
Odyssey Of The Duality Master

In Nine Serenities there is a popular saying that "Nothing Is Impossible". In a small county in the Soaring Cloud Dynasty, Meng Hao is considered a trash who can not cultivate, but is he really a trash? Join Meng Hao in his Journey of Conquest to the top of the Dao. everything in the story is purely fiction. This is my first story and English is not my first Language, suggest will also be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Mrpetex · Ost
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21 Chs

Martial Hall And Army Camp

Governor Mansion

In a meeting room in the County Governor's Mansion five people can be seen sitting around a round table, at the head sat Meng Chuan the County Governor and to each of his sides sat two people each. All the people currently seated are the decision makers in the Meng Clan.

As the County Governor Meng Chuan is also acting as the Family Head.

"I received a letter from the Main Clan that a delegation will be visiting us in seven days time, so we will organise a banquet to welcome them,

I called this meeting for us to discuss how to arrange the banquet and also send invitations to various forces in the county",

Meng Chuan began after seeing everyone seated.

"I appoint Meng Ye to be in charge of sending out invitations to various forces in the county and Meng Yan to Be in charge of arranging the hall for the banquet, anyone that has any complain about my arrangements can speak or if anyone has suggestions they can also add".

To his right sat a middle aged man with a slight smile on his face, the man is Meng Ye, Hearing what Meng Chuan said he was the first to respond.

"Am ok with the arrangements, in addition I suggest that a battle stage should be made in the hall that day, so that the younger generation can have a Martial Art competition that day, in this way we can show the delegation the talents of our branch family".

After saying that Meng Ye began thinking

**Meng Chuan enjoy the remaining days as a County Governor because that day I will take back what belongs to me, and also That stage will be where Han'er will show his talent**

Hearing What Meng Ye said the other sitting nodded their heads to support what he said.

About fifteen years ago Meng Ye and Meng Yan was the two that was fighting for the position of County Governor, but Meng Chuan who was out on adventures for five years suddenly returned and with the support of the Main Clan Leader then, he defeated the two and became the county governor.

So all this years Meng Ye has been looking for opportunities to remove him and take over and now his chances has come.

Seeing that everyone agrees with the arrangements Meng Chuan closed the meeting.

In the Governor Mansion there are beautiful pavilions and courtyards and Meng Ye been one of the important member of the clan occupy a large courtyard.

Leaving the meeting room Meng Ye arrived at his courtyard were a handsome looking young man with an arrogant look in blue robe is waiting for him.

This Young Man is his son Meng Han, seeing his son Meng Ye showed a bright smile, he is very proud of his son and it was because of his son talent that he got the support of the other members of the family in his bid to remove Meng Chuan as the County Governor.

"Han'er everything is going as planned in seven days time the delegation will come and during the banquet a Martial Art competition will be held prepare well so that you can shine on that day",

he said to his son.

" Don't worry father I will not disappoint you that day"

Meng Han replied.

A bottle appeared in Meng Ye hand, giving it to his son he said

"This are some drop of middle grade essences liquor, use it and temper your body so that you can have a better performance that day.

And also I heard that the Martial Hall will hold a competition in three months time you should start preparing for that too if there is anything you need let me know, because it will good if you can get a good ranking and be sent to the Prefecture level Martial Hall.

Although I have got a spot for you in the Main Clan Holy Baptism the Dynasty has more resources than the Clan".

With joy on his face Meng Han received and thanked his Father.

" You can go and practice now am going out because am in charge of sending out invitations and remember to invite some of your friends from the Martial Hall for the banquet".

With that Meng Ye went out.

In the Soaring Cloud Dynasty there are two main mediums for ordinary people to climb up in the social hierarchy.

One is the Martial Hall.

The Martial Hall is an institution established by the Dynasty to admit and train talented youngster that will hold important position in the Dynasty in future.

There are Martial Hall at each county then at the Prefecture and the headquarters is at the Capital. the Martial Hall at the county level hold a competition once in a while and the winners and talented ones will be sent to Prefecture Martial Hall, same at the Prefecture level the talented ones will be sent to the capital for training.

The blue robe Meng Han us wearing is the official robe of the Martial Hall.

The Second way for ordinary people to climb up the social hierarchy is to join the Army Camp.

The Army Camp covers the Dynasty soldiers, if one join the Army and gain merits one can be promoted and rise through the ranks.

There are stories about ordinary people who joined the Army Camp and performed brilliantly and rised up the ranks and becoming Great Generals .

Meanwhile Meng Hao After leaving the restaurant walked down the street until he start seeing different shops on each side of the street, he walked to a store with a sign which read "Hidden Treasures",

after looking at the sign he walked in.

In the store an old man sat behind the counter reading a book hearing the door bell the man lifted his head and saw Meng Hao coming in, putting down the book he was reading he said,

"Young Master Meng Hao welcome, you came at the right time, I received a new batch of secret boxes yesterday you can try your luck with them.