

A boy who transmigated to another world This is my first time writing a novel and English is not my main language. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the anime ,manga and games this was inspired of growth cheat and gamer. I will also add other ideas of animes and mangas.

Belial2122 · Andere
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28 Chs

Chapter 28: Update

"Progress. The most difficult is always the first step, so take a step forward even if its a baby steps until you learn how to run."[1]


It was bright and sunny day, the leaves and grass are green and luxuriant.

A black haired youth woke up in a tattered hut.

A comfortable and soothing feeling spread across his body and the energy in his mind kept growing, making his thoughts become clearer, his senses become sharper and more agile.

Yes, this black haired youth was Axel.

The haggard face from before was gone, replaced by a handsome and charming face of a youth. The sunken eyes and hollowed cheeks was now gone and replace by soft flesh and the malnourished thin body before was now compact with mass of muscle unlike the weak body that can be blown by a wind.

Then Axel was blinking his eyes to get clear view in his vision and he begin to sit up in his bed. And a transparent screen appear in his vision along with a familiar sound.

[Ding! You have slept in bed! HP/MP have been restored to the max]


[Gamer System has completed the updated

Loading ...1%...6%...15%....47%....79%...100%]

[Welcome to Update v2.0 of Gamer System!  

The latest patch have been successfully installed.

A few changes have been made to the gamer system to enhance gameplay while some new mechanics have been introduced.

Skills have been re-balanced to accommodate the skill mastery system.

Please check the playbacklog below to verify;...] 

'This has never happened before' I said.

Then the memories from before began to surface in his mind like an explosion.



12 hours ago

After listening to her, a transparent screen appear in front of me.


[You have acquired undisclosed information.

You have gained the following for acquiring information.

+1 INT

+1 WIS]

'Wait, what?' I asked to my mind unconsciously.


[Gamer System has downloaded an update!

System will now begin to update v2.0]

[Ding! Begin Countdown  5....4.....3....2.....1...]

Then after that everything turned dark.


And now back to the present.

I heard a voice beside me, then I turn around my head to see a two worried faces of my little sister and childhood friend. And I see some words above their heads that was never seen before.

"Brother, what happened to you? You scared me." Luna said.

"Axel, are you okay now? or you should rest more." Anna said.

I looked at their faces and they bombarded me with questions with a worried look. But I smiled back and replied to them.

"I'm alright now, sorry for worrying you and thank you for taking care of me." I replied.


After replying that words, my stomach grumble and now its demanding food. Since because I haven't eaten yet,I need some energy to satisfy my growing appetite.

"You must be hungry right? We already made you a dish, its from the tribal ration distribution, it also has little meat so eat up well." Luna said while bringing a bowl of food to me.

While I accepted it and give my thanks.

"Thank you for the food! Woahh its delicious."


While eating the meal, suddenly it occurred to me I can now use the Vision skill here right? Then why don't I try it on people? But first lets check this dish.


[Wild Meat Stew]

[Rank: Mortal - Low]

[This is a dish made with the use of Wild Meat and Mushroom. A stew made with the rich nutritious ingredient, it boasts a great taste.

Satiety has been filled to 100%.]

This is almost the same with my recipe huh, they have really grown at this point huh. Then I looked at them both and used my Vision.


[Name: Anna Crimson

Race: Flame Lizardkin

Class: Cleaner  Lv.6

Totem Spirit: Clean

Title: Novice Cleaning Specialist]

[Name: Luna Crimson(??)

Race: ???

Class: ---  Lv.---

Totem Spirit: ---

Title: ???]

"Mother*****, holy shit!" I almost cursed my ancestors to the 13th generation because of shocked, In Anna's status I still expected it but what I found out at Luna's was mind blowing.

There is too much question mark about it, that means this is a secret treasure right?

Maybe she is a missing princess from some beast tribe or something,but wait calm down me, don't raise too many flags.

We should take it slow step by step first and think about this later.

I should find myself to distract with.Hmm? If I remember correctly there is that system message. Is it playback log? lets try it.

"Playback Log"

[Welcome to Update v2.0 of Gamer System!  

The latest patch have been successfully installed.

A few changes have been made to the gamer system to enhance gameplay while some new mechanics have been introduced.

Stats have been re-balanced to accommodate the stat attribute system.

Skills have been re-balanced to accommodate the skill mastery system.

Please check the log below to verify;

- Title Granted to the Gamer


- Increased Number of Expansions for Maximum Inventory Slots

- Stats Function Re-balanced

- Skills Function Re-balanced

- Quest Function Improved

- Reputation Function Improved

- Evolution Function Improved

- Guild Function is Online

- Upgrade Function Unlocked

- Lottery Function Unlocked

- Resurrection Stone Granted to the Gamer

- Upgrade Stone Granted to the Gamer

- Summon Stone Granted to the Gamer]

Then I was bombarded by messages after opening the notifications.

[1] I forgot where I heard this, if you can tell me where this came from then thank you.

Im sorry, its been a long time, almost forgot this acc bcz i dont have have internet connection, I just realize being author is not my thing but I still decide to write a bit. I forgot the direction of this book so please dont mind if there is some plotholes. Tnx 4 reading.

I dont own any anime, manga or novels.

I only own the Oc and other scenes.

Belial2122creators' thoughts