
295- All Yonko meet on Mushroom Island.

Among the crowd of pirates a very strange scene appeared.

There was a very beautiful woman walking toward the field with a baby in her arms, and beside her a tall, masked man holding a nine-year-old girl, and they were walking as if they were on a picnic. Those who don't know them will think they are just a little family going for a picnic.

"Who are these fools?" There was an upset look on the pirate's face upon seeing this scene but one of the lustful pirates drooled upon seeing the beautiful woman.

His friend noticed the lustful look and tried to stop him from doing something foolish, "Bro, don't think about it! They're not afraid at all even though they're surrounded by pirates and that proves they're not normal people."

"On this island only pirates live so there shouldn't be normal people living and roaming here, so they are supposed to be people with great power and influence in this world and maybe have some guards in the pirate crowd."

The lustful pirate laughed and said to his friend contemptuously, "Don't be a coward! Even if they have guards, as long as I move quickly to take the woman and the baby hostage, no one can do anything."

The lustful pirate looked at the woman and licked his lips. He had never seen a woman of such great beauty in his life, with such a sexy body, that his animalistic instinct dominated his mind.

But how unfortunate as soon as he got close to the woman his body turned into a bloody mist.

All of the pirates started to sweat profusely and fear permeated their bones making them shiver, no one could see what had happened, all he saw was the pirate rushed to the woman quickly and the next moment the pirate turned into a blood mist.

All the pirates became vigilant and quickly made way for the family's passage, and no one dared to attack them again.

Seeing Ethan's mask and what happened, they knew that this person was probably the leader of the Mercenary Guild, so no one dared to come close.

"Arthur, didn't you tell me you wouldn't kill anyone?" Emma sighed as she looked at Ethan who was walking beside her.

Upon hearing the name that came out of Emma's mouth, the guesses of the pirates and swordsmen were confirmed.

"This is a harmful insect that will harm many innocent people in the future, so it deserves to be killed." Ethan spoke in a deep and loud voice that made all the pirates shiver while at the same time sending his voice inside Emma's mind, "I promised you that I would not kill the strongest swordsman in the world, but I did not promise not to kill these insects."

"Well, Do whatever you want! Anyway, I'll fix everything." Emma smiled and did not object to Ethan's actions, although she understood the damage someone's death would do to the future.

A lustful person like him will have many children in the future and his death will make many people in the future disappear.

Not only that, but the actions of this future person, although small, may affect the future in a strange way. Perhaps the disappearance of this person will cause the disappearance of an important event from the life of one of the main characters in One Piece that leads to the formation of a completely different character.

Ethan and Emma know there is such a thing as the butterfly effect and remember a famous saying from their former world, "Whatever we do affects everything and everyone else, if even in the tiniest way. Why, when a housefly flaps its wings, a breeze goes round the world."

But Emma knows that just having her and Ethan in this era will change the future not to mention that Ethan destroyed the Flame Pirates and killed everyone causing a huge change in the future.

The changes Ethan made is already enormous so he no longer cares even if he kills some pirates.

Also due to the presence of the Mercenary Guild many pirates who were supposed to sail in peace in this sea were either captured or killed.

But all of these things can somehow be fixed by Emma and the help she will receive from Alicia.

As long as he's not a major character who will affect the world, Emma doesn't even care if he dies because there are plenty of people who could take his place.

After a while of walking, Ethan finally arrived at the appointed location and was amazed at the sight of three people and their pirates.

The field is surrounded by the most famous people in this world but these three are quite special.

In the east of the field are the Wailing pirates led by their captain Abaddon, one of the Four Emperors.

In the west of the field are the Jockey pirates led by their captain Jockey, one of the Four Emperors.

In the north of the field are the merry pirates led by their captain Kaiser, one of the Four Emperors.

After looking at them for a moment, Ethan didn't care and lowered Shakky to the ground and said seriously, "Don't get away from Emma and always stay by her side."

Shakky grabbed Emma's dress and nodded, "Don't worry I'll protect Emma-sama."

'No, no, Emma-sama is the one who will protect you and not the opposite.' Ethan wipes his sweat while thinking that this little girl has great confidence in her abilities.

Ethan walked to the middle of the battlefield and waited for the strongest swordsman in the world to appear, while his actions caused all the pirates to draw the attention of him.

Kaiser looked at Ethan and laughed, "Is this the strongest man in the world? Fuffuffuffu, He looks like an idiot in that mask. Is he afraid of showing his ugly face?"

He was deliberately saying this out loud in order to provoke Ethan but the blue-haired vice captain replied, "I think he looks great in that mask, which gives him some mystery to his identity and makes people crave to see what's behind that mask."

"Shut up! I didn't ask for your thoughts!!!" Kaiser yelled at his vice captain in a comical manner.

"Captain, why don't you wear a mask? Maybe you'll look cool in it." The vice captain said seriously.

"Foolish! I'm cool even without a mask."

Ethan who was about to respond to Kaiser remained silent after seeing this interaction between the captain and the vice captain and then ignored them.

The vice captain sighed in relief that his plan worked and Ethan didn't bother them anymore. All he did before was because he did not want the most powerful man in the world to target them even if he was sick.

Right at this moment from the south of the field appeared the Fourth Emperor along with the Swordsmen Pirates.

The battle between the strongest swordsman in the world and the strongest man in the world will finally begin.


●Author: Hello everyone, sorry but I couldn't write any chapter lately I had depression because I lost someone dear to me and although I had time I couldn't write anything.

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