
One Piece: Against the Gods

Born with pedigree. Deemed by the masses as gods, but caged in a hellscape that camouflages itself as a holy land. What would a person do after seeing the atrocities that humanity are capable of? Destined to be a puppet, a child struggles against his chains and vows to bring down the so-called Gods on earth who only bring suffering and torment. __ Hello everyone, I just really like One Piece's story. The GOAT Oda is simply too poweful. And I'm going to try to put a spin on it. A celestial dragon doing his own things. I will try not to rehash the original story. So do forgive me for copying the GOAT a couple of times. This will be a bit slow for some, a bit fast for others. I'd say it's a mix of both which is weird. Anyways, give this a shot. Warning: He'll have a lot of girls as there are too many good ones in One Piece. I won't waste your time if you don't like that. Though I will try my hardest to make it organic.

B00BIES_for_life · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 28: Reunion

"Godspeed, Tyr. You'll be huge one day." Dragon gave him a small smile and it was the best he would get.

"Literally? Or figuratively? Because at the rate I'm growing, I'm going to be pretty tall. I have the blood of giants in me." Tyr shrugged.

Kuma was the only one who laughed and Iva rolled his eyes.

"That was lame..." Maria deadpanned at him. "Tch, you don't understand the brilliance of dad humor." Tyr clicked his tongue.

"We will meet again, I hope you will have good fortune." Kuma waved.

"Vwe will await vyour assistance in the future! Give vthose celestial bastards hell." Iva gave him a thumbs up.

"Good luck, keep them busy for me will ya? I want to consolidate my strength before going for an all-out assault." Tyr grinned.

Tyr took out his boat and their new training room.

The revolutionary army then waved at them as they sailed away from the island.

"I didn't expect to meet Garp's son here." Tyr thought he was in a fever dream.

A normal looking dojo, helping the revolutionary army.

It was definitely a surprise of a lifetime. "I just had a realization." Maria suddenly spoke.

He looked at her, waiting for her to talk. "We need more allies. A grand fleet of sorts. The pirate emperors can combat the world government due to their huge numbers." Maria reminded him.

"You're right... But how in the world will we get more allies?" Tyr rubbed his chin in thought.

"How about the Kuja? Amazon Lily has a pirate crew you know?" Maria rolled her eyes at him.

"Wha? Really?" Tyr blinked and Maria nodded. "Do you even read the news? They are particularly vicious. Especially the upstarts that started terrorizing the calm belt. They're called the gorgon sisters." Maria deadpanned at him.

"Well, how would I know the news? There's no cable here." Tyr grumbled.

"By news coo?" Maria looked at him like he was a country bumpkin.

"News coo?" Tyr raised a brow. "It's a sea gull that delivers newspapers to islands for like 25 bellies." Maria rolled her eyes.

"Wait, really!?" Tyr thought that was trippy as hell.

"Umu, wait..." Maria started to recall something.

"What's the names of your friends in Amazon Lily?" Maria frowned.

"Boa Hancock, Sandersonia, and Marigold." Tyr revealed.

"Wait! They have huge bounties you know? Hancock especially, she is extremely vicious. Roaming the grand line to hunt down any slavers they can find. And they're at odds with the government because of that." Maria explained.

"Wow, they've come so far..." Tyr had a small smile on his face.

"Her bounty is currently 300 million. And her sisters have 200 million belly bounties if I remember correctly." Maria recalled.

"Damn, they're moving up the ranks." Tyr was shocked.

"That's what's weird though, their bounties say only alive." Maria expounded.

"Ahhh, must be because of me. Probably the reason their bounties got inflated too." Tyr sighed.

"They have Amazon Lily behind them. They would be extremely strong allies." Maria advised and Tyr nodded.

"Yeah, I haven't been thinking of that. We need as many allies as we can get, thanks for that Maria." Tyr smiled at her.

"No problem, captain~" Maria gave him a sultry look and Tyr started sweating.

"Tyr! There's a problem! Zoro has been captured by pirates!" Koushiro suddenly appeared, sweating and panting.

"Huh!? Pirates!?" Tyr was shocked. "Where!?" He asked immediately.

"At the shore! A pirate ship appeared that was being pulled by sea kings! Zoro stood up to them and he was captured!" Koushiro pointed the direction.

"Maria, come!" Tyr used soru immediately and went to the shores.

"It's only been a couple of hours since the revolutionary army left..." Maria sighed as she scuttled along with her hybrid form.

__Shimotsuki shores__

"Let go of me! You pirates! You'll regret this!" Zoro was tied up and was being poked by people.

"Nee-san, can we kick him a bit? This kid's annoying." One of them started to lift Zoro up like a piñata.

"He's just a child, foolishness is in their blood. You can even let him go, he won't attack anyone anyway, why? Because he will be enamored by my beauty." Their captain bent backwards as she pointed at Zoro.

'Who's this weirdo? And what is she talking about?' Zoro broke into a cold sweat.

"Oi! Give Zoro back or I'll..." Tyr who always wanted the smoke suddenly stopped.

"Or what?" Hancock was now a fully fledged young woman and she glared at him.


"Hancock?" Tyr blinked and he was suddenly kicked by her, full force. Making him fly like a bullet.

"Nee-san... I know you're really angry at him, but why'd you kick him on the face?" Sandersonia sighed.

She was now almost 15 feet tall. And as Tyr said in the past, her head now fit her body.


"It's good that she only kicked his face, not his crown jewels." Marigold had a wry expression.

She was a little smaller than Sandersonia, but Marigold also turned out to be a curvy, bombshell.


"Tyr! You bitches, who are you!?" Maria arrived and in her rage, she didn't notice who they were.

"Huh!? Who the hell are you!?" Hancock glared daggers at her.

"I'm Tyr's musician! You'll pay for that!" Maria shot webs at her and Hancock hit it with her leg. Turning the webs into stone.

"Musician you say..." Hancock gritted her teeth.

"Wait, wait! Hancock, what are you doing here?" Tyr was still in shock. He did give her his vivre card. But she just appeared out of nowhere.

'I did send them a letter that I'm in east blue...' He noticed his folly.

"Wait? These are your friends?" Maria powered down and Hancock's eyes twitched when she saw her.

She then walked up to Tyr. He sobered up and smiled at her.

"I was about to go visit Amazon Lily, but you came here instead." Tyr chuckled.

When Hancock was right in front of him, she suddenly slapped him.

"You... You absolute idiot!" Hancock dropped down on the ground as she started sobbing.

"Oh boy... Nee-san was particularly obsessed with staying with him." Sandersonia sighed.

"Let's see the drama unfold, yeah?" Marigold grinned.

"Hey... I'm sorry, but I did what I have to." Tyr crouched down.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Hancock snapped at him and he looked at Maria for some help.

But she rolled her eyes and mouthed to him that he was on his own.

'Damn, why couldn't she understand that?' Tyr looked towards Sandersonia and Marigold.

They diverted their gaze and started whistling.

"Hancock... The gorosei would've killed you guys. They only let me keep you because they thought I was researching you. It's already a miracle that they let me keep you by my side." Tyr sighed and Hancock was still ignoring him.

"Come on, we haven't seen each other in years." Tyr smiled wryly.

'This guy... He can't understand how I feel at all.' Hancock looked up at him with teary eyes.

She was too weak for him and Hancock can't resist giving him a bone.

"That's the wrong thing to say, idiot!" Hancock huffed at him.

'Ehhh... What a pain...' Tyr's face twitched as he thought of what he should do.

"This is gonna be good." Marigold chuckled with Sandersonia.

"I'm glad you guys are safe and healthy." Tyr smiled at her and Hancock blushed.

She just wanted to touch his face, hug him, nuzzle up to him. But she has the mark of a supreme king. She has her pride.

'Didn't work, huh?' Tyr thought through his sweet smile.

"Look at you, you're more beautiful now." Tyr tried to butter her up instead.

"Gah!" Hancock gritted her teeth as she tried to resist the temptations.

"Wow, nee-san's control is off the charts." Sandersonia could see she was getting as red as a tomato.

"She must want to dive right on him, that's for sure." Marigold commented with a nod.

"That's not what you're supposed to say when you meet someone precious to you again." Hancock stubbornly squinted her eyes at him.

Tyr was at a loss and he had a sheepish expression on his face.

He then went wide eyed as he remembered something. Home is where the heart is.

"Welcome home, Hancock. I missed you guys a lot." Tyr hugged her and she froze for a bit.

"I'm glad to be home..." Hancock nuzzled up to him and rubbed her head on his chest as she bathed in his warmth.

"You always felt like a hot spring of water. So warm and comfortable." Hancock felt at peace.

"Heh, is it because of the fire on my back?" He chuckled.

Back at the peanut gallery though, Maria yoinked him away with her webs.

"Hello, Boa Hancock. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Black Maria, you can call me Maria." She suddenly glomped on Tyr.

"Hey, what's the big idea?" Tyr raised a brow at her and Maria put a finger on his lips.

"Shhh, it's rude to interrupt a lady." Maria shushed him.

Conqueror's haki immediately flooded the area. A storm seemingly forming around Shimotsuki island without prior warning.

"Oh, she's pissed." Sandersonia smiled wryly. "She's definitely pissed, pissed." Marigold chuckled nervously.

They knew that Maria was just messing with Hancock so they didn't react. But they were a little jealous too.

"You... Heathen! Get away from him you vile cur!" Hancock went for a dropkick at her.

But Maria moved and Hancock went wide eyed as she hit Tyr right on the chest. Sending him flying once again.

"TYR!" Hancock ran towards him. "Ugh, you used haki? That packed a punch..." Tyr rubbed his chest and Hancock bit her lip.

"You! I'll kill you, you bitch!" Hancock roared as her conqueror's haki flared.

She jumped in the air and released a roundhouse.

An arc-shaped vacuum blade got released and Maria ducked immediately.

The ground behind her got sliced cleanly and Maria sweated.

'I think I bit more than I can chew.' Maria transformed and they were about to clash.

But Tyr hugged Hancock from behind. "Hey, stop it. You guys will scare the villagers you know? This is east blue." He chided them.

"Y-yes..." Hancock went weak and Maria pouted at him.

"You especially, Maria. You're not a kid, stop messing with Hancock." Tyr pointed at her like she was a bad dog.

She puffed her cheeks and harrumphed. "It's your fault."

"Ha? How is your behavior my fault?" Tyr was flabbergasted.

"Understandable." Sandersonia and Marigold nodded.

If Hancock wasn't their sister, they would've been envious of his lovey dovey scene with her.

"And come here, Sandy, Mari." Tyr beckoned them over.

They looked at each other in confusion for a second and Tyr hugged them tightly.

"Look at you girls, you're even taller than me! Even though I had a growth spurt." Tyr smiled as he flew for a bit and patted their heads.

"Eh? Hehehe~" The two giggled and Maria went to their side.

"Ahhh, my head's really itchy. I think Hancock hit my hair a bit with her rankyaku." Maria said in monotone.

"I saw, she didn't." Tyr rolled his eyes. "Just check, god damnit." Maria glared at him.

"Okay! Okay! Fine!" Tyr rubbed her head to check for injuries.

Maria then had a satisfied look on her face. "Hmph, what a sad girl. Can't even make Tyr show you affection naturally." Hancock gave her a smug look.

"Gah!" Maria did an orz as she received tons of emotional damage.

Maria was once a vicious pirate of the beast pirate crew though.

"Hoh? Big words for someone who got shipped off due to being a burden." Maria fought back.

Hancock dramatically put her hand on her forehead as she was sent reeling backwards.

"Damn, right where it hurts." Sandersonia and Marigold winced.

"Tch, I'll give you that one." Hancock glared at her and Maria matched it.

Meanwhile, Tyr who was untying Zoro watched them and they looked at each other.

"Nii-chan, do you know what they're fighting about?" Zoro was confused.

"I don't know and I don't understand. Just let them be." Tyr shrugged.

"Women." The two of them said at the same time as they shook their heads with a sigh.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.