He was someone who's name struck fear in every criminal's heart. He was someone who's wealth rivaled that of countries. He was someone that everyone had to respect. But those factors still did not prevent that tragedy. he had failed once again and this time, He had also lost his life. All because he lacked power. power to keep those corrupted ones in their place. Now, he was born in a familiar world, a world he had grown quite fondly of. a world where he could grow strong. Strong enough to finally fullfil his dreams. what would this man do in a world where the seas are ruled by the Yonkos and Inhumane scum that arrogantly proclaim themselves as "Gods". That is for you to read and find out. ## Author's note: Schedule 9:00 am CT. at least 2 chapters per week. no chapters on Fridays and Saturdays No system for this fanfic. ## Join my discord server if you want to. Discord server link:- https://discord.gg/GqMKJsCUNN Please make sure to read the rules and react to the emoji else you wouldn't gain access to the discord server. It's a precaution against bots. ## Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. All characters, settings, and original concepts are the property of their respective authors and their associated entities. I do not claim ownership of these characters, settings, or concepts except what I have introduced myself. This story is created purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended for commercial gain. No copyright infringement is intended. ###
His lungs greedily devoured the familiar toxin he inhaled yet after so many years his mouth released that nostalgic cough when he first smoked a cigar.
Despite releasing a coughing spree immediately after due to his severe injuries He still stubbornly inhaled more of this poison having a vague intuition he was gonna die soon anyways. Either because of the fuckin narcs or because of blood lost he wasn't quite sure.
But one thing was sure by the scattered bodies that lay everywhere his eyes could see. He was born rebellious and he would die in the same manner.
Even though his body spasmed in agony and his mind wanted to finally relax, by sheer will power alone he stood up knowing he still had some naughty rats to hunt.
He didn't know what happened and what he did afterwards as his eyes were blurry and red in blood yet he knew he managed to accomplish his goal considering the screaming and begging had stopped abruptly as if cleanly silenced by the grim reaper.
His body lay slumped against the balcony wall as his gaze momentarily cleared for him to see countless fighter jets preparing to launch their missiles in the distance yet he had accomplished what he had set out to do.
Right now the last thoughts that flashed inside his head before dying wasn't joy nor was it fulfillment for finally achieving his revenge but rather an insufferable dissatisfaction for failing his dream.
His dream was to fix this society. Not because he had a hero complex but rather because of pettiness and selfish desire to nurture something which he was deprived of while growing up.
Selfish he might be but his heart ached in pain as memories flashed through his life more particularly his every failed attempt to save those with a lot of potential to change this world.
This broken and unfair society ripped them all apart without any shred of empathy hellbent on producing more redefined corporate slaves instead of letting their creativity and potential shine.
'Power… If only I had more power.' He thought bitterly as his eyes slowly started turning blurry even more yet it shone brighter than ever as if by instinct he made a final plea into the void 'I don't know if supernatural shit exists but if it does… God… No.. even if it's the devil. Give me one last chance... Heh, I guess I finally snapped…' He mocked himself with self deprecating humor.
After a moment He finally closed his eyes, accepting the sleepiness that was earnestly trying to embrace him for an eternal slumber and the excessive fireworks that were coming straight towards where he was.
Kuma's eyes started moisturizing as he clenched his jaw. 'If only I was more powerful… I could have saved her.' He thought bitterly as he firmly held onto this lady who called herself Amara. Someone he had only met recently yet they reminded him so much of his own mother who had passed away.
Despite being nine years old, Kuma understood the Darkside of this world very well. After all He had personally experienced the cruelty displayed by the so-called 'Gods' of this world.
Yet Kuma felt even that truly didn't display their sadistic and twisted nature of hosting this hunting 'tournament' where they hunted innocent people for mere entertainment. Not even sparing the pregnant and the old.
His buccaneer blood flowed through his veins in anger and helplessness of this injustice yet he tried to calm down knowing that helping Amara give birth to her child was a more pressing matter.
Although Kuma didn't know anything about childbirth and what he should do, luckily Amara seemed to be well aware of the medical procedures thus he was given the task to provide her physical support while she gave birth.
Amara upon noticing Kuma's internal distress,smiled reassuringly at him which eased Kuma's worries and helped him calm down.
Time seemed to pass slowly as Kuma along with Ginny and Ivankov anxiously kept watch on the tightly lipped Amara who held back her screams in an effort to ensure their spot wasn't discovered by the scum of this world known as celestial dragons.
Until finally Amara let out a gasp of relief as her son came out of her protective womb into the embrace of Ginny's hands. Who felt somewhat baffled by the newborn's size of 1 feet tall but didn't find it too odd considering Amara had a height of 10'4 feet.
Ivankov who was already told what to do by Amara quickly got to action while Ginny quickly handed the baby to Amara upon noticing her hands motioning towards her.
Amara's anxious heart quickly calmed down when she cradled her newborn son while tears of motherly joy and guilt fell from her eyes as she muttered with choked words "I am… sorry for not being a good mother… Lucius…"
Amara silently sobbed yet she felt warmth and comfort knowing her son was born without any issues. Her eyes moisturized even more when she noticed Lucius' eyes as she mumbled with a sweet smile "You have his beautiful crimson eyes…"
Meanwhile Lucius looked at his mother with blurry eyes only managing to figure out the purplish hair of his mother yet he quickly felt sleepy due to tiredness that came from just being born and receiving a small part of his past life memories.
Memories which ensured Lucius knew enough to understand his situation but not enough to experience social death due to first hand embarrassment of soiling his pants.
Amara, unaware of Lucius's peculiar identity of being a reincarnator merely presumed like a doting mother that her son was tired thus she smiled sweetly as she hummed a lullaby that her mother used to sing to her.
Eventually Lucius yawned and fell asleep unaware of the turmoil going on that island and subsequent events.
Ginny was delighted yet felt bitter when she knew her plan of leaking information about the devil fruits had attracted some chaotic groups of pirates. Delighted due to this presenting a chance for their plan to succeed and bitter because it was causing even more deaths for the slaves who were but mere background casualties.
Amidst the chaos caused by the Rocks and Roger pirates. Ivankov and Kuma anxiously yet stealthily carried out their escape plan as they looked for the devil fruits that would be the key to letting them escape.
Perhaps luck was on their side as they managed to eventually locate two of the devil fruits. Unfortunately however so did Charlotte Linlin who was specifically looking for it as well.
"Phew! Close one!" Linlin said as she quickly managed to snatch the azure dragon devil fruit from Ivankov's hand due to proximity yet just as she extended her hand towards Kuma and warned him to hand over the paw paw fruit.
Kuma had already swallowed it whole, thus becoming its owner. Linlin scowled and for a moment contemplated killing the kid but decided against it as she knew it would be almost impossible to find the devil fruit again.
Just as she was about to invite the kid to join her crew her eyes widened in surprise when she saw an elderly man arrive behind Kuma and quickly smacked him across the road with his Cane.
"Kuma!!?" Ivankov exclaimed alarmingly as he saw his close friend suddenly get attacked out of nowhere. Then he heard the attacker speak with clear disgust and disdain while looking towards Kuma "You are.. the Buccaneer Brat…"
Linlin's ear perked up immediately upon hearing 'Buccaneer', Her interest in that boy immediately skyrocketing to the highest degree.
Saturn unaware of Linlin's growing attention towards Kuma continued his speech with a scrutinizing gaze "You can either live as a slave or die. Nothing else will be tolerated for anyone with that bloodline That is what the sides of time has dictated-" Yet before he could continue his Monologueing speech Kuma interrupted him by saying "Are you… Somebody Important?"
"..." Saturn paused at the audacity of this insect interrupting his speech. His anger grew even more when he heard that insect continue saying "I don't quite understand… Why being born in a different background makes someone more important than others…If you are born a slave then what's the point of being born at all?!"
Saturn was provoked even further when Kuma stared directly into his eyes as he declared "If I have some kind of power right now… I will use it to save as many people as I can! … Just like Nika!!"
"That… is precisely why your kind was erased…" Saturn finally having enough of this insect's existence raised his cane to swiftly squash this rebellious insect yet… found his cane swiftly turning into slices thinner than a needle.
"Rocks…" Saturn muttered with narrowed eyes when he noticed a floating hand swiftly returning to irs owner. It had struck his cane exactly when he was about to attack.
Right as he muttered the name a sinister yet maniacal laughter was heard loudly from a distance along with an audacious claim "Xehahahahaha!! Brat! You would be dead without my help! So be grateful and Join my crew! And… Uhm I will beat this old fossil up as your gift!"
Saturn frowned slightly but he before he could make a remark, Linlin who was unusually quiet so far suddenly spoke up while her lips curled up in amusement as she directly challenged her Captain's invitation by saying "Mamma Mamma! Rocks! That kid is mine! Go find some other brat!"
"Xehahaha! I didn't know you were into kids, Linlin" Rocks laughed with an uncaring smile, his eyes flashing ever so dangerously as he said "Anyways! it seems our 'friends' are already here!"
"Divine Departure!"Just as Rocks finished speaking a familiar attack was launch at him yet he didn't flinch merely smirking as his body seemingly sliced through.
"Bahahaha! That devil fruit is truly the bane of all swordsman!" Roger laughed heartely as he saw his signature attack pass through Rocks and causing the distant mountain to be cleanly sliced.
Kaido noticing the familiar attack quickly laughed and ran through the forests to reach the spot as he loudly shouted "Worororo! Roger! Today is the day I defea-"OUTTA MY WAY BRAT!!" yet before poor Kaido could even finish his words he was shoved to the ground by Garp who exclaimed "Roger! Ya bastard!! Take my fist of love!" as he launches a punch towards a grinning Roger, uncaring of everyone else in the area.
"Xehahaha! You guys can settle it this time… I will excuse myself.." Rocks cracked his snuckles as he looked at Saturn maliciously already brewing many sadistic 'Experimental ideas'
"Hold it! Rocks! I still haven't settled our Score" Roger Exclaimed dodging Garp's fist as he rushed towards Rocks to fight him. Rocks slightly annoyed replied back "Outta my way, Roger! I have an old man to beat up"
Kuma and ivankov who were already forgotten in the background looked at this peculiar scene with a look of disbelief in their eyes but luckily Ivankov came to his senses as he urged Kuma and thus they swiftly escaped using the paw paw fruit's ability to send them to places Kuma has been to or at least knows a rough location of.
Linlin although she felt disappointed that the buccaneer brat had escaped instead decided to focus on the gloomy Kaido who was holding back his tears while chugging sake.
"Mamma Mamma! Brat.. I have a proposal for you" She said with a smirk as she dragged a confused Kaido who was releasing one profanity after another at Linlin. Who in return showed him some much needed 'Motherly love' (Asian version)
As the fights escalated in God's Valley, Kuma along with the others had managed to save more than five hundred slaves by sending them across far away islands so they could have a chance to live a life.
Then eventually deciding to return back to Sorbet Kingdom along with Ginny, Ivankov, Amara and The newly born Lucius when the battles neared their end.
Unaware they had narrowly missed the chance to be erased from history… perhaps that was a good thing.
On that island. Two particular incidents happened. A monster was erased from history… and another was born to reshape this History.
A man laid bound to an experiment table with his eyes closed as couple of researchers routinely took blood samples from his veins.
"Your wife… is most likely dead" one of the researcher finally said to the man after some hesitation. Almost immediately a pair of crimson eyes shot open stared back at him.
"That's… all I can tell you… I am sorry" The researcher said in resignation and slight bow in apology as he subtly glanced at a Denden mushi in the wall which was recording everything.
Yet the man with crimson eyes maintained his stoic expressionless face before subly nodding his head as a way to state his thankfulness of this information. The researcher relieved immediately focused back on cataloging The man's vitals.
'She… probably survived.' The man thought with hope. Not because he had gone sane but rather because he knew how resourceful his wife was. Unless they showed her dead body to him he knew she would find a way to survive. She always did.
God's Valley… officially concluded!
Word count: 2273
Author's note:-
I hope I provided enough context clues in the chapter to help a none one piece fan understand what is happening in this chapter. If not, do ask any questions you might have, I will either reply or answer it in future chapters.