
Omniverse Chat Guild

A 20 year old otaku from Earth reincarnates into a deadly universe filled with apocalypses and unimaginably strong beings. Luckily or unluckily, he reincarnates with a Omniverse Chat Guild. Watch as he grows strong to face all threats to his loved ones while resolving the mystery of the situation he is in. ################################### I own nothing except for my character (MC). This is novel I am creating for fun so don't expect a steady release but I will try my best.

Ghost_slayer1 · Aktion
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52 Chs

Start of Canon

Shadow Hall

A youth could be seen holding what looked like 5 holographic cards sitting infront of one 13 year old girl and another loli. The youth sneaked a peak at the young girls expression and then glanced at the loli only to see her glancing at him as well. Seemingly in tune with each other, the loli and the youth chose their worst cards to play against the young girl who was excited at her near win, not noticing the game being sabotaged.

"Yay!! Second Senior Brother, I win. You have to keep your promise."

"Ahh! I lost. Ok ok, this brother of yours will let you watch one more movie."

The youth was none other then Wang Li. Xiu Xiu, his future junior sister, wanted to watch a different movie from the one he propose so they played a game of UNO to determine who's suggestion will be accepted. Wang Li lost on purpose to let her watch her movie. Wang Li himself wasn't interested in watching a movie but since Xiu Xiu wanted to spend time with him, why would he refuse.

"Its ok senior brother. Next time we can watch the movie you want."

"Thank you Xiu Xiu, you are such a sweet girl."

Wang Li rubbed Xiu Xiu's head making her smile like a child.

"Master, Master. Me too."

The little loli SkyNet suddenly demanded for her head to be rubbed as well.

"Yes Yes, SkyNet is also a good girl."

Both of them enjoyed their heads being rubbed by Wang Li when suddenly his hands stopped as if he sensed something.

"What's wrong Senior Brother."


Both Xiu Xiu and the loli SkyNet were confused.

"Nothing. I have something to do so have fun."

Wang Li bid them goodbye and left the hall. Seeing Wang Li leave the two girls were a bit startled and thought he had some work to do so they went back to watching movies.

The reason Wang Li left was very simple. Through his shared sense with his Shadow Soldiers, Wang Li had just seen and heard through the Shadow Soldier in Ning Yue Xi's shadow something that caught his attention. Ning Yue Xi and Gong Sun Zhi had just seen Gu Qing Shan, this world's protagonist, chase away the Grounded Devils. Wang Li now knows, the canon has officially started.

Wang Li didn't teleport or get involved yet. Wang Li has no interest in keeping the canon same. He already decided to prevent a few situations. However Wang Li doesn't want to destroy Gu Qing Shan's future foundations. He wants Gu Qing Shan to grow just as well if not better then in the canon. He has no interest in walking on Gu Qing Shan's path but want's to walk on his own. Although Wang Li already took the Earth Sword, he has already prepared to give his compensation, one that equals the Earth Sword.

Everything happened similar to the story. Wang Li continued to watch with seriousness and ordered one of the extra shadows in Ning Yue Xi's shadow to transfer to Gu Qing Shan's shadow. Due to the fierce fighting, no one seemed to have noticed it. After this, Wang Li saw Gong Sun Zhi lightly tap Gu Qing Shan's back only for him to disappear. Another loud crash came as Ning Yue Xi was knocked down by the Faceless Giant she was facing, creating another deep hole.

"Guh" Ning Yue Xi shouted before jumping out from the hole

"You sent him to Shen Wu world?" she asked

Gong Sun Zhi answered: "I did, both you and I are locked on by the Demon King's inner sight, he will definitely not let us get near the teleportation formation"

"You want to let him escape?"

Gong Sun Zhi sighed: "He already knows the secret, if he could survive then let him get the information back to humanity in our place"

Ning Yue Xi stood against the wind, her cold eyes slightly mellowed.

Wiping the blood from her mouth, she silently muttered: "Then there will be only one regret"

She swung her hand downwards as the Blade once again materializes.

"If this monster can die, then I will also have no regrets dying but one."

As Ning Yue Xi said that, she gripped the Blade tightly and once again jumped to the sky. Wang Li was curious what her regret will be but decided to focus on the situation again so stopped all his distracting thoughts. After waiting for sometime, Wang Li felt, for one split second, second his shadow soldier in Gu Qing Shan's shadow disappearing with him. He also felt he could bypass this time stop or time dilation his shadow soldier and he was experiencing to exchange places with it.

Wang Li has now confirmed that he could enter Gu Qing Shan's world. This was important because Wang Li wanted to kill one of the devas from Gu Qing Shan's world who had the ability Time Stop and take this skill. With his large reserve of points, he could upgrade this skill to the point where it could become a Time Manipulation Law and thus giving Wang Li the ability to combat against Time-User beings.

Poor Gong Sun Zhi was ignored by Wang Li.

After confirming his theory and plans, Wang Li continued to monitor the situation. He saw Ning Yue Xi fighting the Faceless Giant valiantly and without fear. He had to admit she looked very beautiful right now. At the same time observed Gu Qing Shan returning to the Cultivation World from the other world and moving towards the Bai Hua Lists. The tests were the same as in the original except for the Sword List test itself. Since Wang Li had already solved it a different one was in place but Gu Qing Shan, as always, solved the problem splendidly.

When it came to choosing the sword he chose a sword that looked similar to the Earth Sword. Wang Li smiled at this while praising his future Junior Brother for his sharp senses. The sword was something Wang Li requested Nimaiya to make. It was an Asauchi and Wang Li used 1 Billion Guild Points to add the Earth Sword's ability to slay all things as long as enough soul points are provided.

However, Wang Li doesn't know what Zanpakuto spirit he would awaken since that is unique depending on one's soul. Finally he saw Bai Hua Fairy accepting Gu Qing Shan as her disciple. Wang Li let out a breath of relief. What he was waiting for was done and now he can act how he wants to.

Just as Bai Hua Fairy was about to save Ning Yue Xi and Gong Sun Zhi, Wang Li his voice through his shadow soldier.

"Leave this to me, Shifu."

Wang Li saw Gu Qing Shan's stunned face and Bai Hua Fairy smiling. It almost felt like she knew he was there.

'As expected of Shifu. She is sharp as always.'

She nodded: "I'll leave it to you Li."

Then Bai Hua Fairy clasped her hands together, creating a hand sign and spoke in a low voice: "Divine Skill, Flesh Incarnation"

Three other Bai Hua Fairy appeared from her body and landed in the palace.

One Bai Hua Fairy said: "I'll go to an observable area."

Another Bai Hua Fairy said: "Humanity's top brass has a traitor, I'll go tell them the bad news"

Another Bai Hua Fairy nodded and said: "The matter regarding Shen Wu world, Xuanyuan that old man will agree to do it, I'll go find him"

The two of them made different hand signs and disappeared from the palace at the same time.

Sitting on the ten thousand flowers throne, Bai Hua Fairy suddenly spoke: "Secret Arts, Bai Hua Mirror"

As she waved her hands nonchalantly, the whole palace disappeared around them. Gu Qing Shan noticed the scenery around him was that of the wild, quickly retreating backwards. And then, the retreating scenery slowed down. This sight must've come from to the first Bai Hua Fairy incarnation that left. Within just a few dozen seconds, she has already reached the frontline.

A few miles away, the Faceless Giant stood among the clouds, a few demon beasts emitting a powerful aura was also standing on the air. In that small patch of land, the large army of demons and beasts were encircling two cultivators, using the wheel tactic. The demon beasts floating in the sky occasionally took the chance to fly down, unleashing their attacks, then again retreated upward.

They're using the attrition method to gradually whittle down the cultivators below. Gu Qing Shan concentrated his sight on them, of course they were Gong Sun Zhi and Ning Yue Xi. In his past life, this was how they died.

Suddenly, from deep inside the clouds, a roaring, booming voice was heard.

"Two great cultivators from the humans is approaching, do not hold back, use everything to kill them!"

As soon as they heard that order, all the demons started using their strongest attacks. Gong Sun Zhi coughed up blood, but still did his best to operate a formation plate. Ning Yue Xi swung her Blade, numerous shining lights were seen on the Blade.

"A last strike, let's see how many I can take with me" said Ning Yue Xi.

"Ahaha, good! Then let us compare once, just who killed more demons" Gong Sun Zhi also laughed loudly and said.

Above, chaotic and numerous demonic and bestial spells rained upon them.

Inside Bai Hua Palace.

"Oh no! We're late!" Gu Qing Shan couldn't help but exclaimed.

Bai Hua Fairy's incarnation is still a few miles away from Gong Sun Zhi and Ning Yue Xi, yet the already strong demon beast army was also using their strongest attacks. Some of the demon beasts were even choosing to use sacrificial methods to activate the strongest spells available to themselves.

Against attacks so strong, the two of them definitely have no chance of escape.

"Don't fret"

On her throne, Bai Hua Fairy was using one hand to hold up her face and said lazily and waited for someone to make his move.

At the same time.

Wang Li used his Shadow Exchange Skill to exchange positions with the Shadow Soldier in Ning Yue Xi's shadow. Suddenly all the lights from Gong Sun Zhi's defensive formation shut down at once.

Gong Sun Zhi face changed: "The formation lost its effect, what happened!?"

Wang Li immediately manipulated the spirit energy in the air to lift Ning Yue Xi and Gong Sun Zhi away from their position. A second later, the numerous attacks hit where Gong Sun Zhi and Ning Yue Xi were standing before, blowing everything up into a giant crater.

As soon as Wang Li took the two people into her sleeves, he made 2 shadow clones who held the two and left.

"Who are you, stop right there!"

From very deep in the clouds, the voice before was roaring again.

Wang Li kept silent while smiling.

Suddenly, a loud explosion was heard.

At the frontline, a 5-claw Grey Dragon descended from the sky, crashing into Wang Li. Wang Li backflipped and lightly landed on the ground.

The 5-claw Grey Dragon turned into a humanoid form, opened its mouth and questioned: "Who are you to dare save people in front of this saint?"

Wang Li stayed silent but his eyes showed amusement. The 5-claw Grey Dragon having turned into a humanoid form, still kept a snake-like head, all four limbs were still claws and a long tail dragging behind it together with a grey color scale that covered its whole body. Within its snake eyes, endless wicked intent can be seen.

This was a Beast Saint that is able to change its form. The world has had no True Dragon for a very long time, this Dragonewt is already one of the strongest species within demon beasts, a sacred beast that could rival a Saint. The voice that had hid inside the cloud giving order from before was his.

Gu Qing Shan was a bit confused and surprised. There were no Beast Saint that personally acted during his past life. Once a Beast Saint appeared, the spirit pressure they emit could easily be felt by the great cultivators of humanity. He was also surprised to see Wang Li and his eyes turned slightly red. Clearly he knew him in his past life. He was also confused as to why Wang Li was stronger then in his past life.

This time, seeing their two targets about to be saved, the Beast Saint couldn't just stay silent anymore.

"A Demonic Dragonewt? Good, although you aren't a True Dragon, for now you will be a good addition to my army."

Saying that, Wang Li generated and manipulated flames in the shape of a dragon. It was a Great Dragon with 9 claws, a few miles long from head to tail. All the demon beasts that saw that all fled. As soon as the Great Dragon opened its mouth, numerous demon generals floating in the sky was swallowed, then it waved its tail and also swallowed the Beast Saint. Then the dragon snapped at the ground, taking in a large piece of land in its mouth, as it raised its head to swallow, numerous demons and dirt fell from the sky.

Wang Li then muttered: "Burn!"

When it heard that order, it twisted its body, happily flung its tail and roared.

The dragon's body started glowing a black color of fire, as the fire covered its outer body, it also travelled inside.

A minute later.

A sudden change happened. The black fire exploded, flowing back out from inside its body. The 9-claw Great Dragon squirmed in pain, the fire on its body kept raining down everywhere. As the fire rained down like a meteor shower, all the demons that haven't fled in time all got burned to ash. Then the Great Dragon stopped moving. A few breaths later, it roared in pain. The invisible shockwaves from its mouth could almost be seen in the sky.

As Bai Hua Fairy sat on her throne of flowers, her eyebrows suddenly loosened and spoke excitedly: "Finally you couldn't handle it and retaliated, a good chance Li!"

Pop, as Wang Li disappeared from his place.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he had returned back to his place.

"Clang, clang", two weapons were nonchalantly thrown on the ground in the Bai Hua Palace.

Gu Qing Shan couldn't help but look at them. They were an elongated bone claw, and a large bone blade. You only need to look to tell that they were high-tier demonic weapons. But right now, all the strong demons were trapped inside the 9-claw Great Dragon.

Which means, Wang Li was looking for a chance to steal the demon's things?

The strongest Saint in the world, doesn't just have, but also actively encouraged her disciple to use extremely fluent pickpocketing skills. This fact is so out of this world that Gu Qing Shan could only stand in silence, looking confused.

Wang Li once again disappeared.

The 9-claw Great Dragon squirmed even more, but inside the dragon there was a large bag, occasionally moved like there was something trying to get out from inside. A few breaths later, the 9-claw Great Dragon disappeared in a large flash of light, slowly dissipated in the air. Replacing that dragon was a few floating figures. The Dragonewt Beast Saint was standing in the middle of the demon generals, roaring: "A spell of this caliber, just who the heck are you!"

When the dragon disappeared, Wang Li's figure once again appeared in his place. He estimated the weight and value of the bag in his hand a bit then put it in his shadow.

Together with the 2 others, there are now 3 stolen weapons.

"Looks like I didn't teach pickpocketing for nothing after all" Bai Hua Fairy sat on her throne, muttered happily and proudly.

Gu Qing Shan was silent and didn't say a word, acting like he didn't hear it.

Right at this moment, Wang Li just said one word that brought a chill down every demon's spine.

"Come Out!"

Wang Li's shadow enlarged to cover the entire area. Shadow Soldiers came out of his shadows and surrounded the demons numbering thousands.

As the Beast Saint saw this, it asked: "Those are Shadow Soldiers, which means, you must be the human's Wang Li?"

Normal people don't dare to call Wang Li by his name anymore and refer to him as the Shadow Sword Saint.

"I am"

Wang Li stood in the air and replied.

The beast saint smiled so wide it practically reached his ears, showing his sharp fangs, he spoke: "Wang Li, you dare ruin our demon army's plan, I swear I'll kill you, trap your soul within your flesh, making you watch your master serve me as a slave for both day and night!"

Wang Li looked at the beast saint coldly: "You know me, and yet you still dare to be so foul to my Shifu?"

The Evil Dragonewt stuck out its tongue, while his eyes held nothing except wicked thoughts.

It said: "I heard Bai Hua Fairy Xie Dao Ling only knows to cultivate herself, after reaching Sainted realm, she's still a pure virgin, oh how that tickles my fancy"

Saying that, it was already drooling nonstop.

Wang Li kept calm, asked it back: "You dare to saw that much, seems like you've got help then?"

Wang Li already knew so he was calmly waiting for all of them to arrive. If not for this he would have long since killed him in one strike.

The wicked Dragonewt pridefully answered: "Of course they're all hiding in a secret location, waiting to give you that one fatal strike"

As it insulted her the first time, in the palace, Xie Dao Ling who was sitting on the ten thousand flower throne already angrily muttered to herself. Since she's broke through Sainted realm to now, no one has dared spoke to her like that. Bai Hua Fairy Xie Dao Ling is truly angry now.

Barefooted, she stood up from her throne, angrily about cast hand seals one after another when she heard a voice.

"Please calm down Shifu, I will leave him alive so as you could release your anger.:

Bai Hua Fairy paused for a moment before finally sitting down once again.