
Story One: Death from Above

As you stare up at the sky with a peaceful expression, you spot something in the vast, dark sky. You stare in awe thinking that it is a shooting star, but then confusion overcomes you. Bright lights start appearing in the sky one after another, and they seem to be heading straight towards you. A feeling of dread overwhelms you, but it is too late. As the bright lights get closer, you can see that they are large objects covered in fire. Seconds later, they hit the ground. Everything goes dark as you pass out from the force exerted from them hitting the ground.


You wake up with flames all around you. The heat on your body is unbearable, but you know you must get out of there. Soon, smoke will fill your lungs, and that is an assured death. You start shakely trying to navigate through the fire and smoke, but it is nearly impossible. You soon find the door leading outside, but you feel something is off. You don't know what it is, but you know that if you go outside you will surely die. You ignore the feeling knowing that even if you don't go outside you will die from either the fire or the smoke. You pry open the door and immediately tumble to the ground outside. As a smile appears on your face from being out of danger, a feeling of dread once again overwhelms your body. You look ahead with a terrified face as you see your soon-to-be-killer. It's a giant creature with five arms hanging off of its long, lean body. Although, the most terrifying thing about the creature is its scaly face. It opens its mouth wide open and you can see the large teeth that will soon shred you to pieces. Your body goes limp from terror. You can hear the creature getting closer to you, but there is nothing you can do. And then, everything goes dark once again.


You wake up to the sounds of screaming. You look in every direction, but all you can see is fire. You are confused at what is happening. One second ago you were about to be eaten by a horrifying creature and now you wake up to the creature being gone. You look around once more and realize that something seems different. It then hits you that the heat does not seem to affect you. You reach forward to touch the flames around you, but, contrary to your expectations, your hand is completely black with large, sharp claws on the tip. You start freaking out, but you feel even worse upon looking down at your body. Your body looks exactly like the creature from before. You stumble backwards in terror, but then a pang of hunger assaults your mind. You start losing control over your body, and you gladly accept. All you want to do is escape from this horrifying nightmare. You are slowly slipping away when you notice something underneath the rubble. A hand pops out from underneath the rubble and starts pulling itself out. You grow excited seeing that it is your father. You feel relief knowing that your father survived, but your body starts unconsciously walking towards your father. Your father looks up and notices you, but contrary to your expectations, a look of terror appears on his face. He starts backing up, but is stopped by the flames raging behind him. You try telling him that everything is fine, but no words escape from your mouth. You try to stop your body from moving forward, but then you realize you are no longer in control. A feeling of unease pounces you as you get closer to your father. You try your best to get back into control, but nothing is working. You feel your arms raising and your claws getting ready to attack. In one swift swipe, you rip off your father's head. You start screaming on the inside, but there is nothing you can do. You start losing your grip on reality as you see the blood on your claws. A pang of hunger once again strikes your body, and you waste no time. You feel your mouth parting. You stare down at the ground once again and see the spilled blood. You begin to think that maybe one bite would not hurt, but after one bite you are not satisfied. You take one more bite and it is unbearably good. You release all your hesitations and dig in.


After you finish your first meal, you decide that you are not yet full. You need more food. You must find more food. You easily tear your way through the burning house. You can feel the strength within your body increasing after eating. You must get more food. You arrive outside to hear sirens coming your way. You look once more to the sky and then back to your next destination: the bright lights in the distance. Your goal: food.

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