
The Madness of Three Different Individuals

For me, a superior is like a messenger delivering the World Government's will to me. So, I don't particularly care whether they are competent or not.

As long as they correctly convey the government's orders, that's sufficient... Well, perhaps it's better to have a competent superior than an incompetent one, but...

Having mastered Rokushiki before the others who trained together at Guanhao, I began my full-fledged activities as a World Government intelligence agent.

The purpose seemed to be to gain experience, as my missions covered various locations and types. Being temporarily assigned to several departments was part of it.

It wasn't every CP department, but after short-term assignments at CP2 and CP5, I am already scheduled to be assigned to CP9 at the same time as those who trained together at Guanhao.

When my short-term assignment at CP2 was over, it was decided that I would be assigned to CP5 next. Upon hearing this, the chief of CP2 informed me with a somewhat bitter expression.

"The current chief of CP5 you'll be joining is Spandam... He's also the son of CP9's chief, Spandine, and a nepotism hire. Personally, I dislike him, but he seems to be somewhat capable. Well, take it as a reference."


It seemed that the CP2 chief had some resentment towards Spandam, or rather, towards Spandine, his father. He unilaterally spoke with a certain bias.

Even with such resentment, the fact that he evaluated Spandam as "somewhat capable" indicated that he was quite competent... I couldn't care less.

I've seen countless people who are slightly more competent or less competent, and it doesn't seem to make any difference. I'm just here to carry out the government's orders.



The conversation from my previous assignment came to mind, and an unintended dry smile escaped my lips.

The man before me, CP5 Chief Spandam, continued explaining the upcoming tasks while glancing at the documents I brought. As I observed him, I couldn't help but recall the face of CP2's chief.

...Who is that guy? Are his eyes rotten or something? How could he possibly describe this 'monster' as a nepotism hire?

From the moment I saw him, I knew. This man was different; he possessed an incomparable presence, as if an enormous monster had been compressed into a human body, defying all logic.

With him around, it almost felt like the space itself was screaming in agony; such was the overwhelming power I sensed. Although I couldn't feel any pressure, it was proof that this chief had complete control over his own strength.

Really, what a joke is this?

It was a strange feeling. The man before me was a monster capable of easily destroying the world if he so desired.

But this monster, sitting so politely in this small position called CP5, was rather amusing.

"...That's all. Any questions?"

After finishing the explanation about the short-term assignment, the chief asked if there were any questions. Now, what should I do? I was genuinely curious.

Not just about the overwhelming power he possessed but more so about the madness reflected in his eyes...

"I have no questions about the short-term assignment, but may I ask a personal question?"

"Sure... And you don't need to use formal language. As long as you use it appropriately, it's fine."

"Alright, then I'll speak casually. Do you believe weakness is a sin?"

"Depends on the context and situation."

"What do you mean?"

"For example... Let's say there was a man in a certain country. He was born into a family of farmers for generations and made a living as a farmer. One day, a great war broke out in the country, and the flames of war reached the area where the man lived. Faced with the imminent danger, the man abandoned his inherited fields and fled while shedding tears."

At that point, the chief paused to stamp a document I brought and continued his story.

"...In that case, I wouldn't consider the man's weakness a sin. Because he never intended to be involved in the war and wasn't prepared for it. It's natural for him to be unable to resist. He can run away in embarrassment, lament his misfortune, pray to the gods for help, or even shout for someone to save him. Whether he'll actually be saved is another matter, but he has the right to do so. I've seen such individuals, and if I have the time to spare, I'd even lend a helping hand."

"...I see."

"And what if it were a soldier in that country? Regardless of whether he volunteered or not, if he puts himself in the position of a soldier, he should be prepared for battle and be prepared. If he lacked that readiness and asks to be saved, thinking he deserves to be rescued, it's simply indulgence. Well, I wouldn't go so far as to call it a sin... but I wouldn't want someone to be too dependent."

"I understand..."

It was indeed a model-like logical answer, but somehow, I felt a strange madness in it. No, I somehow knew. That's why my mouth loosened unconsciously.

"...Back in that country where 500 soldiers became hostages by pirates... What did you think?"

"I know. It was the case you solved."

"What are your thoughts on that?"

At that time, I judged that the weakness of those soldiers was a sin and evil, so I exterminated all 500 of them before completing the mission.

I heard various opinions about it, with most considering it excessive and ruthless.

It didn't particularly bother me, but I wanted to know what this chief thought.

"When you were on your way to complete a mission, you simply cleared away every pebble on the path. If there were specific instructions beforehand, it would be different, but if not, the way you handle the journey to your destination is the executor's freedom."


Finally unable to hold back, I smiled again. What an entertaining man... He said weakness is not a sin, preached this exemplary reasoning, and likened 500 soldiers to pebbles on the roadside.

Ah, I understand. I get it... This man is insane.

In a sense, the chief is more arrogant than anyone else. To him, the world only consists of 'himself and the rest,' and he looks down on everything except himself, deciding whether they are beneficial to him or not based on his unique judgment.

For the chief, he is the center of the world, and everything else is determined by his own interests. The chief is a monster capable of destroying the world at any moment. So, why doesn't he do it? The answer is simple. There's no reason to do it, that's all.

On the contrary, this man would instantly destroy the world if there were a reason for it. If he judged it beneficial for himself, he would mercilessly massacre innocent civilians, crushing their bodies underfoot, and sink the world into a sea of flames.

Ah, truly, what an intensely terrifying... and beautiful monster.

"...Chief, I rely on you once again."

"Hmm? Sure, no problem."

To be able to spend time by the side of such a deranged monster... I'm really looking forward to this short-term assignment.


As I felt during our first encounter, life in CP5 turned out to be quite fulfilling. The chief, for the most part, was tolerant.

With his overwhelming strength and the fact that he looked down on everyone but himself, he rarely reprimanded his subordinates for mistakes or errors.

To an outsider, he may seem like a person with a generous heart... but there existed a boundary that others couldn't understand, and the moment you crossed it, any trace of mercy would vanish.

It was an incident during a certain mission. Honestly, even now, I don't know what triggered the chief's wrath.

I wasn't directly involved in the mission; it was just a small island we stopped by on the way. There, it seemed that some fishermen were killed by pirates. It was nothing special; such things happen frequently, and the pirates were insignificant.

It was probably just because they were bothersome at the time. I thought we could just leave those insignificant pirates behind and continue the mission.

However, right after that... I felt an immense pressure that made space tremble, and the next moment, the pirates were gone from this world. Completely vanished, not even a shred of flesh left...

That was the first time I sensed the chief's clear anger, and at the same time, it was the first time I experienced fear towards someone else.

However, the feeling of fear lasted only a moment. In the face of the chief's irrational and overwhelming power, fear quickly turned into a trembling sense of ecstasy.

It's often said that the strong are beautiful, and indeed, his presence, as if reigning over space, was simply enchanting.

In the end, I never understood the reason for the chief's anger, but it was clear that he had boundaries and the moment you crossed them, becoming perceived as an 'enemy,' the monster bared its fangs.

Conversely, if you didn't cross certain boundaries and were not recognized as an enemy, the chief was quite tolerant towards anyone. Well, since those boundaries exist solely within the chief, those who unintentionally cross them can only be pitied.

After getting to know the chief to some extent, I realized that despite possessing such overwhelming power, he had little interest in status or wealth.

Well, not entirely disinterested, but he was content with a certain level of comfort. According to the chief, "moderate mediocrity is the best," and I couldn't help but burst out laughing when I heard that.

Isn't that the truth? The chief has the power to stand at the top of the world whenever he wants and can obtain anything he desires.

Yet, this extraordinary monster hardly pays attention to massive treasures. Instead, he willingly confines himself in a small cage and cherishes tiny gems that can fit in the palm of his hand.

It's quite contradictory... and yet, it somehow completes Spandam as an individual, making him perfect in his own way, and I found that amusing.


The chief is undoubtedly an extraordinary individual, but the woman named Chelsea, his assistant, is also quite deranged. Her madness is more apparent compared to the chief's.

It is fanaticism. For Chelsea, the chief is the center of the world and the absolute standard. She is an ardent believer who genuinely thinks that everything the chief says is right, and anyone opposing him is wrong.

I asked Chelsea the same question I asked the chief, "Is weakness a sin?" Without any hesitation, she replied with a bright smile, "Weakness is not a sin. However, if it hinders the captain, it becomes a grave sin, and I will eliminate it without hesitation, even if it means slaughtering innocent civilians."

At first glance, she might seem like a friendly and gentle woman with a calm tone, but in reality, her heart is overflowing with devotion to the chief, and she is undoubtedly a madwoman, albeit with different inclinations than the chief. She would not hesitate to ruthlessly slaughter innocent civilians if she deems them as obstacles to the chief.

Furthermore, though she may not match the chief's level, she is also abnormally strong. It is safe to assume that she could put up a decent fight against a Navy Admiral and might not necessarily win, but she would hold her ground quite well.

From what I've heard, she was apparently at Guanhao like me, but I have no recollection of ever seeing her. As a capable individual like her, it's quite unusual not to hear about her even before my assignment.

However, the real mystery is why such a powerful individual was assigned to CP5 in the first place. One would think she should have been directly assigned to CP9 and, after a few years of experience, perhaps even to CP0... She remains an enigmatic figure in many ways.

Well, the reason she is currently serving as the assistant in CP5 seems to be that she is steadfastly unwilling to leave the chief's side...

What's most intriguing is how perfectly the chief and Chelsea complement each other. The chief is, in a sense, more arrogant and self-centered than anyone else, firmly believing that he is the center of the world. Chelsea, on the other hand, wholeheartedly believes that the chief is the center of the world, a god-like existence.

Both of them harbor considerable madness within themselves, yet their madness oddly fits together.

And so, the days spent with these two in CP5 were truly enjoyable. The reason is simple. Because I, too, am deranged, I could understand them, and they, in turn, understood my abnormality.

No matter how much I talk about it being for the greater cause and the sake of the world, I am undeniably a kind of pleasure-seeking killer and a madman.

That's why this place felt incredibly comfortable. Both I and the chief and Chelsea are all mad in our unique ways. Hence, I could naturally be myself here.


The days at CP5 passed in the blink of an eye, and before I knew it, my short-term assignment period was coming to an end. I realized a certain indescribable sadness creeping over me.

As fulfilling as my days here were, the prospect of returning to mundane days felt somewhat unsettling. However, as it is the government's intention, there is no choice but to comply.

"Oh, right, Lucci. I believe you were slated to join CP9 eventually, right?"

"Hmm? Ah, yes, I'm also scheduled for a short-term assignment at CP8, but after that, I'll be assigned to CP9."

One day, as the end of my short-term assignment approached, the chief spoke to me while I was working on paperwork. I didn't quite understand the intention behind his words, so I asked for clarification.

"I see... The current Chief of CP9 is my old man."

"...What kind of person is he?"

"He's quite skilled at self-preservation and cunning. Other than that, he's pretty useless."

"Hmm, I see."

To be honest, I felt a little disappointed. I had heard from CP2's chief that the current Chief of CP9 was the chief's father. I had a slight hope that maybe he would be as extraordinary as the chief, but it's not every day that you find someone on the same level as this kind of monster...

"As for my old man's abilities, they're unrelated to the main topic."


"The main topic is... it might be a while from now, but eventually, I'll take over the position of Chief of CP9 from my old man. Well, at that time, I'll need your support."

With those words, my heart suddenly filled with joy and excitement. I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face.

So, the chief will eventually come to CP9... that's great. By that time, Kakku and the others will have completed their training and been formally assigned. There won't be anyone more suitable to lead us than him.

"Haha, then I'll look forward to that time."

It might be a few years away, but I couldn't help feeling excited about it.

I had always thought of superiors as messengers conveying the government's intentions to me. However, working under someone who is not only stronger but also crazier than me... surprisingly, it doesn't sound like a bad idea at all.


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