
One Piece : Comparison Broadcast

Just before the Summit War begin, A screen appear on the sky and the world stood still as everyone freeze In the sky, a huge screen suddenly appeared! This screen was divided into two parts, with a white border on the left and a red border on the right. Ding!! Relevant Participant have been retrieved... Ding! All participant can freely chat in the chat room and participate in the Comparison-Broadcast Quiz to win prizes! Prizes will be awarded to the top three participants that answer the quiz correctly! The prizes are diverse, including (but not limited to) Devil Fruits, physical abilities, swordsmanship abilities, Haki abilities, physical talents, physical attributes, magical items, resurrection items, etc. Please actively participate and strive to win the prizes! Note: During the Comparison-Broadcast period, the world will be enveloped in an energy confinement field, and all abilities and actions cannot be activated. Everyone does not need to worry about anything! The world is at peace at this moment... Gol·D·Roger: "Chat room? What's that? Hello, is anyone there...?"

GarudaTranslation · Anime und Comics
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235 Chs

Chapter 195 With A Swipe Of Zou's Nose, Wanokuni Is The Founding Of The Country!

Two Emperor was defeated

Wanokuni Celebrate!!

At the same time, in the ruins of the battlefield, Drake and Hawkins are lying on the ground

Drake seems to be seriously injured, and Hawkins seems to be...

Capone Bege: "Isn't Hawkins dead?"

Killer: "A person like him actually threatens me with Kid's life. He is lucky to die by my sword!"

Basil Hawkins: "Hey..."

X· Drake: "Looking at the situation, I should be able to be rescue"

Urouge: "HAHAHA!!!"

Inside the Palace Castle, Underground 2

Robin is looking at a piece of Poneglyph

"Are you interested in these? Nico Robin...."

Suddenly, a voice came from the stair passage behind

Robin looked back at the past: "How do you know my name, Mr. Tengu??"

The two chatted for a while, Tengumaru took off the mask on his face

Showing his true identity...

Kozuki Sukiyaki!!——

Kozuki Oden: "What!! Father!!"

When he saw his biological father, Kozuki Oden was completely dumbfounded

Kozuki Sukiyaki: "Oden..."

Kozuki Oden: "Father, you are not dead???"

Kozuki Sukiyaki: "Yeah!! I was imprisoned by the Kurozumi Orochi, and after I finally escaped, you die"

Kurozumi Orochi: "You old dog, so you are still alive!! Well...!! Even if you are not dead, you are going to die soon!!"

Kurozumi Orochi has already made up his mind, once the viewing system is over, he will immediately lead his man to kill Kozuki Sukiyaki!!

Kaido:"Haha!! This viewing system is really good! It helped us catch another remnant of the Kozuki clan...!!"

Kozuki Oden: "Kaido, how dare you...!!"

Kaido: "Why am I afraid? Oden, you idiot, just obediently wait for the news of your father's death at Marine Headquarters!!"

At this time, Robin looked at Kozuki Sukiyaki and said: "Mr. Tengu, Pluton, one of the three Ancient Weapons, is it on this country!"


Hearing this, Kozuki Sukiyaki showed shock on his face!!

Then Robin continued: "You don't have to look at me so surprised, I got this information on the Poneglyph. On a Poneglyph in Alabasta..."

When he learned that Robin's information came from the Poneglyph, Kozuki Sukiyaki was relieved

He nodded: "Yes, Pluton..., is indeed in this country!!"


When Kozuki Sukiyaki confirmed Robin's words, the whole chat room exploded!!!

Kaido: "Ancient Weapon Pluton is in Wanokuni???"

Charlotte Linlin: "Nani??? That guy Kaido actually guards such a good treasure!!"

Crocodile: "Damn it, Nico Robin!!! I knew you were lying to me!!"

Nico Robin:" "

Jack: "Governor, should we go back to Wanokuni immediately and look for Pluton?"

Kaido: "That's right!!! There is a Pluton, why go to the Summit War to join in the fun!! Lets go back to Wano...!! Hahaha!!!"

Kaido is currently bringing a few pirate ships to New World

He originally planned to go to the Summit War to join in the fun, but he met the Red Hair Pirates yesterday and was "persuaded" by the Red Hair Pirates, so he gave up the idea of going to Marine Headquarters.

He was thinking of finding a place to vent his anger, but didn't expect to encounter the confinement of the viewing system

Now that he knows the whereabouts of the Pluton battleship, Kaido can't wait to fly back to Wanokuni immediately!!

Shanks: "Kaido, I'll go back with you, help you out!!"

Kaido: "Get out! I don't welcome you!!"

Shanks: "Captain Roger, Pluton is of great importance. If it falls into the hands of someone like Kaido, it will be troublesome!! I think I'll get the Pluton first!!!"

Gol·D·Roger: "Okay, little Shanks, I trust your judgment!"

Saint Jaygarcia Saturn: "Kaido, keeping things like Pluton battleships in your own hands will only bring you endless troubles! Cooperate with the World Government, we will keep the Pluton battleships safe! "

Kaido: "Damn it!! Do you think I'm stupid? Whoever owns this kind of thing is equivalent to grasping the truth!! Give it back to you! Idiot.."

Shiki: "Jie ha ha ha ha!"

Kong: "Kaido!! You are looking for death!!"

Robin and Kozuki Sukiyaki were to go down, but found that Trafalgar Law came

Then, under the leadership of Kozuki Sukiyaki, they passed through a channel and came to the depths of the seabed.

Here, a road Poneglyph appeared.

Kozuki Sukiyaki introduced: "Even Kaido and Orochi don't know this secret path!! But..., because Jack the Drough is a Fishman, so he brought other Fishman . he came down and found the Poneglyph"

Kaido: "Oh? Now I know...!! Haha!!"

Kurozumi Orochi: "This old thing actually hides so many things from us!!"

"This is the highland of the cave at the foot of Fuji Mountain, from here you can continue to go down..."

"It is said that Ancient Weapon Pluton Pluto is sleeping there!!"

"But I have never seen it, and it is impossible to take it out!!"

"If you want to take out the Pluton, you must first eliminate the barriers surrounding the entire island! In other words, it means breaking the country's protective walls and liberating Wano!!"

Kozuki Sukiyaki explained.

Afterwards, the pirates spent a few days in Wanokuni and set sail again

Thousand Sunny sailed away from Wanokuni

On the deck, Luffy is reading a newspaper!!

The latest Bounty for Four Emperors appeared in the newspaper

Red Hair Shanks!!

Blackbeard Teach!!

Straw Hat Luffy!!

King of Clowns Buggy!!

The screen slowly dimmed...

The screen disappears!!

Gol D Roger: "Little Buggy!! - Wow ha ha ha!"

Crocus: "Nani??? Buggy also became Four Emperors??"

Edward Newgate: "Ah....., has the red-nosed guy who dared to challenge me to become the Four Emperors?"

Gekko Moria: "This is too outrageous!!! That guy can become Four Emperors? Is this bounty a joke??"

Crocodile: "Although I also think it is outrageous, but the other three people in this bounty is correct, which means that the bounty is true!!"

Donquixote Doflamingo: "Fufurfur...!!! Looks like something big will happen in the future"

Shakky: "Red hair, Buggy!! You really deserve to be the twin stars of the Roger Pirates... In the future two years later, both of you become emperor!!"

Gol·D·Roger: "Haha!! Little Buggy, little Shanks, you really make me proud!!"

Silver Rayleigh: "It really made our Roger Pirates look good"

At this time

The screen with the red border gradually brightens up...

The screen appears!!

On the surface of the cloud-shrouded sea, a gigantic figure slowly approached

Thousand Sunny and the Jack pirate ship came to the waters of Wanokuni, behind the two ships, the giant elephant also followed...

"Captain Luffy, there, you can enter the territory of Wanokuni by going up that waterfall!!" Jack man reported nervously to Luffy.

Luffy took a look at this waterfall, the water is very clear, it looks like river water, not sea water

He can clearly see that there are many big freshwater carp climbing along the waterfall with his eye!!!

"Joy Boy..., as early as 800 years ago, the outside of this country was blocked by a circle of tall surrounding walls, and then the continuous accumulation of rainwater caused the place where this country originally lived to be submerged .This waterfall is formed because of the overflow of the river."

At this time, the voice of Zou came to Luffy's mind.

"A tall surrounding wall?"

Hearing this, Luffy looked at the tall cliff in front of him in surprise!!

At first glance, he thought it was a cliff

I didn't expect it to be a man-made surrounding wall...

"It seems that 800 years ago, there must have been a Demon fruit power that could manipulate earth and rocks, otherwise, these surrounding walls would not have been so natural..."

Luffy thought to himself.

Then, he asked Zou: "Zou, do you know the whereabouts of the Pluton? I saw information on the Poneglyph, saying that the Pluton battleship is in Wanokuni."

Zou replied to Luffy: "Yes, as early as 800 years ago, the Pluton was placed in Wanokuni. It is also to keep the Pluton safe, so a barrier was built around Wanokuni."

Luffy frowned slightly: "You mean..., the reason why Wanokuni is sealed off is to keep Pluton safe??"

"Yes, Joy Boy" replied Zou.....

"Since this is the case, let me open the barrier of Wanokuni!!"

Luffy instantly entered Nika form

The reason why he came to Wanokuni is because he learned that Kaido has the Poneglyph in his hands, and the other reason is that he wants to come here to find the Pluton!!

Luffy doesn't want such a terrifying weapon to exist in the world

So when he was in the capital of waters 7, knowing that Franky had the blueprints for the Pluton battleship in his hands, he want it gone.

Instead of having any greedy thoughts, he told Franky and Iceburg to destroy the blueprints for the Pluton!!!

However, when such a thing really exists in the world, then Luffy will have to control it...

Just like he brought little Shirahoshi out from The fish men island, it's not that he covets little Shirahoshi's Poseidon power, but he doesn't want little Shirahoshi's Poseidon power to be obtained by other people!!!1

Luffy wants to control the Pluton battleship in his hands, because Luffy can guarantee that he will not use the power of Poseidon and Pluton to do evil things, but he cannot guarantee that others will not do it!!!

Therefore, it is necessary to Secure, Contain and Protect the ancient weapon

"Joy Boy, are you going to let Wanokuni be free?"

Feeling Luffy's mood swings, Zou asked immediately.

"Yeah! The reason why this country closed is because of the Pluton!!"

"As long as I take the Pluton away with great fanfare and let the world government know the news, then even if the Wanokuni barrier disappears, there will be no more people cover it!"

Luffy explained with a smile

Zephyr: "It makes sense..."

Gol·D·Roger: "Red-border Luffy is doing the right thing!!! It's better to believe in yourself than to believe that others to use the Pluton in the right way!!! Dare I say, If something like the Pluton falls into the hands of the World Government, then Buster Call will be the stage for the Pluton in the future!!"

Edward Newgate: "Gurarara!!! That's right! If there is such a thing, which country dares not listen to the words of the world government!!

Shiki: "Destroy the island with one shot! If this thing falls into the hands of us pirates, it will also make the World Government obedient with us"...

Portgas·D·Ace: "Obviously, for Pluton ownership, Luffy is the most suitable!!!"

Kaido: "Hehe..., now I am the most suitable, haha!!"

Kozuki Oden: "Don't have such a wishful thinking!! Even if the Pluton battleship falls into your hands, you can't use it!!! Only Joy Boy can control the Pluton battleship!!

Zou recalled Luffy's words, and after a while, it said, "Joy Boy, you are right..."

"Okay, Zou, now I want to break down the barriers here!!"

"Since the horizon of ancient Wanokuni is normal, the amount of rainwater accumulated over the years will be a huge problem!!"

"Once I open this barrier, the river will have a huge impact!"

"Zou, you now need to retreat to a safe distance!!"

"Franky, control Thousand Sunny to dive below the seabed!"

Luffy steps into the sky, half of Buggy's body follows closely, grabbing Luffy in the air

However, Zou responded: "No..., Joy Boy, this matter... Please leave it to me..."

"Please order me! Let me free the country for Wanokuni"

"Nani? You want to do it??" Luffy said in surprise.

"Yes, Joy Boy, please order..." Zou replied.

Luffy pondered for a moment, then said: "Okay, then I order you to let Wanokuni free!"


Zou responded, he first used his big nose to dial Thousand Sunny behind him, then raised his huge nose, put it directly on the top of the waterfall, and inserted a section...

The next moment, Zou's nose snapped and pulled...


Waterfall burst!!——.


[More Chapter available at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]
