
One Piece: Son of Red Hair (Relaunched)

What would Happen if Shanks had a Son? What if that son was a member of the worst generation? How would his legacy develop? Will he become King? Or will one of his many rivals defeat him first. (Read Prologue for full Synopsis.)

DaoistShinobi · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs


(Author- Hey, I hope you all enjoy, if you do then add it to your library and feed me power stones! Also, please ignore the grammar in this part of it as it's a little strange, after this chapter it gets much better.)

(For this fanfic I will be reducing Boa and her sisters age by 10 years btw making her 21)

Shanks while sailing through the grand line found the Amazon Lily island. Meeting Boa's mother, the previous empress, they fell in love ang got married. The relationship between the two of them was kept quite due to the danger of the world finding out.

For three years, Shanks disappeared from the world. They wondered where the great Red Hair had disappeared to.

After the first year, the mother got pregnant with the Boa sisters. Two years later she gave birth to a son.

Sadly she died in child birth. This death caused the island to fall into a period of grieving. Heartbroken, Shanks decides to leave the island and return to the sea. He attempts to bring his daughters with him, but the Grandmother of them refuses and convinces shanks to leave them on the island.

Sadly, the son however, cannot remain on the island as he is a man, and so there are some things that they cannot teach him. Shanks, after realizing that it would indeed be unwise to leave the son takes his son with him

Shanks takes him with him, but doesn't allow him to join his crew. Rather, Shanks hides him from the world by keeping him on a hidden island in the east blue under the care of the villagers who live there. (Shanks reason for being in the east blue to meet Luffy.)

Through the first 6 years, Shanks returns to the east blue once a year to meet and visit his son. After leaving MC's island for the 6th time, he meets 4yo Luffy for the first time. (Shanks will tell Luffy about his son, and his son about Luffy but they won't meet until later.)

He then returns for 4 more years, but then he never returns due to commotion in the New World and the risk of his enemies tracing him back to Luffy and MC.

On his last year there he tells son, to follow his own path. If you wish to find me, then head to the ocean. Then disappears. (Still Gives the Straw Hat to Luffy ofc.)

--Effects in the world--

Due to Boa and the sisters being younger has caused the time when Fisher Tiger freeing the slaves to be delayed.

Shanks is responsible for recruiting Fisher Tiger and planning the attack on Mary Geoise in his fury at discovering his daughters were enslaved, he single handedly slaughtered 2 admirals (Before the current three) and multiple Dragons.

This makes him far more wanted then in the original series.

Boa and Sisters meet their father. They also learn they have a younger brother. (Brother doesn't know about his sisters.)

What do you all think???

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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