
A Recurring Character #93

Cedric stood amidst the wreckage of the human auctioning ring, surrounded by the unconscious bodies of the defeated kidnap gang members. Chaos, destruction, and flames replaced The once bustling atmosphere. It was a testament to the grudge the kidnap gang members held against Disco.

Despite using the kidnap gangs to destroy the human auctioning house, Cedric couldn't trust them. He knew they would return to their ways sooner or later. Unlike Duval, they were irredeemable.

The plan was simple. With Duval's help, Cedric would turn the kidnap gangs against Disco and use them to destroy the auctioning house and bring down its manager in a grand event.

Cedric would then take down the kidnap gangs and turn them, but that wasn't the end. Using the crowd gathered around the destroyed human auctioning house, the young marine intended to reveal the evidence he'd gathered against Disco, exposing him to the entire world.

In doing so, Cedric would ensure no one could cover up the human slavery ring.

Cedric stood amidst the wreckage of the human auctioning ring, surrounded by the unconscious bodies of the defeated kidnap gang members. The flames danced around him, casting an eerie glow on his blank expression. He had successfully used the chaos to his advantage and now was the time for the grand finale.

Stepping forward, Cedric raised his hands, summoning his devil fruit power. Flames coalesced around him, forming a sword made of pure fire. The heat radiated from the blazing weapon, mirroring the intensity of the flame's heat.

As the crowd watched in awe, Cedric's gaze fell upon a man in an intimidating black helmet that covered his face, lying motionless on the ground. With a swift motion, Cedric swung the fiery sword downward, the flames engulfing Duval's body. The intense heat seemed to consume him, leaving behind nothing but ash. It was a dramatic scene to convince everyone of Duval's demise.

The remaining kidnap gang members, who had witnessed the defeat of their comrades, looked on in shock as Duval seemingly perished before their eyes. Cedric's performance was flawless, and he knew it would further solidify their belief in Duval's death.

A hushed silence fell over the scene as the crowd processed the spectacle. Cedric took a moment to let the tension settle, his eyes scanning the faces before him. He could sense the fear, uncertainty, and doubt in the eyes of those who had once followed Duval's orders.

With an authoritative voice, Cedric addressed the kidnap gang members, his tone resolute. "Let this be a message to all of you... the era of the kidnap gangs ends here," He exclaimed, and at his words, dozens of marine soldiers rushed to the human auctioning house.

Whispers of disbelief and apprehension rippled through the crowd as the gangsters backed away from the Marines who eventually surrounded them. "If any of you wish to escape the same fate as Duval, surrender immediately!" He added as he raised his blade, causing the fire around to shine brightly.

The remaining kidnap gang members exchanged nervous glances, their allegiance to Duval now uncertain. Cedric's words lingered in the air, heavy with the weight of their decision.

The tension hung thick in the air as the kidnap gang members hesitated, their eyes darting between the relentless Marines and Cedric. The weight of their past actions bore down upon them. One by one, the gangsters began to lower their weapons and raise their hands in surrender.

As the Marines swiftly moved in to apprehend the defeated gang members, Cedric's gaze shifted towards the approaching figure of Disco, the manager of the human auctioning house. The man's face wore a mix of relief and gratitude as he approached Cedric.

Several soldiers moved to get in Disco's way as he approached, and Cedric's frowned as Disco neared him, his expression unreadable. He held up a hand, signaling the Marines to hold their positions and allow Disco to approach.

Still blissfully unaware of his own predicament, Disco reached Cedric's side, his voice filled with casual relief. "You sure saved my hide, young marine..." He said, rubbing his hands together. "I'll surely repay you for your help... would you like to get your hands on one of our Auction's specialties..." He asked with a broad grin splitting his face.

Cedric's looked down at Disco, his gaze cold and blank. "Me? Saved you?" he said, his voice laced with mockery. "It seems you are not aware of your situation..." He said with a scowl, much to Disco's confusion.

Cedric's scowl deepened as Disco's confusion turned to concern. The crowd around them grew silent, their attention fixed on the unfolding confrontation between the two men.

"You see..." Cedric continued, his voice dripping with disdain, "I know all about your operations, your involvement in the human slavery ring..." he added as he reached into his pocket.

Disco's eyes widened in disbelief, his confident facade crumbling under the weight of Cedric's accusation. "W-What are you talking about? I don't know what you're—" He tried to defend himself, only for the young marine to cut him off halfway through his sentence.

Cedric interrupted him, holding up the evidence he had gathered, including documents, photographs, signed letters, and contracts. "Oh, I think you know what I'm talking about," he said, his voice cutting through the air. "I have here the proof of your crimes. The evidence is undeniable..." He added, barely resisting the urge to smile as the reporters he gathered began taking pictures.

Disco's face paled as he stared at the incriminating evidence in Cedric's hands. Panic flashed in his eyes, and he desperately searched for a way out of the situation. The crowd, previously captivated by the unfolding drama, gasped in shock and disbelief.

"No... it can't be happening," Disco stammered, his voice filled with desperation. "You brat! Who do you think I am? I have the support of countless nobles, and even--" He added, pausing as he noticed the gathered crowd and the many journalists.

"Save it for the judge, pal," Cedric said with a chuckle. "You there, put this scumbag in cuffs and take him back to the base alongside the other criminals..." He added, gesturing for the closest marine soldier.


Trebol barged into Doflamingo's luxurious office, his slimy presence making itself known. "Young master! Someone destroyed the human auction house again!" Trebol exclaimed, his high-pitched voice filled with agitation. "The Marines even arrested Disco!"

Doflamingo's eyes narrowed at Trebol's words, his frustration simmering beneath the surface. "Again? How many times do I have to rebuild that damn place?" he growled through gritted teeth.

Trebol nodded frantically. "Yes, young master. But this time, it's different. We don't have the money to rebuild it so soon..." he explained, his voice tinged with annoyance. "The marines captured most of the kidnap gangs to boot, and the rest fled Sabaody..."

Trebol straightened up, adjusting his hat nervously. "The kidnap gangs even turned against us. They attacked the auction house and burned it to the ground... can you believe it, nee?" he carefully explained.

"The kidnap gangs were ready to kill Disco when the Marines arrived..." Trebol went on. "The marine officer in charge subdued the kidnap gangs and arrested Disco..." he added, his slimy voice oozing with curiosity and bewilderment.

"Now that I think about it..." Treobl said, trailing off with a confused expression. "It was probably the same marine officer who fought that pirate in the auction house when it was first destroyed..." He casually added.

Doflamingo's smile widened, his eyes narrowing. "Interesting. It appears we have an unexpected recurring character in our little drama," he remarked, his voice filled with dark amusement that was betrayed by the vein bulging on his forehead. "And who is this marine officer who's involved in disrupting my business twice now?"

Trebol hesitated, trying to recall the marine officer's name. His beady eyes darted around the room as he wracked his memory. "Ah, I remember now," he exclaimed a hint of excitement in his voice. "The marine officer's name is Cedric Strode. Apparently, He's a rising star within the Marines..."

Doflamingo's eyes widened in realization as the memory resurfaced. He vividly recalled the marine recruit called Cedric Strode, who had made a slight impression on him during the warlord meeting. His mind raced back to that encounter, trying to piece together the details.

"I remember now," Doflamingo muttered under his breath, his voice filled with intrigue and amusement. "Cedric Strode... the cheeky brat who came with Sengoku and Garp...."

As the memories flooded back, Doflamingo recalled the short encounter with Cedric during the seven warlords of the sea meeting.

Doflamingo's lips curled into a wicked smile as he savored the recollection. "Cedric Strode, huh...?" he thought, his amusement turning into a twisted sense of satisfaction. "It seems our paths were bound to cross again."

"I believe it's time we acquaint ourselves with this persistent little thorn in my side, Trebol..." Doflamingo said as he turned back to Trebol, his voice filled with amusement and malice. "Meanwhile... there was a guy who wanted to join the family..." He added with a grin.

"Tell him to bring me the brat's head, and I'll let him join..."

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