

"Mail call soldiers" I heard as the mail guy came with a big sack, I got up and found my mail and package, I opened the package and sighed, I laughed and said " hey John" he looked up from his letter " I threw him his small box from my mother, he shook his head then I opened the letter while shoving a cookie in my mouth.

Dear Tyler,

     You missed so much, Harry's not little anymore. He's 16 and in a band called One Direction, he misses you so much. Calls everyday seeing if you came home. Can't believe you been gone for so long. Haven't seen you since you were 15. You missed so many Christmas's. The presents are piling up. Harry has a concert coming up it would mean the world, if you would go or at least send him a letter. I love you my pumpkin, and so does your father. I promise. Now be safe my baby. I love you.

- Mom

I read the letter and pulled out 5 tickets. I shoved another cookie in then took the cookies and my tickets and went to the general. I knocked softly on his door " come in" I walked in and said " General" " hello Tyler what seems to be the issue" I set the tickets on his desk with the letter " 16 already" I gave him his share of cookies " your birthdays coming up isn't it" I nodded and said " Saturday sir" he hummed while chewing on my mothers cookies " I'll give all of you the rest of the month off" I nodded then said " thank you" he smiled and said " go see your family" I smiled and walked back to our tents then I looked at them and said " so I have 5 tickets" " " who has no kids, no wife, just nothing" the only 2 people that put there hands up were my 2 boys. Charlie and Jackson. They were always there, even when we went to war, they were their right next to me . We did basically everything together . Ate. Fought. Wrote letters. Once in awhile if I'm cold, I'll crawl into one of there beds. But like I said they were there. In all of honesty, I never really liked my brother Harry, he was always the golden child, got whatever he wanted. If he said " jump" my parents would jump. But if I asked for one simple thing. They'd tell me to get a job. But if it were him. He'd get money. He has the talent. The women. Not that he really cared about the women. He has to much respect. The voice. He always was talented as a kid. Least he put good use to the talent. People don't even know I exist. To them, I'm just a fling who never goes away. Until I left for the Army. Harry was happy. We never really talked to each other plus he got to make my room into a game room. But my parents couldn't wait for me to leave. I didn't even get a hug goodbye. It was like I wasn't there. My life isn't perfect, not even close " Tyler, let's go" I guess it's time to go. We walked onto the plane and the whole ride, Charlie was making stupid jokes " What happened to the guy when he tried crossing the road?" I raised my eyebrow " he died!"

I laughed " your so mean!" and that went the whole ride. Him making cruel jokes. I love these boys but sometimes I worry about them. Mostly there idioticness. But I love these boys all the same. There my brothers. My family.

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