
Odyssey In The Shadow Realm

Amidst a world plagued by the terror of Goblins, portals into the Shadow Realms emerged, providing a means for humans to fight back and reduce their numbers. Despite being born during this tumultuous era without any inherent talents, Kaito Akira journeys through the shadow realm with unwavering determination and an unshakable will to gain recognition and power. With each step he takes, he rises closer to achieving heaven-defying physical prowess and abilities that will set him apart from the rest. No longer will he be a low-life met with nothing but hate and disappointment from others. But will that truly be his fate? Release Schedule: 3 per week (I'm human, so things can happen. Don't trust the schedule fully). If you like it support the book but if not recommend the book to someone else who would like it (as much as I wanted to say leave the book if you don't like it, I can't because I need support). My discord - thephoenixgod100 Discord server - https://discord.gg/R7U7bw4AFf

ThePhoenixGod · Fantasie
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32 Chs

The Celestial City Of Void: The Stone Ruler

"Where am I?"

A pang suddenly presented itself in Akira's head. Beats and cacophonous sounds resounded in his head. The city, once filled with life, was now an extremely bright void.

He fell to the ground, filled with pain. It was as though a massive weight was put upon him. Akira crawled forward, looking up into the only visible object.

The orb.

Its light fluctuated, with a voice like a roaring thunder being produced. Continuously, the voice spoke,

"Elemental Void"

Akira was perplexed upon hearing the voice of the orb. He couldn't make any sense of the meaning of what it spoke.

There were only four elements in the normal world - fire, water, earth, and air - but, it seemed as though this world possessed an additional element - void.

"What's going on?" he screamed, the pangs evolving.

Once more, he looked up staring at the orb. It dimmed, and subsequently, he regained his view of the city. The people reappeared, the constructions were brought back, and the pains fled from his head.

"Is this a dream?"

He walked forward, mustering the courage to converse with the members.

After all, he knew nothing of the residents, and there was a high possibility they would be dangerous.

He abruptly stepped back seeing the group of men that threatened him. He was surprised as he was relieved of the threats by the men.

He made no hesitation to distance himself, and so, he began running. His eyes were circling, grasping every single detail he could for safety measures.

Finally, he stopped, intending to face the men in white. Surprisingly, their gait became unsteady, and they stopped at a distance away from Akira.

He was met with confusion. He looked around, wondering why they suddenly stopped their attack. It was then, when he looked upon himself, that he noticed a dark cloak enveloping his body, and tapering at the top.

It was as though he was engulfed in dark flames from his head to beneath his soles.

He walked towards the group, only to be greeted by them. He realized that the dark flames had instated fear into their hearts.

They seemed pail, stepping backward and genuflecting on Akira as if he ranked higher than them. Amidst the confusion, he decided to consult the system, thinking his search for a solution would come to an end.

Indeed it did, except not how he expected.


[HP: 100]

[Strength: 15]

[Fatigue: 17]

[Protection: None]

[Level: 2]

[Achievements: Shadow Realm Pass (Beginners), Ultimate Destruction, Shadow Realm Pass: Newbie, You can't do more than a dead body]

[Skill: Stats (Activated), Destroy (Activated), Sensory Attack (Activated)]

"It's all the same. So, what's this?" he thought, already immersed in panic.

"Don't tell me I'm stuck with it."

He stared at the men for a while, with his eyes shaking and his quivering throat. He proceeded towards them, but they all seemed to distance themselves from him with each step he took.

"What's wrong with these guys? One second they're chasing after me, and another they're scared?"

His pulse increased, and he paced towards them. He ran faster than usual. Was it due to the training, or was it the world itself?

They noticed his movements quickly and dashed away. Their speed was incredible, but for some reason, Akira outran them.

In a matter of seconds, he presented himself in front of them, pressed them tightly against each other, and began questioning them.

They were three in total, all equipped with heavy artillery, armor, and swords, yet they all panicked at the sight of the dark flames.

"What's this on my body? The dark flames, tell me!!" he yelled in despair, eager to know the meaning of the flames.

The possibility of the flames being cursed triggered a feeling of ambivalence, as darkness was never a good sign.

After a momentary silence, the men opened up their lips and shook like dying worms on the floor. Sweat ran down their throats, and their heavy clothing suffocated them.

"Please let me go. I'll tell you," they pleaded uniformly.

Akira ignored their plea and kept them tightly compressed between his hands. It was as if their heads imploded at any second. It was an unimaginable strength, Akira hadn't even dreamed to have.

"Okay, I'll tell you," a single member agreed, while the others cried out for mercy.

"When you entered this world, you must have seen a message, indicating 'Elemental Void', right?" he continued.

"This fire indicates that the element has been successfully transferred to you. It's just like a side effect. It will wear off a few minutes later."

The information the man gave him, didn't sit well in his heart, and so, he urged the man to provide more information about where he was.

Just hearing the powers he had gotten, made his heart race in excitement, and he was eager to learn more.

"Where you are right now is a Celestial City, where chosen individuals receive elements. You are sent here through the orb in your world, and bestowed an element that aligns with the orb," the man spoke.

"This is a thriving society, where people like us live. In fact, there are replicates of this city, each belonging to a specific orb. It is in only one of these cities, that the Creator resides."

"The three of us are only mere guardians to this city, hence we don't know much. You will have to find out yourself."

His last words were weaker. Tears trickled down his cheeks and fell to the ground, creating a mini pool of salty fluids. The other two were already unconscious, lying lifeless on the white concrete floor.

The man whom Akira was questioning, had also begun to fade into an unconscious state. Akira seeing this, let go of his grip on the guard, and he fell on the floor.

Akira stood up and observed the city once more before proceeding further into its depths. As he wondered, the dark flames left burned trails that soon recovered, on the floor.


Hello, my readers. My novel may soon enter its contracted stage, so I wish to get comments on when to lock chapters.

50? A hundred chapters? Leave comments on this chapter telling me your opinion. Don't forget to send me power stones, and a review too. It's motivation.

ThePhoenixGodcreators' thoughts