
One click shinobi system in the world of one piece

My life was good, I had friends, a loving family, and a good job, I loved my life and my world, so why did God send me into this world filled with super-powered assholes, almost all corrupt marines, and noble assholes who all seem to be want my ass? - I have no taboos, which means that I will have no problem talking about things like gore, r*pe, torture, racism, and other things like that. That doesn't mean I condone those things. That's about all I wanted to say, so enjoy your reading. (No harem)

kingx_xdrk · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Fishing time

Aiden continues to stare at the holographic screen in front of him, which also seems to be observing him.

"So, not only have you mixed up the quest rewards as far as items and summoning cards are concerned, but the rewards in question are hazardous, so I may well get more at the time of the rewards as well as I may get none, so far I've got it all right?"

He said as he turned his gaze to the two men who appeared a few minutes after Akaza.

[That's about it] 'One question, though, didn't you say that the summoning cards summon characters from other anime and/or manga?' [That's what I said, yes] 'Well, well, in that case, can you explain to me why there are two SCP on the boat?'

Of course, when the two men appeared, Aiden recognized them right away.

One of the men, who seem to want to start a conflict with Akaza, has long black hair reaching his legs, a few strands framing his face, and those gray eyes as well as his crazy smile.

All his olive skin is covered with tattoos representing red grinning demons, he is dressed in simple black pants and boots, leaving the upper part of his body naked, and he is armed with a sword that seems to be made of black energy with red glints.

While both of them look like they are about to explode, another man is just sitting on the edge of the boat smiling warmly, his short black hair accompanied by blue eyes and a mysterious symbol on his olive-skinned face make him quite charming.

His arms, legs, spine, and shoulder blades seem to be replaced by blue cybernetic limbs with fluorescent blue lines, he is dressed in black suit pants, chic black shoes, a midnight blue shirt with rolled-up sleeves, and a black jacket.

[I know, I know, I screwed up, but on the plus side, you have three powerful allies and since he's from the system, all three have been maximized, which is why Akaza doesn't burn in the sun and why Cain didn't disintegrate the ship, now, if you stop whining like a bitch, I'll let you know that you'll be arriving at the village of Cocoyasi soon, which means a new quest] 'Shit'.

[Mandatory quests

Time to Fish

Kill the pirate captain Arlong the Saw.

Kill Arlong's crew members


X2 Doton jutsu style

X1 medical Jutsu

X1 special Jutsu

X1 special reward

X1 summoning card

X1 special weapon]

'Giving me a quest and rewards to divert my attention only reinforces the fact that you're a deranged system, you know that, right?'

"Everything okay, Captain?" The shinobi looks at the calm voice that belongs to Cain who looks at him curiously, Aiden sighs before preventing these three new friends that they are going to dock.


Meanwhile, at the base of the sixteenth branch of the navy, navy colonel Nezumi is in his office with a wad of cash in his hands. "Doing business with that fishy crew was a wonderful idea, chi chi chi." As he continues to cluck like a chicken, his den den mushi starts ringing.

"Colonel Nezumi, I'm listening... ok..... really? .... fine, I'm on my way." Nezumi hangs up the phone before smiling wide, greed clearly showing on his face. 'If I can capture him, she'll probably offer me a lot more than the navy, chichichi'. He thinks before ordering a ship to be prepared for Cocoyasi village.


Meanwhile, on the island of Cocoyasi, our four friends are currently in a restaurant, while Cain drinks his coffee, Abel and Akaza continue to bicker while and Aiden continues to argue with the system.

However, each of them notices some tension coming from the people who.

But all four of them stop and look in the direction of the restaurant door a few seconds before it is violently torn off by a kick, all the people present in the restaurant jump in fear while our four companions remain there, unperturbed.

Akaza, Abel, and Cain having their senses maximized could easily sense the two fishermen, while Aiden has his senses heightened by his chakra, making him a sensory-type ninja.

The fishermen walked around the restaurant as if they belonged to them, much to the annoyance of the customers, but what could they do? The fishermen were ten times stronger than the humans and, except Bell-mere who died, none of them were fighters.

As the fish-men made noise, one of them grabbed one of the waitresses who tried to push him away unsuccessfully the fish-men brought his hand to his chest, but, inches away, his wrist was grabbed by Cain who looked at the fish-men with a cold face and a cold stare as he spoke in an equally cold voice.

"It would seem that this young lady does not wish your company, you should accept her decision and let her go before you regret it." The room falls into silence as everyone looks at Cain.

"Dirty huma...." The rest of his sentence sounds like an incomprehensible gurgle as a gash is visible on his throat while Cain holds one of Abel's energy blades, a blade that comes crashing straight down on the head of the second fish-man, who doesn't have time to figure out what what what's going on.

The restaurant is plunged into an eerie silence for a few seconds before being broken by Abel's loud laughter, Cain approaches Aiden and speaks in a calm and warm, yet icy voice. "Captain, may I make a selfish request?"

Aiden looks at his subordinate for a second before smiling with a dangerous gleam in his eyes as he turns his gaze to one of the villagers and speaks in a cheerful voice. "Hey, where is Arlong Park? I have a sudden craving for seafood."


This was the end, he knew it, he knew when he could win a battle, and he couldn't win this one.

Her gaze turns to those two children who are going to see him die in front of them, those two children have teary eyes as they watch the scene with fear.

Those eyes turn to the villagers who are watching the scene with frustration and sadness without trying anything.

He couldn't blame them, he knew that only death awaited them if they opposed the fishmen.

Those eyes finally land on the monster holding him at gunpoint with his gun, a cruel smile on his face.

The monster in question looks at the men with a big mocking smile, this situation amuses him, after all, what is a human facing a fish-man?

Of course, he knew the human in front of him know that he had no chance to kill him, and that amused him and excited him even more.

Because yes, humans are inferior to him, so he can do what he wants, he particularly likes human women, whether they agree or not did matter to him, because, after all, it was a fish-man, and he is superior.

As he continues to look at the men with a look full of amusement that he does not hide at all, the body of one of the fishermen he brought with him is thrown violently toward a house.

All eyes turn to the place where the fish-man crashed.

Smoke blocks their vision for a few minutes before it dissipates, and they see, to their great astonishment, the dead body of the fish man.

You don't need to be a doctor to understand that the cause of death is the hole in his chest.

While some are still shocked, Arlong regains his composure and turns his gaze to where the fish man was standing to see four figures.

One of them holds his smoking fist in front of him.

"I think we can forget about discretion, thanks to Akaza."