
Meeting the Tsundere


Kenji woke up from his slumber and begrudgingly turned the alarm clock off.

He stretched for a moment, and stood up.

He walked to the bathroom and took a bath. Moments later, he took the towel and wrapped it around his waist.

He then brushed his teeth in front of the sink. He gargled the water and spat it out.

He exited the bathroom and went to check his closet.

He took out a pastel colored hoodie and some blue jeans.

After that he got changed and he sat on the floor. He turned the TV on while he was drying his hair.

He watched the TV, seeing that nothing interesting was on it, he got bored.

He stood up and went to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took a packet of pasta and put it on the counter.

He was planning on making pasta since he was craving for it.

He took a large pot in the cabinet and put it in the counter. He then pour clean water to the pot.

He turned the stove on, and left it there. Minutes later, the water started boiling.

He put about 3 tablespoons of salt in the boiling water. Seconds passed, he dropped the pasta in the pot and gave it a gentle stir.

He stirred it occasionally while the pasta cooks. He tasted the pasta at about 2 minutes shy of the indicated time.

He drained the pasta using a colander in the sink. He didn't completely drain the pot. He left about 1 cup of pasta water.

He added the pasta to another pot where the sauce is. He stirred it to make it coat.

He took a ladle and scooped a few tablespoon of pasta water.

He poured the pasta water in certain time intervals until the sauce have the right consistency.

He remembered in an article that if he does this the pasta will absorb the liquid.

He also read that pasta water helps to thicken the sauce.

He then simmered it over medium-low heat. It will help the pasta soak up the sauce.

He then scooped the pasta and put it on his plate. He then put some greens on top and voilà. The pasta is done!

He cleaned the counter before he took the pasta and sat in front of the table.

"Bon Appétit!" Kenji ate the pasta and it tasted very delicious. He was proud that he made it.

He looked at the TV and listened to the news.

"The terrorist group responsible for the riots call themselves the Paradisers."

"They have destroyed a high-rise building in City F. The situation seems to be spiraling out of control."

The news reporter said while she looked directly at the camera.

"We have just learned the identity of their leader." The screen then showed a picture of a bald man who has menacing features.

"Hammerhead is a B-class criminal who has been involved in several violent incidents in the past."

"He is a man of large stature, standing 2.15m tall and weighing 210kg." The news reporter stated.

"According to one report, he once fought 20 men in a street brawl and sent them all to the hospital."

"The Paradisers sent a message to this TV station."

"The message stated: We will continue to riot until food, clothing and shelter are given free of charge to those who do not work, and other unreasonable demands." The news reporter stated while reading the message.

"Some people are bored to the point they do these kinds of things huh." Kenji continued eating his pasta while watching the TV.

"Like Hammerhead, the group is made up of jobless young men with no motivation to work."

"Hmmmmmm." Kenji finished eating and went to the kitchen.

He put the plate and the fork in the sink and washed it. He sang while washing the dishes.

"Also, the members of the group all have shaven heads, making them intimidating."

When heard Kenji heard that he froze and dropped the plate. Luckily, the plate landed in the water.

Kenji took a handkerchief and ran in front of the TV. The screen showed multiple men that were all bald.

He quickly dialed Saitama's number.


The phone rang, moments later, Saitama picked up the phone.

"Yo Kenji, what's the matter?" Kenji could barely hear his voice because of the wind.

"Did you watch the TV-" Kenji was about to ask him, but a voice could be heard from the other side.


"AHHH! It's a terrorist!" A man pointed at Saitama.

"No, I'm not!" Saitama retorted at the person who called him a terrorist.


Kenji laughed his ass off when he heard their exchange.

"Ah- sorry about that. So, why did you call me?" Saitama asked Kenji while he was looking for the terrorist group.

"Did you watch-"

"First things first, yes I did watch the TV. Second, I'm currently looking for them so that I can bash their heads in. And lastly, THEY TOTALLY STOLE MY LOOK GODDAMN IT!" Saitama screamed.

Kenji put the phone a little further away from his ear because it was ringing from Saitama's shout.

"Don't shout through the phone man! My ear hurts because of your shout!" Kenji complained to Saitama.

"Anyway, good luck on bashing their heads in. I've got something to do so I gotta hang up." Kenji wished Saitama good luck on his journey.

"And, oh yeah, after I'm done, I'm going to where you are so we can hang out." He then hanged up the phone and stood up.

He then looked at the clock on the wall and went to the kitchen to finish washing the dishes.

Moments later, Kenji walked to the exit and put on some black sneakers that has white stripes in its sides.

"Alright, all done. Let's go!" Kenji sxclaimed, He walked out of his apartment and used Air Walk to travel.


Kenji could be seen flying in the air above City Z.

He and Saitama don't actually meet that often, because they were always busy with their own things.

Checking out sales, hunting monsters, etc. They only hang out when both of them are free.

What Kenji is doing right now is his hunting for monsters. The reason? well he's a hero after all. It's his duty to kill all of the monsters that was in or near his neighborhood.

A couple minutes passed and he still didn't find a single monster.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about that. How about I go this way?" Kenji looked to a certain direction, kicked his leg and disappeared.


On a desolated mountain, A small woman could be seen floating above three weird monsters.

She has a petite figure, and is always mistaken for being much younger than she really is. She has an adolescent face with emerald green eyes, and green hair that naturally curls up on the ends. 

She wore a form-fitting black dress with long sleeves, and four high-cut leg slits that show off her thighs and low-heeled black shoes.

She looked down at 3 disaster level Dragon monsters.

One was a slime that was bigger than a 4-storey building, sharp spikes were sticking out of its body.

Next to it was a huge wyvern that was 20 feet high and 50 feet long. Its wingspan was approximately 100 feet long.

Its color was dark blue, and large purple colored crystals were on top of it.

The last one was a serpent that was large as a mountain and it was really long.

If you compare its length to something then it's probably the same length of a whole city. It was covered by thick scales, and corrosive saliva dripped down its fangs.

"I am Loukdragnia, Conquerer of the skies." The huge wyvern introduced itself.

"I spent thousands of years being sealed in a dungeon by a powerful human."

"But as time passed the human gradually died, and I was freed from my prison."

"I took two of my trusted generals with me and we set off on a journey on conquering the world."

The wyvern growled at the glowing woman who was floating above him.

"Yeah, whatever." The small woman lazily replied while the wyvern fumed at the sight of her laziness.

"Ragnar bring her to me." The wyvern ordered to the slime. The slime bowed respectfully to the wyvern. And went to the small woman.

"Hmph! You think you can beat me?" The small woman sneered.

She did a twisted gesture with her hands, her whole body glowed green.

The slime felt its body getting twisted, and its body was crushed by the force of the ESP.

"Well, that's one down, two more to go." the woman placed her hand on her waist and glanced at the wyvern.

She was planning on attacking the wyvern, but she saw a sneer on the wyvern's face.

The woman sensed something behind her, she immediately dodged, and looked at the slime the was still alive.

She picked up large boulders that was lying in the ground and threw them to the slime.

Unfortunately, the slime absorbed the boulders and sent it back.

"Tsk." The small woman was starting to get annoyed.

The small woman flashed in and out of the attacks, she evaded everything that was sent to her.

She was completely unscathed, she put her hand out and glared at the slime.

"You're really annoying!" The small woman twisted her hands again. But this time with more power.

The slime was squeezed out of existence. The small woman looked at the place where the slime died and rolled her eyes.

"Hmph! It didn't even last a minute." The small woman crossed her arms as he stared at the wyvern.

The wyvern and the small woman glared at each other.

Just as they were about to attack each other. The wyvvern heard a voice from behind.

"Oh? I finally found some monsters." Kenji was happy to see these two monsters since he was wandering around the place for 2 hours.

When the wyvern saw that the voice came from a human. He opened its large mouth and it started glowing.

"Hey you! Get out of the way!" the small woman yelled when he saw the wyvern open its mouth.

Energy was gathered in the wyvern's mouth and a beam shot towards Kenji.

"Damn it!" The small woman cursed, because she was too late.

The place where Kenji was standing, a huge hole could be found. The hole was deep and the sides were melted.

Just as the small woman was about to explode. A voice sounded behind the wyvern.

"Whip Kick." Kenji chanted, he struck a roundhouse kick directly on the wyvern's chest.


The wyvern's chest caved in, the force of the impact sent it flying.

The wyvern vomited blood, as it flew through the air.


Kenji teleported above the wyvern, he struck it with an axe kick directly to its head.


Cracking noise were heard, the wyvern's head was completely crushed by the force of the axe kick.

The small woman looked at Kenji with a slightly startled expression.

Seeing that its boss was dead, the serpent immediately escaped. Its slithered on the ground at high speeds.

Kenji turned to the escaping serpent and smiled.


Kenji flashed and was already infront of the snake. The snake was about to turn to the other side when it heard a voice.

"You can't escape from me."


"Wind Blade."

Kenji did a roundhouse kick and a crescent wave of wind split the serpent in half.

Kenji landed on the ground, he patted the dust out off his hoodie.

He wore a crazed smile on his face and was laughing maniacally.

He looked at the dead bodies as if he was looking at a piece of art.

Kenji realized that he was being creepy, he wiped off his expression.

'Dang, habits really die hard huh.' Kenji thought.

The small woman flew to Kenji's side, she was looking at him curiously.

She spinned around three times before nodding her head.

"Not bad." She said while looking directly at Kenji's eyes.

When she looked at his eyes, she felt something but she can't really get the hold of what it was.

But she knew that she was drawn by his eyes.

Kenji noticed that a 'little girl' was looking at him.

"What's wrong midget? You lost or something?." Kenji asked the 'little girl' that is currently about to explode when he said those words.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING MIDGET! YOU WEIRDO!" The small woman snapped when he called her midget.

"WHAT?! WHO ARE YOU CALLING WEIRDO!" Kenji yelled at the small woman. He was angry when she suddenly called him a weirdo.

"Hmph, it's your fault since you called me a midget." The small woman crossed her arms around her chest.

"Well, you are certainly are one! Look at you! You look like a 13 year old child!" Kenji glared at the small woman and argued.

"Wha- I'm 28 this year!" The small woman growled at him.

'What? She's older than me?! That has to be a goddamn lie!' Kenji was shocked. The small child in front him was actually 28 years old?.

Moments later,

Kenji calmed down and he looked directly into her eyes and apologized.

"Ah I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called you a midget." Kenji was sorry(?) since he was the one who started it.

The small woman was completely mesmerized by his eyes.

Noticing that she was staring at him for a long time, she felt her cheeks turn hot.

"H-Hmph! As long as you understand." The small woman stuttered.

She turned her face away but you could see a tint of pink on her cheeks.

"Oh crap! I still need to see my friend! See ya!" Kenji kicked the ground and went to a certain direction.

He suddenly remembered something, he stopped for a second and turned around.

"Um, What was your name again?" He asked because he really didn't know her name.

"It's Tatsumaki! You better remember that! Hmph!" Tatsumaki crossed her arms and looked away.

"My name is Kenji! See ya midget!" Kenji laughed and he completely disappeared.

"Wha- I told him my name and he still called me midget?" Tatsumaki was stomping her feet into the ground, she was really mad that Kenji still called her midget.

Moments later,

She took huge breaths and gradually calmed down.

Tatsumaki looked at the direction Kenji went and stood there for seconds.

She snapped back to reality and shook her head.

'What's with me today? Am I sick? Me? S-class rank 2 Tornado of Terror? Sick?' Tatsumaki questioned herself in her mind. She was really confused at the moment.

She then for some reason remembered what Blast told her and calmed down.

"Well, whatever. There's still two more monsters that I need to beat up before calling it a day." Tatsumaki floated in the air and flew in the direction the monster was last seen.

She then thought of Kenji's face and without even knowing, she smiled.

'Well... He's not bad.'

Tatsumaki then reported everything that happened there to the HQ.

We finally met the loli tsundere!

I noticed i use "as" way to much, so in this chapter i only use it sometimes. I'm more of a thigh man than a "as" man if you now what I'm saying.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I hope you enjoyed the chapter~

ConqueredSleepcreators' thoughts
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