
One Piece: I Am The Main Character(On Pause, Might Rewrite)

Because of his challenging thoughts, Gan gets transmigrated into the One Piece world with a goal much bigger than the main character, join Gan on his Journey to the peak. No Harem

Yardigan · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Preparing for the Marines

Preparing for the Marines

It's been 5 years since I entered this forest. In the first year I started learning how to adapt to my environment. You know things like hunting, cooking, camping etc. I stayed at the edge of the forest where weaker beasts roamed for that first year, risking my life, always on edge 24/7, but thanks to that or my Sayian traits I awakened my observation Haki.

In the second year I started going deeper into the forest, oh by the way, after obtaining observation Haki, the stat 'perception' changed or rather evolved into 'observation Haki' while restarting at 1. My endurance stat was the next to break through to 11 although it did not evolve into anything else. In the middle of the second year my agility stat finally broke through to 11 as well. Even though I train and fight almost everyday my strength stat just won't move, I think it has something to do with my child body, so I didn't stress about it and that's how the second year ended.

Finally on my 6th birthday in the 3rd year my strength stat finally reached 11, of course I was happy about my birthdate, but I was more happy because I'll finally get my devil fruit power, the 'space space' fruit. I didn't have to eat a fruit like I had imagined, but I immediately knew when I acquired the powers because my physical body started to collapse and kind of blend with space, it was a weird feeling. I couldn't control my movements for the first five minutes, but luckily I was in my treehouse that I had made in the first year I entered this forest. When I finally got myself together, the first thing I did was of course to test out its powers. I transform each part of my body into the element of space and then detransform, over and over again until I run out of stamina, which was really only 1 minute. I spent the entire third year practicing the uses of my devil fruit power and I have to say, it has unlimited uses.

I spent the 4th year adapting to a fighting style that incorporates my Devil Fruit ability with my observation Haki. I also went deeper into the forest since I wasn't afraid of anything except Haki at this point and maybe devil fruit that can break through space like Whitebeard's devil fruit. I did not neglect to raise my stats during this time but I honestly didn't want to become as strong as a captain before I joined the Marines because I'll lose the advantage the function that allows me to acquire any skills by simply reading it gives. But I didn't have to worry because the growth of my physical stats were pretty slow.

In the 5th year Garp visited me to inform me that I'll be getting some company. I already knew who it was but I didn't intend to stay here another year. It was probably Ace, the son of Gold D. Roger the famous Pirate King. I remember in the anime that Ace around this time was a grumpy little brat, and that's something I wouldn't be able to endure. I told or rather begged Garp to take me to the Marines which he gladly accepted, although he said that I wouldn't be joining right away due to my age. So here I am after five years of gruesome training or maybe three because after getting my devil fruit nothing in the forest was really a threat to me.


General Pov

Standing at the entrance of what seemed to be like an endless forest is a little boy who looks to be around the age of 11 or 12 with long black hair and black eyes, with tan brown skin standing at about 5 feet tall. He had on clothing made of animal skin, with an oversized dark black top made of bearskin and brown short pants made out of tiger skin. He had an expression of impatience on his face, but suddenly his face changed to that of a smile, he turned his head to the side and surprisingly there was an old man standing beside him with a grin on his face. The man of course is Monkey D. Garp, he is a tall, tanned, broad-chested, muscular old man. He has a beard and a scar over his left eye. Just like the anime, his eye color is blue, and his hair is gray.


Garp's Pov

'I knew this brat was a monster the moment he was born, to have such strength at this age, it's a good thing he's joining the Marines otherwise…. Ahhh I don't wanna think about it'

"What took you so long, old man?!"

"Gan my little monster did you miss grandpa?" 'I said with a smile, I know my grandkids love me, I mean why wouldn't they?'

"I said what took you so long, you were supposed to be here eight hours ago, and I know you probably arrived on this island before today" 'This brat ignored my question, ahhh they grow so fast'

"I went to get Ace, the kid I told you about, it's too bad you're leaving otherwise you guys could have become good friends" 'I was really hoping that Gan could have influenced Ace since I know he has some issues, but who would've guess Gan wanted to work with his grandpa so much.'

"Ohh, ok lets go I don't wanna spend another minute on this island" 'he said, already walking towards the sea, but I wouldn't make things that easy for him.'

"Gan, Fight me!" 'my senses has been acting weird around Gan since a year ago when I first came to visit him, it's time to get to the bottom of this'

"What??" "I said, fight me, I wanna see how far you've come since 5 years ago."


General Pov

Standing on a large patch of grass surrounded by a forest of trees is Gan and Garp. Gan can be seen with both his hands up like a boxer, while Garp has both his hands behind his back with his famous grin still on his face.

They stood apart like that for about 5 seconds until Gan raised his fist and made a punching motion, the grin on Garp's face disappeared as he moved his head to the right as Gan's fist seemingly came out of a void at the back of Garp's head and punched at where his head formerly was.

There was immediate silence, Garp gazed refusing to be moved from his grandson's hands. Gan retracts his fist that seemingly was in the process of transforming back from its transparent space like appearance to its physical form. Out of nowhere a fist hits Gan on the head before he could even react, it was Garp who disappeared from his former position by moving at a speed beyond Gan's current level.

Gan is hurled backwards but is cushioned by the trees behind him, falling to his knees catching his breath. Blood can be seen dripping down his head, a bump was already forming at the spot where Garp punched, trembling to his feet Gan looks up at Garp with an irritated look on his face.

Gan's Pov

'Dam, I knew this old man was crazy when he sent a three year old into a forest full of monsters by himself'

"old man are you trying to kill me, I'm only 8 years old you know, and how did you hit me?" 'of course I know about Haki, but he doesn't know that, I just need a convenient way to tell him about my observation Haki and let him get me those marine techniques'

"Brat, did you eat anything weird in that forest, how did you do that?" the old man said with a smile. 'I already know he can guest by know that I probably eat a devil fruit'

"Ohh so it was because of that, I remember about 2 years ago when I was hunting for food, I came across this weird looking fruit, I was so hungry that I ate the whole thing in one bite, and since then I can control the space around me, I can even turn into space" 'I'm not dumb enough to tell him the truth, the origin of my powers is full of red flags, plus Seastones are ineffective against me and not only that, water is ineffective against me too, although I can't use my powers in water'

"What you ate is called a 'Devil Fruit', these fruits are scattered throughout the world and are known for permanently granting their eaters superhuman powers and an equally permanent inability to swim."

He continued "there are three types of devil fruit, Paramecia, Logia and Zoan, you probably eat a logia devil fruit which grants the user the power to create, control, and transform their body into a natural element; that is why you can transform your body into space and control it but that's only supposed to work for natural elements so yours is special and might be a unique case. Zoan allows a user to transform into an animal as well as an animal hybrid and Paramecia which offers any of a vast array of strange abilities that do not fit into the other two categories." He said with a serious face, 'although I knew all of this from the anime'.

"So how did you hit me old man" 'I've been trying to bring up Haki for a while now but the old man wouldn't talk about it.'

"With the fist of love my little monster" he said, regaining his former grin.

"I saw your wrist was black when you hit me, are you hiding your devil fruit powers from me old man?!" 'I actually did see his fist when it made contact with my head but I couldn't do anything at that point since my body is too weak'

"Oh you saw that, wait what, how? explain the feeling to me when you saw it?" 'oh so he's trying to confirm if I have 'it' or not' I thought with a grin similar to Garp.

"Yeah I can sense what was happening around me but I couldn't do anything because you were too fast" I hinted at the answer by saying.

"You really are a monster, you've awakened Observation Haki which grants the user a sixth sense that allows them to sense the presence, strength, and emotions of others, as well as gain limited precognitive abilities, of course your's is probably weak right now. To hit you I actually use another form of Haki called Armament Haki which allows the user to use their own spiritual energy to create, in essence, an invisible piece of armor around themself, providing incredible offensive and defensive capabilities" 'finally' I thought.

"Wow, that's so cool, can you teach me how to use Haki old man?" I said with puppy eyes. 'Time to reap some benefit from this child's body'.

Garp grin grew even wider and said "no problem" 'well that was easy, I thought he was gonn…'

"You have to call me Grandpa first" 'never mine, I knew it, no, no, no, I sensed it'.

"Grandpa please" 'what, it's really not that hard and doesn't take any effort so why not'

"Bwhahahaha, that's my grandson, okay when you go to the marines you're gonna learn it there" 'I was tricked again, you know what, I'm tired'

"Lets just go old man" I said with a tired expression, that punch must have taken more out of me than I thought.