
One piece sign In system impeal down

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime und Comics
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323 Chs


"Arc-shaped sand dunes."

Crocodile took the lead.

With a flick of his right hand, a crescent-shaped scimitar wrapped Crocodile's arm and cut it down at Bullet.

Once it is cut, the water in the body will be absorbed by the yellow sand, and it will instantly become a corpse.

But Bullet is not the kind of...careless person.

Boom! A loud sound rang.

With a wave of his right hand, Bullet hit the crescent-shaped desert scimitar.

The sand blade exploded directly, turning into a large amount of yellow sand, which was scattered on the ground, floating in the air.

What a great person.

Crocodile and Bullet sigh at the same time, and their hearts are very shocked.

Although they knew that their opponents were very powerful, they didn't expect their opponents to be so strong.

For a moment, no one dared to be careless.

The two sides fought for a moment, then immediately.

Backed up and opened the distance with the opponent.

"Captain, are you all right"

The pirates gathered around Crocodile and stared at Bullet at the same time.

Crocodile didn't speak, and clenched his fists.

``Unexpectedly, a captain of the Black Dragon Pirate Group actually has such strength.

However, it must be me who wins today, and I will definitely replace the Black Dragon Pirate and become the strongest Pirate in this world."

After speaking, Crocodile rushed out quickly.

The figure was like lightning, and he quickly appeared beside Bullet while spreading his right hand.

"Weight-shaped sandstorm."

I saw a small dust explosion appearing in Crocodile's hands, and then expanding continuously.

But in a moment.

The original small dust burst became almost as tall as a human, and it continued to expand.

After a while again.

The sandstorm is tens of meters high, carrying a powerful air current, and walking on the street.

Many buildings nearby were swept away.

A lot of smoke, dust, gravel, and sandstorms.


Many pirates were all frightened.

Especially this sandstorm is too big.

The power is also very strong.

The slabs on the ground were lifted up.

If this accidentally affects them, they probably won't be able to withstand this huge sandstorm.

Bullet frowned.

Crocodile is very strong, Sand-Sand Fruit is also very strong.

Although he is very confident, he does not dare to be careless.

Especially if one is not careful, it will be seriously injured.

As a pirate who has experienced many battles, he must not make such a low-level mistake.

"Armed color."

Bullet squeezed his right hand firmly, and the pitch black breath surrounded the entire right arm.

The bright sunshine reflects the dark luster.

"So strong Armament Haki."

Crocodile's eyes narrowed slightly.

As a supernova of this era, Ke still knows Armament Haki very well.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Naturally, I also know that Haki is the nemesis of Devil Fruit.

So he will not underestimate Bullet.

Bang! Bullet suddenly slammed on the ground.

The whole person flew out like a cannonball.

A huge deep hole also appeared on the ground.

"Boy, don't underestimate our Black Dragon Pirate."

Bullet threw a punch with his right hand.

The entire space seemed to have collapsed, and there was a huge explosion.

The rustling sandstorm suddenly burst open.

A large amount of yellow sand splashed in all directions, carrying invisible energy, spreading in all directions.

A part of the pirates were instantly overwhelmed by the yellow sand.

The remaining pirates were also blown away with anger.

"No, everyone, run away."

The pirates all reacted and ran away quickly.

For fear of being affected by accident.

After Bullet hits the ground, speed up, appear next to Crocodile in three or two steps, and punch again.

"Desert King Kong Sword."

Crocodile spreads out his hands.

A large amount of yellow sand gathered in the hand, forming a treasure sword.

The sword is extremely sharp.

Wherever he went, the earth was cut apart.

Bullet clenched his right hand, covering Haki, and repeatedly punched Crocodile.

Bang bang bang...the sound of explosions in the air from time to time.

The battle between the two sides was fierce.

From time to time, yellow sand flies in the sky, and occasionally there are huge sandstorms.

Although Crocodile's Sand-Sand Fruit is very powerful, Bullet is also very powerful, and it hasn't fallen at all.

In the distance, all the pirates were dumbfounded:

"That's amazing, is this the strength of the cadres of the Black Dragon Pirates"

"It's so strong, it can actually fight Captain Bullet."

The pirates on both sides were surprised.

Boom boom...There was a roar from time to time in the sky.

The ground of the entire island was trembling.

Centered on Crocodile and Bullet.

From time to time, a strong air flow is generated.

On the other side, in the very center of the island.

Among the large-scale castles.

Lee Eun was tasting the food, and a pirate hurried in.

"Captain, a pirate has already entered and broke through the port's defenses."

"Oh, is it possible to break through the port defense line, he should be a good pirate."

Lee Eun is still very calm.

Although he broke through the first line of defense, he didn't care, anyway...this island has gathered most of the high-end combat power.

No matter who comes, he has the power to fight.

"Captain, he is a Logia Sand-Sand Fruit capable person, his name seems to be Crocodile."

Lee Eun raised his head suddenly, a cold light burst into his eyes.

"Crocodile, is that him"

For this future Seven Warlords of the Sea, Lee Eun is of course very familiar.

However, according to the plot, it should be a few years later, to challenge Whitebeard, and finally suffered a fiasco.

I didn't expect to challenge him in advance.

Now even Seven Warlords of the Sea has not been established.

Lee Eun didn't care too much.

After all, after he came, the plot has changed a lot, and some differences are normal.

"Go, go over and take a look."

Lee Eun is very interested in this.

"By the way, who is the one who worked with him?"

"Captain Bullet."


Lee Eun is more interested.

In the original book, Bullet and Crocodile fought.

It's just because of him that this time, the two sides did not conflict or fight.

I just don't know who is stronger.

But after a while, Lee Eun came to the battlefield between the two sides.



Many pirates saw Lee Eun immediately.


Lee Eun also just nodded, and then came to the edge of the battlefield, focusing on the two Crocodile.

Sure enough, this is Crocodile.

It's just that Crocodile now looks very young.

Some are immature.

Of course, Bullet is even younger.