
Omen : The paradox of existence

"I" woke up again in yet another familiar but unfamiliar life. .................. "Death is but a mere Omen " said the old man . ................ This story is about the crown prince of Xia kingdom who used to an invincible genius and a very pure soul but he gets betrayed and almost killed .He fell into vegetative state for 5 years and when he woke up something has changed in him ..... watch how he teaches a lesson to those who betrayed him and how he heals from his trauma and trust issues.... Join me in this trivial yet abnormal trail of existence as I Alex a earthling get more truth than i bargained for. >>> This is the first book of my first series . This book is about what happens when an angel becomes the devil . When his wings are burnt by the embers of cruelty >>>. I promise atleast 7 chapters/week All feedback is appreciated.

Pixelated_Moon · Fantasie
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4 Chs

The Beginning After The End (1)


In the crown prince's room the frail crown prince lay on a large bed , one look around the room and you can easily deduce how it gives an indication of the past glory and the present misery. The silk drapes over the rotten window frame provides the perfect metaphor describing the current situation.

Suddenly a gust of wind , not too strong started blowing in the room . If any person were to see this he would be very surprised as to how can there be wind blowing in a completely enclosed room . The wind started getting stronger and heading in the direction of the crown price . Then the prince's body started floating about an arms length from the bed and a reddish glow started emanating from his chest . The red glow started surrounding his body until it was wholly covered.

In that exact moment the unfortunate 'me' who had died just as 'I' was about to celebrate the best day of 'my' life opened eyes. 'I ' found myself floating in a dark space , well it was not completely dark as something was shining at the edge . The source of the light resembled a star , 'I ' contemplated whether I should approach it but then recognizing that this situation is way to bizarre and 'I' am completely out of any other options decided to do so. 'I' tried flailing my arm and legs in order to push me towards that bright light . The bright light was giving rise to very pleasant emotion in 'me' but the situation was so bizarre that 'I' feared if I was just a moth being attracted to a flame. Anyways with great effort and some time 'I' reached it.

It was a shining ball but the weirdly although it was emitting dazzling light it was illuminating nothing. 'I' moved my finger and cautiously touched the light ball , as soon I did that 'I' got sucked into it.

When 'I' came to my senses 'I' found myself in a unbelievably normal room . There was a small bed on the left corner , a wooden door , two windows etc. Besides all that there was a table and a chair , and on that chair was sitting a figure completely made of shadows . He had a build similar to mine , and it seemed that he was typing something.

Suddenly the figure turned around , He had no face just contours and to be honest 'I' was very terrified when 'I' saw that. 'I' staggered and almost fell down."HAHAHA, don't be afraid it's not that I have no face it's just that you don't acknowledge it yet so you can't see it " said the shadowy figure. "What does that even mean" 'I' questioned. " Well nothing you should be concerned about now , it's good that you finally came it was getting quite boring here" He said.

"Boring , what place is this although it looks like a normal room it can' t be normal I clearly remember I died and then.." 'I' was in middle of my questioning when he suddenly interrupted me and said " You are obviously dead and as for this place , this is inside your soul and before you ask who I am sorry to say you will have to figure out yourself ". "So I am really dead sigh!! , but if I am dead what am I doing here " 'I ' questioned further. "Well it's a long story. Do you believe in reincarnation ? ,Yes you've kinda got reincarnated " .