
One Piece: I Am The Main Character(On Pause, Might Rewrite)

Because of his challenging thoughts, Gan gets transmigrated into the One Piece world with a goal much bigger than the main character, join Gan on his Journey to the peak. No Harem

Yardigan · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Test 1

The training ground of Marineford was bustling with noise today, everyone in Marineford had come to learn about the genius grandson of the marine hero Garp. When they learned that he was going to take a test to be assigned a rank and division, many chose to come and watch what majority of Marineford already considered a future Admiral take his test.

Looking around the colosseum, figures such as Momonga, Strawberry, Gion, Tokikake and other rear admirals, and vice admirals can be seen surrounding the training ground. But the four figures in the middle of the training ground were the center of attention.

They were Vice Admiral Garp, Vice Admiral Tsuru, Fleet Admiral Sengoku and surprisingly Admiral Kuzan.

Garp can be seen talking to the three figures with his signature grin plastered on his face, even Sengoku and Tsuru had a smile on their faces, only Kuzan had a lazy and unbothered expression on his face.

Except for Kuzun, almost everyone in the training ground had happy expressions on their faces. Another reason why the likes of Sengoku and Tsuru were supportive of Gan's test is because of the fact that today's events will be published and distributed throughout the Four Seas, Grandline and the New World.

This is to send a message to the world that the marines are still in control and growing more powerful even in turbulent times. And who better to send such a message than the Grandson of the Marine Hero Garp. The one that put forward this plan was Vice Admiral Tsuru, unsurprisingly no one objected to her plan, she was a veteran of the marines and many already knew about her genius strategic mind.

The training ground suddenly went silent, two figures can be seen entering the training ground walking in the direction of Garp and Sengoku. The larger figure was a purple hair muscular, tan-skinned man, standing around twice the height of a typical man, this figure was of course former Admiral Z, he was currently wearing a purple suit with a Marine coat draped over his shoulders like a cape, with his arms out of its sleeves as usual.

Next to Z is a younger figure, with tan brown skin standing at about 5 feet 4 inches tall, with ears length black hair and black eyes. Of course this figure is the famous genius grandson of the marine hero Garp, Monkey D. Gan.

He had on his usual clothing that he had come to like which was a black dress shirt half buttoned up, with his chest out similar to shanks, and long black dress pants. As Gan and Z were walking over to Garp's group, the other marines in the training ground slowly erupted into having their own little conversations.

"So that's the kid everyone is talking about, he doesn't seem that special" stated a marine with a viscous smile.

"Hey what do you know, it is said that he can fight captain level marines to a draw, and remain injured" replied another marine in an informative tone.

"Uninjured, doesn't that mean that if he goes all out he's most likely to win?" asked the marine who's viscous smile from earlier turn to one of nervousness looking around to see if anyone else heard his earlier statement.

"Gion, that's your competition, when Sengoku retires, one of the Admirals is gonna take his position, and you know what that means right? An Admiral position is gonna be vacant, and you and him are likely gonna have to fight for it" Tokikake said to Gion with a wide smile on his face.

"I don't need you to tell me that stupid, big sister Tsuru has already told me this!" replied Gion with a pouting expression on her face, one couldn't tell if she was truly angry or not.

"My little monster, come give your gramps a hug" Garp's loud voice interrupted everyone's discussion.

"Gramps I told you to carry yourself professionally in public, you're the marine hero for crying out loud" replied Gan as he deadpans at Garp behavior.

"Bwhahaha, come on Gan, relax a little, I thought you took after me when you decided to join the marines so early, but who would've thought that Luffy would be more like me despite him…. Ahhh, just have fun Gan" Garp's happy expression quickly turned into a sigh.

"Alright let's get things started now" Sengoku interrupted Garp's little rant saying.

"The test is gonna have three sections, the first section is gonna test your physical abilities. Such as your speed, punching power, evasive ability and strength.

The second section is gonna test your fighting powers without your devil fruit, which is gonna be a one on one fight against a Captain level marine.

And finally, the last section of the test is gonna test your overall battle prowess in a one on one fight against a vice admiral."

"No problem, I've been waiting for this day for a long time" replied Gan with a Grin almost identical to Garp, seeing his grandson's determination, Garp's earlier downcast mood became lively again.

"We wasted enough time, Kuzan is practically sleeping, everyone clear the training ground, bring in the machines and let the test begin" shouted Sengoku in a loud authoritative tone.

Hearing this, Kuzan who had his eyes closed the entire time without anyone seemingly noticing, opened his eyes looking over at Gan's direction with his sleepy expression.

Gan sensing someone looking at him, looked over at Kuzan's direction, this caused Kuzan's expression to change to one of surprise then back to its former tired expression.

"As expected of Garp's Grandson, so troublesome" said Kuzan while seemingly yawning.

"The machines are here Fleet Admiral Sengoku" a rear admiral rank marine said, while pointing at the center of the training ground where various types of machine can be seen. Seeing this Z walked over to the machines and took something that looked like a silver button.

"Gan, come over here, pin this button to your shirt, it's capable of withstanding your speed whilst recording it per millisecond." Said Z while handing the button over to Gan, who quickly took it and pinned it on the right side of his chest.

"As you've probably guessed by now, the first part of your test is gonna be your speed, of course without your devil fruit powers, so get into position and after the count of three you'll run at your stop speed around the training ground which is 1 mile." said Z in an informative tone. Gan quickly got into position with a grin still plastered on his face, seemingly excited by the test.

Everyone's attention quickly shifted to Gan, some had curious looks on their faces wanting to know Gan's top speed, while others had competitive looks on their faces like Gion.

Z took out a Pistol and raised his hands with the pistol into the hair.

"Gan, you'll start as soon as you hear the Gunshot" without waiting for Gan to respond Z put his fingers on the triggers and…

* PAW*