
Matters of the Heart (IV)

Yesterday, she had been extremely cold, her touch as freezing as the snow; yet, right now, her body was warm, hot, even.

Though, in a way, it had always been hot. Which was a stupid, passing thought.

Looking below, her face was buried on his chest as she slept soundly; her hands were hugging him gently, but firmly and her chest heaved up and down.

He could feel her firm and soft breasts pressing against his chest, but instead of feeling lust, he felt unbridled joy.

Just as he was thinking about it, he noted something he hadn't before.

As he tenderly hugged her body, he was not using just a single-arm, but both.

Before sleeping, one of his arms had still been completely ineffective, as he could not even lift a finger, much less move it.

"Eh?" With another startle, he found his cultivation base had not changed.

He was getting more and more astounded with it as he was not even sure how this strange cultivation method worked anymore. He had to spare some time to research dual cultivation soon – as it was the most similar thing he could think about.

"Urgh…" A small groan echoed, drawing his attention away from such thoughts. Yuan Yue moved slightly as she stretched, leaving her ample breasts in full view, with its pair of perfect, pink buds.

After stretching, she finally opened her eyes, catching sight of a grinning Yueshi.

For an instant, her expression froze on her face as the world slowed down in her eyes; a moment later, the one revealing intense surprise was him, as Yuan Yue's eyes moistened and tears started to flow down.

His grin turned into worry, but that also did not last long.

Abruptly, Yuan Yue hugged him firmly, as if afraid this was merely an illusion. When she slept, she thought she would not wake up anymore.

She was emotionally frail right now, so much that she left aside all her tough acts to shed the tears she never shed.

Yueshi could only hug her and pat her back, reassuring her it was not a dream. At the same time, he swore to himself to not let such a thing ever happen again.

He had been speaking about getting stronger to protect himself and those he held dear, and he thought he was doing so fairly well…

He was wrong.

As he hugged Yuan Yue's frail body his eyes glowed with sharpness.

No matter how strong he had become in the past month, he was still too far from being truly powerful.

He had a long path ahead, and he had to make sure to not commit mistakes – mistakes that could endanger those he loved were absolutely forbidden.

After a few minutes, Yuan Yue finally calmed down.

She then examined her body curiously and, seeing her wounds healed, she was nothing short of shocked – although shock did not express how deep her surprise and confusion was.

Nevertheless, she did not ask anything.

Then, suddenly, she blushed intensely, making Yueshi laugh. "After everything we did, you are only becoming embarrassed now?" He hugged her tenderly, not allowing her to get up and run away.

Yuan Yue could only struggle for a bit before giving up and hiding her face in his chest.

They had done it for hours, and her waist was still a bit sore after all the 'battling', however, though she was embarrassed, there was also a sweet feeling in her heart that she could not exactly explain.

Nonetheless, with her personality being like it was, she eventually calmed down – she was really good at acting though, and acting thick-skinned was nothing for her.

Hadn't she done so during the past month?

She had not even blushed a single time when talking with Yueshi during the mission and their time in the sect despite not forgetting what they had done in the pond.

Yet, just as she was going to speak, her expression suddenly changed.

Pushing against his chest and putting some distance between them, Yuan Yue then looked Yueshi in the eyes.

"Admit it, you have become addicted to this big sister here's body." She spoke with a playful smile and mischievous eyes.

Yueshi could only roll his eyes at her – though she was not exactly wrong, and the hard, warm rod hitting her stomach was a testament to that.

Both of them looked downward at the same time.

Yuan Yue's robe was fully open on the front, only resting on her shoulders, so both had a good view of each other's body.

Just as Yueshi's rod was rock hard, Yuan Yue's pussy was also leaking slightly. With her labia pressed against Yueshi's cock, the two genital organs seemed prepared for even more fun, apparently completely recovered from all the hustle and tussle from a few hours ago.

"Well, I combined with sister Xiong of them coming to rescue us…" Yuan Yue spoke, averting the main subject. What she wanted to say was that they had a lot of 'free time~♥'.

With her speaking close to his ear, Yueshi could feel her warm breath tickling against it.

His rod throbbed even more in desire at her inviting words and, though he felt the urge to tease her a bit, he still opted for taking the bait.

"Then, let us have some more fun." Grinning, he squeezed her soft butt, making her squeak because of the sudden move.

However, she soon started to enjoy his touch and caress, her slit grinding against Yueshi's rod as she pleased her entrance and clit at the same time.

Soon, panting sounds, moans, and groans started to echo from inside of the cave.

A wild chicken passing by stopped on its path, looking at the cave's entrance and tilting its head sideways in wonder.

She had never heard a demon beast make that sort of sound!

Meanwhile, after 'battling' for another few hours, the Yueshi and Yuan Yue finally decided to rest for a bit – not because they were out of energy, but because they thought it would be better for their bodies.

Not even Yueshi was sure of how much was healed during their sexual act, so it was wise to rest a bit.

With Yuan Yue lying on the top of his chest, Yueshi stared at the ceiling of the cave.

His mind wandered here and there as he thought about everything that happened during their mission, particularly so about his acceptance of his own feelings.

"Hey, I want to tell you something." Hesitating for a moment, he spoke with a soft voice while caressing her head.

"If it is about your strange, devilish technique that healed us, this big sister already knows~" Despite his tension, she answered jokingly, making him roll his eyes.

Well, it would be strange if she had not noticed it.

He had been so desperate and told her to trust him before they started everything, it wasn't hard to connect the dots and understand he knew how their wounds healed.

Nonetheless, despite the fact she knew a bit about it right now, he still decided to explain to her everything he understood about it.

Who knows, maybe she knew more about dual cultivation since she had been living in this world for a longer time – chances were that she could help him understand what sort of thing that old man had gifted him.

"So, you're saying that our boost in cultivation last time was also because of your cultivation method?" After he told her everything, she asked so in confirmation.

"Hm." He nodded in agreement, not trying to hide it anymore.

Afterward, she did not say anything for a while.

She seemed to be pondering hard about something, and he did not rush her - and well, he had to admit that her serious countenance was quite sexy and pleasant to look at too.

That, and they had all the time in the world. Although he felt that such time would be better spent doing… well, other 'things'.

"So, did you get to the third stage because of it, too?" However, her thoughts followed in a completely different path than what he had imagined.

After he hesitantly confirmed it, she stood in silence for another moment, and he faintly heard her mutter 'so you were not a virgin, huh…'

Her disappointment made him roll his eyes at her, and also feel warm inside. Yuan Yue was really silly at times, and that made her even more charming.

"Does it matter? You have me all to yourself right now." Wanting to cheer her up, he spoke so.

Hearing him, she trembled slightly. She did not think he had heard her, so she was a bit embarrassed.

"Nah, I don't like used goods~" Still, looking up and facing him, she managed to joke like always.

Yueshi could clearly see her mischievous intent through her pearly, black eyes. Well, not that he could complain, since this was something he liked in her.

This time, he did not even try to tease her back, as he had already learned that he would only suffer doing so.

"Hey… was your first time with Xuehua?" Just as he was thinking about something, Yuan Yue asked out of the blue.

For an instant, he felt a chill spread through his body, but he managed to calm down a second later.

Since he admitted his third stage cultivation was the result of using this strange method, it was not hard to infer

what had happened. After all, when he and Xuehua met Yuan Yue and the others, they were at the exact same cultivation stage.

That being so, despite noticing her question was phrased in a strange way - and with an odd tone - he still answered her honestly.

"Hm. Someone had drugged her with some sort of aphrodisiac that night, and I wasn't in a normal state, too… one thing led to another and we ended doing it."

He expected to see some disgust in her eyes since he did it with his sister, but, instead, her eyes seemed to get brighter for an instant, as if she had been enlightened by something.

"Is her the one you love, too?" She had already guessed the answer, still, she wanted to confirm it.

Yueshi merely nodded, not saying anything. Since she already knew almost everything, there was no need to hide the rest.

However, a second later, he decided to add something.

"But she doesn't know it, so, please, don't tell her." Seeing Yuan Yue's dubious expression – as if asking what exactly Xuehua did not know – he continued. "That I love her, and that we had sex, too."

Yuan Yue wondered how could she not remember, but guessed that it had something to do with the drug.

At the same time, she made a mental note to go find whoever did it and follow on the steps of their dojo's strongest female instructor – busting their balls as punishment.

"I already took care of them." Yueshi read her thoughts perfectly and reassured her with a smile.

"Okay, senior sister has made her mind." Seeing his grin, Yuan Yue smiled too and spoke in a mysterious tone.

Yueshi only glanced at her with an 'about what' face.

However, instead of answering him, she pushed her face forward, sealing his lips with her own. Her little tongue then invaded his mouth, playing around as she pleased, before interlocking with his in a long and passionate kiss.

"I will leave my mark on you, that way they will know you are my used goods~" Playfully speaking, she gave him another peck. Then she started to descend, kissing his neck, then his chest, and continuing down.

Yueshi could only chortle at her words, if she was so interested in doing it, why not be more honest?

Well, with how red her ears were right now, if she said such a thing she would probably faint. That aside, he decided to entertain Yuan Yue and let her take the lead this time.

--- - -

Time passed fast as the two indulged in pleasure. While You Ping and the others made their way down toward them, the two lived a lascivious and carefree time.

If they were hungry they would go out and hunt a few beasts to cook, then, with the energy they acquired from their food, they would hustle and tussle around the rest of the day.

Eventually, Yuan Yue was too tired to keep on doing it.

She had done it so much that her sensibility had increased to a whole new level and a single touch in an erogenous zone was enough to send her shivering with moans.

Yueshi, on the other side, was still in pristine condition.

It was probably a side effect of the strange cultivation method that the old man had given him because he felt he could keep doing it for twenty-four hours, every single day.

It wasn't even about lust, he just could do it, somehow.

That aside, a few days later they finally heard shouts coming from the distance, and it was not hard to recognize the voices.

You Ping's voice had a tinge of merriness to it even when he was serious, while Zhu Xiong's was cool and refreshing – so it was easy to distinguish their voices.

Yuan Yue and Yueshi exchanged glances, smiling. Then, a second later, Yuan Yue blushed. "We should wait for them outside."

Yueshi was a bit surprised with her reaction but still accompanied her out.

Only a while later did he understood and grinned at her.

"Oh, so after playing around with me like I was a toy, you are embarrassed now?" His teasing voice reached her ears, making her already reddish face almost start to fume.

Yueshi even had the impression of seeing smoke fume out of her head as her eyes darted around, her mouth unsuccessfully trying to form some words.

'Ah, this is really nice…' He could feel a sweet feeling in his heart when he didn't hear her tease him back – for the first time, he had won.

Taking his eyes always from her for a second, he looked toward the cave. He was not as embarrassed as her, but it was better if they did not allow the others to get close right now.

He could even hear You Ping bursting into laughter and teasing if he got close to it.

After all, as of now, the scent of their sweat and fluids mixed inside, permeating the entire cave in a lascivious smell that would not go away no matter what they did.

With how strong the smell was, even an idiot would be able to find out what they did in there during the past few days.

"Sister Xiong, Brother Ping, we are here!" Letting those thoughts go away, Yueshi shouted, drawing their attention.

The bottom of the canyon was really beautiful, with many verdant green trees growing here and there despite the climate.

Yueshi and Yuan Yue had even taken a bath on the frozen pond not too far away from their position – though it was really, really cold.

With the two looking around in the middle of the sea of trees, they would take a while to reach here. That was why Yueshi decided to call them, making it easier for both.

Thanks to that, not long after, two people appeared from behind the trees not too far away.

Seeing the two youngsters, You Ping and Zhu Xiong were immediately excited, almost jumping toward them.

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Current event: 3 chapter mass release if top 20 of the season, 6 chapter mass release if top 10 of the season. Lasts until May, 05th. Therefore, please vote, review and add it to your reading list!


Now, we once again went beyond the thresold, reaching 2591 words for this chapter... I am an idiot! That aside, I hope you have enjoyed and see you tomorrow!

Allchemiccreators' thoughts
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