
one night stand with a mafia boss

Damien Carrington a charming Mafia boss gets into a hot steamy night with Elena a nobody. "Passion. Betrayal. Desire. Can love survive the night?" (EXPLICIT CONTENT R18 )

FavourAAbel · Urban
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69 Chs

the uninvited stranger

Elena Brown sips her drink, scanning the crowded room for her boyfriend, Tom. She pushes through the sea of bodies, stopping short when she hears his voice. Elena watches in disbelief as Tom kisses another girl passionately, his hands exploring her body. Her eyes burning with tears, prompting her to confront him.

"What the fuck, Tom?" Elena seethes, drawing their attention.

Tom's eyes widen, but his smirk tells Elena that he isn't sorry. "Baby, I'm just having some fun. You're invited too."

Elena couldn't believe her eyes But before she can fully process what has just happened, she takes a deep breath, a surge of adrenaline pulsing through her veins. Clenching her fists, she unleashed a forceful punch on Tom, sending him across the club room

Gasps rippled through the crowd, as the impact of her punch drew some attention to the already passed out tom on the ground with blood spurting from his broken nose

(Serves him right huh hahaha what a jerk I would have done more )

"I need some air," she murmurs, her voice laced with hurt and anger

She makes her way through the crowded room, pushing past people who seem to be consumed by their own desires. The music pounds in her ears as she navigates through the sea of bodies.

Finally finding an exit, Elena steps outside into the cool night air. It feels refreshing against her flushed skin, but it doesn't erase the nagging discomfort that still lingers within her.

As she walks further and further away from the chaos of the club, Elena starts to calm down - physically but not mentally. Her mind continues to spiral with questions about what just happened: Why did Tom do that? Why did he cheat on her? And most importantly, what does it mean for their relationship?

With each step away from their encounter, Elena feels a strange mixture of relief and regret. She wonders if this is what being in love truly meant - wanting to be with someone even when they hurt you. It's a complicated and messy emotion that makes her stomach churn.

Elena reaches her lodge, the air still heavy with the lingering presence of their encounter. She steps inside, closing the door behind her as if to shut out the chaos that had just consumed her. The familiarity of her room provides a brief moment of comfort, but it soon dissipates like fog in the morning sun.

As Elena stands there, lost in thought, she can't help but wonder what her life has become. It wasn't what she had envisioned when she first met Tom. Their relationship was supposed to be different, something more than just casual hookups and superficial desires. But now she finds herself questioning everything.

A sarcastic smirk tugs at the corners of Elena's lips as she looks around the room. It's an unconventional space filled with eclectic knick-knacks and reminders of her quirky personality. But tonight, it feels empty and hollow.

She walks over to the bed and collapses onto it, letting out a frustrated sigh. The weight of indecision presses down on her like an invisible forcefield. Should she confront Tom? Should she let him off the hook?

Just as Elena's mind starts to race with conflicting thoughts, a sharp knock on the door startles her out of her reverie. She freezes, her heart pounding in her chest. Who could be knocking at this hour? The noise echoes through the room, making her tense and on edge.

Fuck," she mutters under her breath, contemplating whether to answer the door or ignore it altogether. But curiosity gets the better of her as she makes her way uncertainly towards the entrance. As she turns the knob, a surge of adrenaline shoots through her body.

In front of her stands a man dressed immaculately in a black suit, his eyes bloodshot and glassy from alcohol. His disheveled appearance contradicts his unyielding demeanor - a dangerous combination that makes Elena's defenses waver.

The man's lips curl into a sneer as his gaze falls upon Elena. "Well, well," he slurs, sliding past her into the room without an invitation. "What do we have here?"

Elena takes a step back, unease flickering in her eyes like fireflies on a summer night. "I'm sorry. who are you?" she manages to ask, trying to maintain an air of composure despite the tremor in her voice.

The man smirks, his eyes roaming hungrily over Elena's body. "Who am I?" he slurs mockingly, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He takes a step closer, invading her personal space without so much as a second thought.

Elena's heart pounds in her chest as she feels the heat radiating off him. Her mind races with conflicting thoughts - part of her wants to push him away while another part is strangely intrigued. She takes a deep breath, trying to regain control of the situation.

"Listen," she begins hesitantly, her voice laced with desperation. "I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. I don't know who you are or what you want from me."

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