
ONE PIECE I Am a Merchant

I don't want to become a Marine I don't want to become a Pirate I don't want to become a Pirate Hunter I just want to be a Merchant. Don't you heard me? I AM A MERCHANT! This is the story of Dante who was on his journey to travel the world as a Merchant.

Cute_Melon · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

24 Loan


"Devil!! I've surrendered myself to a devil." Usher swore in his mind as he swam to chase Akatsuki.

"You need to shape up. Swimming will help you a lot." Sitting on the rudder, Dante bit the cane in his hand as he watched Usher chase after the ship.

In past a few days, he had come to know Usher character. Not only did this dude not have much strength, he also lazed around when it came to training or increased his own strength.

To male it worse, he tried to cheat his way out of the training session that Dante had designed for him.

In the end, Dante designed a new kind of training for him. He kicked Usher into the sea and set the ship to move at a slow pace. He told Usher that the ship wasn't going to stop even though he was left behind.

As he was in the middle of the sea, Usher had no choice but to chase after Orca.

While the ship was moving at a slow pace, Usher swam at his best to chase it. As he was told by Dante, the ship wasn't stopping even if he was left out in the middle of the sea.

For Usher, he wasn't bothered to think whether Dante was lying or not for not waiting for him. He was more afraid of the creature inside the sea itself. As he had experience helping fishermen at the sea, he had seen a huge sea beast once.

After a few days of swimming, as Usher was getting used to the routine, Dante increased Orca's speed for his training. Unknown to Usher, his swimming speed also increased as days went on.


"Hufff hufff hufff. Why? Why he was so adamant on building our own strengths? We are just a merchant not a Navy." Usher whined on the deck after a half day long of swimming.

"Can't blame him though. Boss said we will be going to Grandline one day. He'll need strong crews to support him. That's why he is training us." Nilma said and looked to the sky.

"Grandline... Is he going to be there too?" Usher muttered as he was thinking about something.

"Who?" Nilma heard Usher's words.

"Nothing." Usher answered shortly. He closed his eyes and fell to sleep.


"10million berry?" Nilma was shocked when she was told about the training room. To think that she had to spend 10million berry to open her personal training room and and training course package. To make it easier, Dante had offered her a personal loan of free interest.

In truth, Dante actually reqired 10million for opening the new training room. And another 10million for her course. However, he decided to waive the cost of opening a room as his investment for his crew.

As for her coach, after thinking for quite a time, Dante had decided to give her Menchi from HunterxHunter over Hikifune from Bleach. While Hikifune was strong and powerful, Menchi had more advantages over her. After all she was a certified star hunter to begin with and she had lived in a world that had a closer nature to One Piece. The exotic animals to be fought and cooked.

"Take your time to think about it. After all you have to queue after him." Dante said and pointed at Daiki.

"I'll take it! L-let me train first." Suddenly Usher knelt in front of Dante.

"You?" Not only Dante, even Nilma and Daiki were shocked by Usher's sudden request.

"And why would I give you this offer? You are not even my official crew." Dante asked.

"Because I need to be strong. Don't you need strong crews? Let me build my strength. I promise I'll be a great help to you." Usher said with strong desire

"You expect me to accept that and give that for a 10million loan to you?"


"Not happening. Unless you can promise me to return it double and give me an extra benefit." Dante rejected.

"Extra? What extra?"

"Dunno. I've yet decide. Sign a blank agreement. I'll fill it later. How about it?" Dante asked with a big smile.

"F-fine!" Gritting his teeth, Usher agreed. Since he decided to join this ship, Usher had been betting on Dante's character. This offer was his ultimate bet that he had done in his life.

Signing a blank agreement was no joke. If the other side decided to slave him, he'll end up as a slave for his life. Of course if he have more strength, he can escape. But, escaping was never his character.

While he was lazy, Usher had his own pride. Once he promised something, he'll make sure to deliver it. That's the reason he is abroad this ship. To deliver his promise.

"Heh. To agree even with this. I have been wondering what is inside your mind." Dante grinned as he stared at Usher.

"I'll go to Grandline with you." Usher spoke again.

"How interesting. If you had this much conviction, It's shameful for me to reject you. Okay you got a deal. Go and wait for me in the gym." Dante left for them and entered his room.