of dealing with small fry pirates anyway... and I need something to keep me busy anyway..." He added with an unconcerned shrug.

Shakky sensed there was more to the young marine's motives than mere boredom, but she didn't bother pointing it out as she watched him work his brain, trying to make a plan.

Cedric's nodded to himself after a momentary pause. "I guess I'll need to dig deeper into this. Gathering evidence, finding the right moment to strike, and leveraging the rivalries within the organization could be my ticket to dismantling it from the inside..." He added, almost as if thinking aloud rather than talking to the bar owner.

Shakky grinned, seemingly impressed by Cedric's strategic thinking. "You've got the right idea, young marine. You will need to be patient. Gather enough evidence, and plan your moves carefully. One wrong step and the entire operation could come crashing down on your head..." She said with a grin.

As they delved further into their discussion, Cedric and Shakky formed a plan to gather evidence of Disco's illicit activities, expose his double-dealing to kidnap gangs, and sow discord within the slaver organization, each driven by his own motives.