
One Piece: For Tails and Freedom! (AU, SI)

A/N My Fiction can also be found on RR | https://www.royalroad.com/profile/262313/fictions | ---------------------------------- Uh yea first time being an Author SOOO I apologize for my spelling, and grammar I will try to improve! (This book will be in constant edit ... for a while I will try for at least 2 chapters every 6 days. we will see) I DON'T OWN THE RIGHTS TO 'One Piece' and will not claim any rights to it. I Am Just a Fan of One-piece (Manga and anime) and this is an AU (Alternate Universe) fan fic (characters and story) The story might differ a bit from cannon BUT I do love Eiichiro Oda-Sensei's work so most of it will be still in play...'add shit. lol' also, SI (self-insert) and no. this is just a story (my story), some of the story and shit that goes on, might not come across so nice or right. It might offend some; if you do not like it, please leave. Thank you! PS leave a comment if you like the story or have questions on the context's content. I might not upload a lot since uh yeah not good at the whole writing thing. Thanks for reading, Peace! PS leave a comment if ya like the story or have questions on the context. I might not upload a lot since uh yeah not good at the hole writing thing. Thanks, Peace!

Tristan_Behrmann · Urban
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4 Chs

Other parts of East Blue

(8pm) (Shanks POV) 10 hours before MC wakes up

We just set sail from Logue Town and I was gonna go to my quarters to do some more research on the Devil Fruit that Captain Gol gave me to hold on to for his son... ' damn it why did Cap have to charge me with this duty I'll never know'.

As soon as I open my door I hear from behind me, "uhh Cap .. To the east we have a marine vessel firing down on a merchant vessel ... oh damn, yeah~~, that's a mess." Lucky informs me from the bow where he's eating his drumstick.

I look and barely see some harsh light coming from a naval battle 'well I'll call it a one sided beat down pretty far off.' "Go that way but keep back, we'll see if there's survivors after ... we don't want the World Gov knowing we are in East Blue!"

""AYE AYE CAP"" the whole crew confirms.

About half an hour later they arrive on scene "MAN OVER BOARD x 2"

" Yassop , Hongo! get in and 'em on board, keep an eye out for others and also Lucky, Bonk keep an eye out for sea kings .. they love the aftermath of a battle!" "AYE"

Shanks and crew get the two on board and check them over. 'pretty beat up , little injury's , unconscious.' "We'll have to bring 'em with us"... 'Makino ain't gonna like this ...guh! I love that woman...', Shanks sighs as he gives out the orders to continue onto Fuusha Village , little did he know that he just missed a little girl fighting for her life swimming towards shore . She got tossed in the main explosion, saved by some piece of wall that carried her pretty far away from the boat.

♤BoB note . ~giggle giggle~ we need my little story fixer to get to that island ... sorry Shanks... we'll just have to influence you later ... ~hehe~♤

During Shanks saving the two unlucky souls

(Zeff POV) Baratie Ship/Restaurant

"Sanji! we got 3 days before we go to Big Surf! We need more banana leaves, fresh cucumber leeks and other veggies! Make a list of the stuff the cooks need for their prep!" I am Yellin at the back door to where the little shit should be learnin his cuttin and prep work. i was about to go check if he heard me when i get a weak ass kick to my rear end.

"I heard you, Shitty old Cook! " the little blond was staggering back a bit and holding a tray of empty cups and smelling faintly of roses while wearing his busboy outfit. 'where does he even get those damn roses... wait why is he out there again' as i whip around and 'softly' love tap him in the side, tossing him to a wall. {gah-hah!} Sanji spits out throwing his tray straight up.

"Look here you little shit!" I catch the tray and hold it out and catch the dishes and hold it like nothing ever happened. "Why arn't you in the prep room ! did you go of to flirt with the ladies out in the dinning room again !? And where do you get these roses from ?!" at this point I didn't even care, I turned around and went into the kitchen "You know what never-mind! get back to work were closing right now to Big Surf!"

""AYE AYE CHEF!"" All the crew/chefs responded. including Sanji with a "Yes old man!" as they lead their guest to the door were they pay and leave to their tied up ships. be it pirate, merchant, general scumbag or even marine you can eat at Baratie ... as long as you pay. You really don't wanna know if you cannot pay.

Three days later (Sanji POV) Big Surf island (12pm)

(sigh~) Sanji lets out a long drawn out sigh and stretches' after Zeff's training / hell's punishment 'ow ow ow yeah I really shouldn't of antagonized the old man so much damn his training from hell is brutal' Sanji lays out on the bow deck and trys to hide from Zeff and the others "I Really hope i can find a rare veggie or fruit this time"

"Land ho Chef!!" Patty yells out from one of the crows nest "is that smoke comming from a pit fire on the beach ?" Patty questions and trys to squint to see if someone is on the island.

Sanji just barly hears the remark and is super curious, he gets up and climbs the main mast to get a better look and yeah a pritty big bonfire is lit on the beach and in white rocks on the black beach was "save our souls" formed in sideways kanji whaa.. what does that supposed to mean (slap!) "ow shitty old man!! wha you do that for!!??"

Zeff was squinting at the fire and symbols on the beach and explained "save our souls in marine well.. ocean lingo means someone or multiple people are requesting help or rescue from said island .... bold mind you cause of well Pirates ... and well general scumbags but well you got to get help somehow. and yes i know what your thinking why didn't we set up that when we were stuck was 1 we dint have any material's to do so and ... well mostly only marines do it ... even though it was used before Rogers days back when Rocks D. Xebec was doing his thing .. made it real dangerous to do it .. cause it was used as a trap or used by someone that couldn't protect themself .. and yeah ... it was bad." he blew out a breath and turned away and started Yellin out orders. "SET ANCOR GET THE AWAY CREW READY I want Sanji, Patty and Carne to get ready to go ! THE REST OF YOU LOT MAKE LUNCH WITH AN EXTRA AMOUNT SO WE CAN GIVE THE SORRY SAP THATS STUCK ON THE ISLAND"

"" AYE CHEF"" The crew setup pretty quick and we were on our way to the island with the jib.

'I wonder if its beautiful damsel in distress' as Sanji does his weird little dance of love "we're coming to save you Damsel-swaaan" (smack!) 'ow' "shitty old man!"

meanwile on seid island ( Kuina POV)

A girl with a slightly different look then when she arrived 3 days before was hiding and monitoring the situation from afar 'ahh damn is that Sanji? and Zeff? well they kind of look like them and i think i heard Zeff yell out his name from the ship ... man these ears are something else ... and yeah even if he's friendly on the show I am going to keep my powers to myself ... and being mink .. might help maybe...


A/N Uh yeah first time being a Author SOOO I apologize for my spelling, and grammar I will try to improve ! (This book will be in constant edit ... for a wile i will try for at least 2 chapters every 6 days. we'll see)

I DON'T OWN THE RIGHTS TO 'One Piece' and wont claim any rights to it.

 I Am Just A Fan of One-piece (Manga and anime) 

and this is a AU (alternate Universe) fan fic (characters and story) 

the story might differ a bit from cannon BUT I do love Eiichiro Oda-Sensei's work so most of it will be still in play...'add shit . lol'

also SI (self insert ) and no. this is just a story (my story) , some of the story and shit that goes on, might not come across so nice or right. it might offend some , if you don't like it please leave.


 PS leave a comment if ya like the story or have questions on the context.

 I might not upload a lot since uh yeah not good at the hole writing thing. Thanks, Peace!