A young man from Earth finds himself transported across worlds, awakening in the legendary universe of One Piece. Reborn as Shimotsuki Takeda , a scion of the renowned Shimotsuki clan, he inherits more than just a new identity—he gains the Legendary System, a bridge to the past, granting him the ultimate legacy of the world’s greatest swordsman: Ryuma. With Ryuma’s unparalleled techniques, philosophies, and the indomitable spirit of a true swordsman now coursing through him, Takeda embarks on a journey to reclaim the honor of his clan and carve his own legend. From mastering the famed “Dragon Slash” to awakening the ancient power of the “Sword’s Will,” watch as Takeda rises from an unknown swordsman to a force that reshapes the era. This is the tale of a mortal reborn, wielding the legacy of the Sword King to challenge the strongest warriors, topple empires, and claim the title of the New Sovereign of the Blade!