
One Piece: Prominence

Ambrose D. Edwin is a man with grand dreams, but one in particular seems...Ridiculous, unattainable for the average man or woman. But, Edwin has never been normal, from being the talllest in his village while still a child, all the way to the time when he ate an entire Sea King by himself, Edwin has always been odd. Yet, with his determination only rivaled by a strange boy with a straw hat, Edwin sets out to realise this dream of his... Ovethrowing a tyrannical government!

Onlythree · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Devil Fruit or Evil Dragon?

[A/N: From now on, I will be writing the names of attacks in english only. For the japanese names, I will be writing them in the paragraph comments for anyone interested. With that said, I hope you enjoy this chapter!]


""WHAAAAAAAAAT!!!"" Edwin and Kuina screamed at the top of their lungs in disbelief. What just happened had shocked them to their core.

After all, who wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly saw someone spit fire, as if a dragon hiding in human skin?

"Holy moly! We need to go see grandpa, I think I'm a dragon!" Edwin exclaimed, shock overwhelming his mind. Not waiting for another second, he ran back home, mustering up all the strength he possibly could.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Dazedly standing up, a still nauseous Kuina started running after Edwin, not forgetting to pinch her nose so as to not inhale the still lingering stench of the sea king's innards.


'What the hell happened to me!! As far as I know, I'm not an evil dragon like in those stories grandpa told.' Edwin thought about those stories of a valiant samurai slaying an evil dragon with one swing of his katana, however in his current situation he feared that he would be the one being slayed!

"Yo Edwin, why are you running, did you see something scary in the forest?" As Edwin hurried towards his home, he came across two young boys the same age as him, Saga and Starlight Asirius, whom they also called Asi. These three had been friends for as long as they could remember, which wasn't a lot when you accounted for their young age.

"Guys! I think I'm an evil dragon!" Tears could almost be seen forming in his eyes, as Edwin informed his two friends of his terrible discovery.

"Huh? What are you saying, you look completely normal." Saga exclaimed, wondering if his friend had been deceived by one of the older boys in the village. 'Well, it's Edwin we're talking about, so I wouldn't be surprised.'

Hearing Saga's explanation Edwin ceased to run, stopping right in front of Asi and the white-haired boy.

"Oh, right. I didn't even reali-*FOOOOOSH*" In the middle of his sentence, fire spewed from his mouth once again, inadvertently setting Saga's shirt on fire.

"""AHHHHH!!!""" The three boys screamed in terror at what just occurred.

Before the fire could spread any further and seriously injure him, Saga immediately started rolling on the ground as fast as he could. "Perish, fire of hell!!" Saga exclaimed loud and clear, his fear over taking his mind, "You shan't take me from this mortal coi-"

"Oi, it's already extinguished."

"Oh," ceasing to roll, getting up and dusting himself off, Saga turned his head towards Asi, "Good observation, my friend."

"Well, that aside–WHAT THE HEEEEEELL!!!" The absurdity of the situation finally settling in his mind, Asi turned to Edwin, screaming at the top of his lungs, as his eyes demanded answers.

"Well, I told you guys I was an evil dragon." Shrugging his shoulders as if it didn't concern him, Edwin crossed his arms, his expression that of indifference, as he right then and there confirmed in his mind that a valiant samurai would soon slay him for his grave sin of being an evil dragon.


Five years had passed since the 'Evil Dragon Incident'. Since then, it was confirmed by Kozaburo that what Edwin thought was his origin as an evil dragon, was in actuality the work of the weird disgusting fruit he had eaten, which was called a Devil Fruit.

The one he had ingested was apparently the Pyro-Pyro Fruit, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that gave its user the ability to produce fire and control it, while also giving its user immunity to their own flames.

Standing atop a small hill, Edwin, Kuina, Asirius and Saga were currently looking at a chest between them. "Shishishi, robbing criminals truly is the easiest way to gather money!"

"*Sigh* Are you guys still obsessed with sailing out to sea?" Kuina looked at the three smiling boys in front of her, wondering whether they were still obsessed with setting out on an adventure.

"Hmph, of course we are! Weren't you the one who was saying she wanted to become the World's Strongest Swordswoman? How do you plan to do that without leaving the island?"

"Of course I will leave one day, but not when I'm only 10 years old, dumbass!" Kuina answered back to Saga, who was quickly riled up.

"What'd you call me, you midget?!"

"Midget? We're the same height…Dumbass." Kuina refuted, a smirk creeping at the corner of her lips.

"Ooooh you're looking for it!"

Both getting up, they headbutted each other, neither of them backing down. "Aaaaah, why are these two always arguing?" Asi exclaimed, tired of these two guys' charades.

"Maybe they have worms in their buttholes?"


"What?" Edwin had a perplexed look on his cute face as the three of them looked at him like he was the stupidest person they had ever met. "What, guys? Isn't that a normal thing when you have worms in your butthole? I heard it from grandpa."

"Did growing this tall at your age affect your brain negatively?" Saga made an educated observation while stroking his chin.

"Maybe it's because he spends most of his time with grandpa Buro?" Asirius pondered as he nodded sagely, trying to figure out if the weird mannerisms of Kozaburo had rubbed off on the blue-eyed boy.

"Hmph. You guys are completely wrong, obviously this is the result of grandpa always hitting him on the head when training!" Kuina exclaimed proudly, acting as if she had unearthed the truth of the matter.

"Oh, I see how it is, you guys are just jealous that I'm much stronger than you so you're trying to bring me down! Shishishishishi!" Edwin laughed as he got up, revealing his impressive height of 173 cm (5'8") at merely 10 years old, dwarfing the three people with him.

Adorning his body was a beautiful navy blue yukata with light blue flower patterns decorating its surface, while perched on his shoulders was a long purple haori with black and white butterflies, which gave the young boy an air of peacefulness. But this illusion was broken by his two blades, Hi-no-Kagutsuchi and Amaterasu, hanging around the left side of his waist.

"Anyways, your jealousy can wait for later, it seems we've got some new prey." Looking out over the horizon, Edwin smiled brilliantly as he sighted a boat sporting a Jolly Roger representing a skull with three red scars and two sabers replacing the crossed bones.

"Let's go, boys–and girl–today we're getting rich! Hopefully." Edwin gave his orders as they immediately made their way towards the shore where the boat would be landing.

"Why am I getting dragged into this again? Aaaaah." Sighing Kuina followed, not being able to let these three guys go alone, 'Well, at least I'm getting paid.'


"We're arriving soon, Captain." A man with short gray-blue hair and glasses exclaimed, their ship slowly approaching the island in the distance.

"We'll be getting supplies and we're out. I still can't believe that Roux ate everything we had stored for our trip to Goa." Shaking his head once again, the red-haired captain, Shanks, looked towards his cook with weariness.

"You can't blame me Cap'n, you were the one who left me alone with the supplies." Lucky Roux, a plump man, sounded out, as he quickly evaded his captain's displeased gaze.

"Aaaaah, whatever, we'll make a short stop here and we're on our way."


"They've finally anchored down." The four young children were currently hiding in the thick foliage of the trees around the pirates' anchoring site, patiently waiting for the pirates to get down from their ship.

As they waited, Asi suddenly spoke while perched on a branch, "They've got a really nice boat, these guys definitely have money, but it might also mean–"

"That they're strong." Edwin interrupted Asirius, a smile creeping up on his face. There were three things that Edwin liked above all in his life; Eating, training and fighting strong people.

"Yes. So we need to be careful. Alright, Edwin?"

"Okay stop talking, it seems these guys are finally getting down!" Saga interjected, seeing four people get down as the others stayed in the boat. He, just like Edwin, was excited at the prospect of honing his blade alongside his brothers and sister in everything but blood.

"Alright, Saga you take that fat one, Asi you take the one with the cigarette, Kuina you take the guy with the gun. As for me, I'm taking on the captain. Shishishishi!" Edwin gave out his orders, while also easily deducing who the strongest was, and reserving him for himself.

"""Aye, Captain!!!"""

Confirming their roles, all four immediately rushed towards their targets, making themselves known.

"You're fighting me, Fatty!" Saga shouted, unsheathing his sword as he kept his momentum going. Reaching the rotund man, Saga attacked with wild abandon, swinging his cutlass with all the strength he could muster up.

'Hehe, you're done, pira–Huh?' His thoughts were cut short as Saga suddenly found himself grabbed by the collar, meeting eye to eye with the one he had attacked, Lucky Roux.

"Huh? Who's this kid?" Lucky Roux looked at the tanned boy with white hair, confusion written on his face, not only as he witnessed three other kids rushing to them, but also because these kids were quite strong, which was quite the oddity in the East Blue.

Hearing Lucky Roux's voice, Saga's bewilderment subsided, finally realizing that they were completely and utterly fucked. 'It was nice knowing you guys.' A small tear rolled down his cheek, thinking his life had come to an end.


Kuina moved silently, as she made a beeline towards the pirate with the curly brown hair.

"You're fighting me, Fatty!"

Out of the corner of her eyes she could see Saga speeding up and shouting, 'Hmph, you're not beating me!'

Speeding up, Kuina reached the curly haired pirate who was looking at her with confusion. Thinking her speed had taken him by surprise, she smirked, her blade already unsheathed as she attacked, "Burgeoning Flower!"

Her blade blurred slightly, the whipping of her wrist increasing its speed. As her blade made contact the expected scream of pain didn't occur, as all she saw was the man holding her blade between his fingers, a bored expression present on his face.

"Oi, kid, what do you think you're doing? That's sharp you know, don't go waving that around, okay?" Yasopp looked at Kuina's dumbfounded expression, wondering why a kid would attack him all of a sudden. 'Probably has a bad past with pirates.'

Shrugging it off, Yasopp looked at Lucky Roux who had also apprehended a little miscreant. 'Heh, these kids are quite strong for little brats.'


As Edwin watched his Kuina and Saga already be defeated, he couldn't help but think of the worst scenario. 'How were these two already defeated? Oh no, are we…? No! I can't let this happen!' A resolute expression on his face, Edwin called out, "ASIRIUS!! Stop right there! It seems we've underestimated these pirates. Go get grandpa right now, otherwise something bad might happen"

"But Edwin, I can't let you alo–"

"I. Said. Go!" Asi swallowed back what he wanted to say, knowing very well what the look Edwin had given him meant. As of this moment, Edwin was serious and wouldn't accept a refusal, all his goofiness was gone, as if it didn't even exist to begin with.

In his entire life Asi had seen that look only once, it was when grandpa Buro had refused to teach him and Saga in the art of the sword. Edwin had been adamant about them having to learn from the best, however, the old samurai didn't want to bother with new disciples, yet it seems Edwin's look that day was, somehow, enough to convince the old man.

As Asirius left, Edwin turned his head back to the four pirates in front of him, "Let them go." Edwin demanded, no, ordered, as he feared for the life of his sworn brother and sister.

"Heh, what a feisty kid. Why should we let them go, you're the ones who attacked us. Shouldn't you be apologizing right now?" Shanks looked at Edwin, a teasing smile at the corner of his lips. 'Let's see what you'll do, kid.'

As he heard the red-haired man's words Edwin's expression became complicated. Despite knowing that the man's words were correct, he couldn't help himself but want to beat him to a pulp for holding his friends hostage.

'Calm down Edwin, their lives are in danger right now, you can't act recklessly as if nothing mattered.' Edwin tried to calm himself down, knowing that if he were in that pirate's place he would've reacted way more violently to someone attacking them.

"Not going to apologize? I see. Boys, cut the kids." A maniacal expression appeared on Shanks, an evil smile spreading on his face as he ordered Lucky Roux and Yasopp to end the kids' lives.

As they received their orders, Benn, who had just been standing there since the beginning, Roux, and Yasopp exchanged confused looks before quickly wiping them off as their captain winked at them. 'Ooooooh.' Realization hit them all at the same time, 'Aaaah, why is our captain so eccentric?'

""Aye, Cap'n!"" Complying with their captain's ploy, Roux and Yasopp both took out knives, maniacal expressions on their faces. Seeing this, Benn Beckman had decided to retreat from this farce, going back to the ship.

Seeing this, Saga, Kuina and Edwin were horrified, thoughts ceasing to form in their minds. Kuina and Saga even passed out from the shock of hearing their death sentence. In Edwin's case however, something deep inside him awakened, something tyrannical, a power only allowed to be wielded by the worthy.

By Supreme Kings.

'Th-they'll what? They'll kill them? I won't allow it! I WON'T ALLOW IT!'


As the two pirates brought their knives down, they suddenly stopped themselves, their eyes widening and their jaws dropping.

Black lightning erupted from Edwin, tears of anger streaming out of his eyes, "I WON'T LET YOU!!!" Flames exploded out of his body, coating his feet and unsheathed katanas.

Appearing in almost an instant in front of Yasopp, Edwin coated his arms and blades in a black substance as he cried out, "Solarflare Nitoryu: Sunset Paradise!!" Slashing horizontally with both blades coated in flames and Haki, Edwin gave it his all, ready to take this man's life.

Still bewildered by the Conqueror's Haki displayed by the young kid in front of him, Yasopp barely evaded the attack, proving his excellent mastery of Observation Haki.

Yet, Edwin was relentless, immediately following up with another attack, "Solarflare Nitoryu: Blinding Light!" Holding his swords in a cross, Edwin created a massive amount of flames to the point that they temporarily blinded Yasopp.

Unfortunately for Edwin, Yasopp was a master of Observation, so with the surprise of the Conqueror's Haki gone, Edwin would never be able to touch him. Swinging his swords, Edwin's flames flew towards Yasopp, yet the latter easily evaded them.

"Oi, Captain, can you stop the act! Although these won't kill me, it's still too hot for my taste!" Not hearing any of Yasopp's words, Edwin was stuck in a frenzy, his only goal to eradicate the people in front of him. All his rationality had gone out the window.

"Hehahahaha! Sorry, Yasopp, I just never expected for this to happen when coming here!" Laughing at the absurdity of the situation, Shanks decided to finally put a stop to these shenanigans.

"Well…Sorry for this kid." Disappearing from his spot, Shanks appeared next to a frenzied Edwin, as he proceeded to knock him out gently. Well, as gently as he could.

"Whoop, got you there." Shanks exclaimed as he caught a passed out Edwin.

"Get these three on the boat, and tell Hongo to look after them. I'm going to town with Lucky Roux for the supplies." Shanks said to Yasopp, handing Edwin to him. Yet as he was about to go on his way, he suddenly heard a scream.