
ONE PIECE I Am a Merchant

I don't want to become a Marine I don't want to become a Pirate I don't want to become a Pirate Hunter I just want to be a Merchant. Don't you heard me? I AM A MERCHANT! This is the story of Dante who was on his journey to travel the world as a Merchant.

Cute_Melon · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs


22 Recruitment Notice

"My friend, you must be new here." after ordering his food, the guy started talking.

"Yeah, I just got here two days ago." Dante grinned.

"So, you are the merchant that arrived two days ago?" The other guy intruded.

"Hahaha. Yes. That's me. " Dante laughed and confirmed his guess.

Later on, the guy told the story about the girl.

Her name is Nilma. She is the owner of the restaurant he saw just now.

She was known to be a good girl when she was a child. Until one day, when she was 7 years old, both her parents suddenly disappeared from the island.

When people ask her, she told that her father went to fetch her mom. She waited quietly in her house waiting for her father's return. Days and months went by, but none of them returned.

She patiently waited for them for years. When the time goes by people started talking bad about her parents especially her father.

Some said they were already dead. Some also said that her mother left for another man and he chased them. There were many nasty theories about them.

The children went on mocking Nilma saying that her parents didn't want her any more.

After the incident, Nilma's character changed bit by bit from nice little girl to rough teenager as the time goes on.

After 10 years she still didn't lose hope of her parents.

"Didn't she have any thoughts of looking for his parents?" Dante asked.

"It's not that she didn't want to, but no ship wants to accept her or help her out of this island. I mean, look at her temperament, who would want her on the ship. She was even kicked out by the Navy last year because she beat up her own officer." the guy explained.

"However, we were glad she didn't become a Navy for long. Otherwise she would be stuck in the Navy base. If she did, we won't be able to eat her dish anymore.

You should know, her dishes are one of the top if not the best. They are really good. Even with her temper, people still go and eat at her restaurant. Even the Navy do." another guy added while reaching for some grilled meats.

"Are they that good? Then why didn't you enter her restaurant just now?" Dante frown.

"My friend, even though her dishes are really good, you are courting death if you enter her restaurant during her rampaging period. She would cool down in the evening . The whole village always knows that it was a taboo to do so." the guy spoke again.

"So, she doesn't close her restaurant but no one dares to enter?" Dante asked again.

Both of them nodded while eating.

Dante smiled and stood up.

"Please enjoy your food. They were on me." Dante walked to pay for the food and left.

Seeing Dante walk to the restaurant, both guys look toward each other.

"Another one courting death. Let's bet how long he will last."

* *

Entering the restaurant, Dante was greeted by angry Nilma.

"What do you want?!"

"Isn't this a restaurant? I have come to eat" Dante sat on a chair.

"I'm not in the mood. Come again next time."

"Why don't you close the restaurant then."

"My restaurant, I will do whatever I want."

"Oh come on, I come to eat, not hearing nonsense. If you don't want to cook, then close your restaurant. If you don't want to close your restaurant then cook."

" You have guts huh?!" Nilma immediately raised her bat and swung toward Dante.

Dante raised his hand and caught the baton.

"Seriously? Beating a customer? Is this really a restaurant?" Dante turned to Nilma.

Seeing Dante easily catch her bat, she frowned.

"Who are you? What do you actually want?" Nilma frowned and asked.

"Didn't you hear me? I come for food." Dante smacked the table as he said so.

"Humph no food. I've decided to close the restaurant today." Nilma smirked.

"Oh really? I thought I would find a cook for our ship today. Sigh, maybe I'll look somewhere else." Dante stood and walked away.

"Wait!!" Nilma suddenly shouted.

"Do you have a ship? W-wil you really going to invite me aboard your ship?" Nilma asked.

Dante stopped his steps.

" Well, that's up to you. If your food can satisfy me, I'll take you aboard on my ship as a cook." He sat down again on the same chair.

* *

"I must aboard this ship. At least until the next island. I must find them. If you cannot return, then I will come to you." Nilma clenched her fist while remembering what had happened.

10 years ago.

It was a rainy night. Her father came to her room with bloody clothes. He knelt in front of her and suddenly hugged her tightly.

"Nil, Dad needs to go and fetch Mom. It's going to take some time. I- I cannot bring you with me. It is dangerous. Be a good girl and wait okay? I promise you, I will return as soon as I get your mother." he released her slowly and walked away.

That was the last time she saw her father.

Getting out of her memories, Nilma reached out for her wok and started cooking.

* *

"We will leave this island in about a week. Do not be late." Dante said as he was leaving the restaurant.

After having a sumptuous meal, Dante agreed on having her on his ship. He walked away in a good mood and thought of what he wanted to do next.

Dante walked around the street without a destination.

As he walked past a board, he saw many notices were posted there.

After a few seconds of thinking, he entered the office and registered to issue a notice.

{<Mustang Enterprise is Recruiting>}

> Recruitment for ship crews

> Manager was required.

> Navigator was needed.

> The recruitment test will be held at the port for a week.

> No weakling is invited.