
One Piece: I Am The Main Character(On Pause, Might Rewrite)

Because of his challenging thoughts, Gan gets transmigrated into the One Piece world with a goal much bigger than the main character, join Gan on his Journey to the peak. No Harem

Yardigan · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs


System will be Deactivated in 1 hour.

Name: Monkey D. Gan

Age: 10

Vitality: 35(5)

Strength: 27(5)

Agility: 28(5)

Observation Haki: Level 1 Peak Grade

Armament Haki: Level 1 Mid Grade(Only able to cover the some parts of the body in Haki, and unable to fuse with Devil Fruit Power)

Endurance: 31(5)

Intelligence: 40(5)

Devil Fruit(Space, Space): Level 1 (10% less stamina)


Marine 6 styles - Primary Mastery

Seimei Kikan - Elementary Mastery

Overall Battle Power - High Captain Level(approaching Rear Admiral Level(S&A needs to meet 30)

"Damn it, I wanted to learn a sword skill before this, ahhh it's not like I can change it, who would've thought the Saiyan trait helps my body improve so fast".

It's been two years since Z started training me. I never hid my talents in learning skills fast, with the system's ability it doesn't matter how complicated a skill or technique is, as long as my body reaches the threshold to learn the skill I automatically understand how to perform the skill. The reaction of Z when he couldn't believe how easily I learned the marine styles was hilarious, he even asked Garp if he secretly trained me.


Flashback (2 years ago)

Gan P.O.V

The next day after the test, Z and I were in the training grounds. Z had just finished explaining the Marine Six Styles and was now teaching me Soru.

" The principle of this move is to kick off the ground at least ten times in the blink of an eye. There are basically two steps needed to learn this move, first you need to understand how it works in body and mind, and second you need to be physically strong enough to pull it off."

"Because even if you are strong enough, if you don't understand it you can't pull it off, and even if you understand it, if you aren't strong enough you can't pull it off" Z said with a serious look going over the complexity of the technique.

"Here, take this book, it explains everything you need to know about 'Soru', and even some experiences from other users are written in it." I took the book with enthusiasm because I'll finally be able to use the ability of the system.

As I opened the book I heard "Analyzing" in my head from a robotic voice, and 2 seconds after I suddenly started to get memories of my self practicing "Soru" for what feels like 6 months. I already understood that this was the system's ability, so after the memories stopped coming I gathered myself and acted like I was still reading the book for about 2 minutes. But while doing that I was actually astonished that my brain could handle so much information at once.

"I think I understand it" I said as I raised my head from the book and looked up to Z with a smile on my face.

"It's okay you don't have to rush it, after all you're still young, some trainees take years to fully learn it so you don't have to….. Wait what???" Z had a confused look on his face when he realized what I said.

"I said I understand teacher Z, watch" as soon as I finished I tapped my feet on the ground more than 10 times in less than 1 second and "Soru".

I turned into a blur and appeared on the opposite side of the training ground. Although I was gasping for air, I still managed to regain my posture as I looked at Z who had a shocked look on his face.

"Brat, did Garp teach you this, don't lie to me?" Z said with a commanding tone.

"No teacher Z, you can ask him yourself I'm just a natural genius" I said with a smirk.

"I'll have to reevaluate my future plans for you if what you say is true, practice is canceled for today, I have to have a talk with Sengoku and Tsuru" Z said as he quickly left the training ground.

"But what about the other skills?" I shouted as he was getting further away.

"We'll practice the other skills tomorrow," he replied.

'I can't say I'm surprised by that reaction, in fact he took it better than I thought'

Flashback End.


After confirming from Gramps that he didn't teach me any of the marine six styles, Z continued teaching me the other styles. I learned all of them in a month, the rest of that year I spent basically training my body, trying to gain more mastery of the six styles and training my observation Haki, and it wasn't until my strength and agility stats both passed 20 that I started training my Armament Haki.

In case you're wondering why Z has both his arms when he was supposed to lose one a year ago, well it's simple really, he didn't leave the base for two years. I made sure of that, so not only did I save him from losing an arm, I saved his trainees lifes too.

After the first year of training with Z, I asked Gramps to teach me the Seimei Kikan technique. Of course I asked Garp and not Z because, well Garp truly cares about me outside of the Marines, while Z and Sengoku… Well, I'm not sure about them.

It's supposed to be a technique that can only be bought with the credit marines earned from hunting parties, and I was still a trainee so I couldn't get it. And others wouldn't be able to buy it for me, since they are told not to disclose the technique to others.

But who is Monkey D. Garp, everyone knows him as the marine hero, if he wanted to, he could have easily become an Admiral even at his age, and this is also one of the reasons I asked to be the grandson of Garp.

Oh yeah, the reason I said that I 'was' still a trainee a year ago, is because I'm about to become an official Marine in two months, I simply have to take some sort of test and then they'll give me a rank.

But since my identity is kind of special, I will be assigned under one of the three Admirals for a period of time. I honestly don't care who it is as long as it's not Admiral Akainu, being under Akainu who's supposed to be the next Fleet Admiral might slow down my future plans. I might have to ask Gramps to put me under someone else, hopefully it doesn't get to that point.