
Odyssey In The Shadow Realm

Amidst a world plagued by the terror of Goblins, portals into the Shadow Realms emerged, providing a means for humans to fight back and reduce their numbers. Despite being born during this tumultuous era without any inherent talents, Kaito Akira journeys through the shadow realm with unwavering determination and an unshakable will to gain recognition and power. With each step he takes, he rises closer to achieving heaven-defying physical prowess and abilities that will set him apart from the rest. No longer will he be a low-life met with nothing but hate and disappointment from others. But will that truly be his fate? Release Schedule: 3 per week (I'm human, so things can happen. Don't trust the schedule fully). If you like it support the book but if not recommend the book to someone else who would like it (as much as I wanted to say leave the book if you don't like it, I can't because I need support). My discord - thephoenixgod100 Discord server - https://discord.gg/R7U7bw4AFf

ThePhoenixGod · Fantasie
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32 Chs

The Awakened Dragon

The entity became clearer to Akira's eyes as it extended. Minutes passed, but the large scales continued their emergence until two large wings presented themselves.

They were nothing like an angel's, colored in thick red like blood, and decorated with scars that stretched throughout it.

Soon, an outline suddenly appeared, connecting the wings to a scale, the scales to a body, the body to a head, and finally, the eyes clung to the head as if it was originally placed on the head.

The entire creature thrust up into the sky, covering up the few stars that remained hanging.

The creature hovered, endlessly gazing at Akira with a rather ominous glow to its eyes.

Compared to the creature, Akira was merely the size of a grain. The creature is almost the size of an entire state. It was whilst the creature descended, that Akira came to a realization.

"Oh! That's a dragon!"

Overflowed with shock, he retreated, knowing the full potential of an actual dragon. If the creature that hovered above him, was a dragon, its potential would be endless, engulfing the entire space with fire.

"What's worse, it's immensely large," he mumbled, funding shelter behind an erected rock.

As the dragon descended, unimaginable pressure was imposed on the ground, forming craters on the floor. He shifted his eyes, and luckily, sighted an oval-shaped rock, and beneath it, he saw a space suitable for him.

He rushed towards the rock and lifted it with all his might. The ground wasn't firm and sand slid off occasionally. He screamed out of pain, but still forced the rock upwards.

Luckily, his efforts had given him an open space to enter beneath the rock. With his arms still pressing against it, he forced his legs into the space and swiftly slid to the bottom of the crater beneath the rock.

He exhaled in relief, slowly forcing his head through the hole to observe the actions of the dragon.

"Where's Takashi?" He thought as he returned his head to its original position beneath the rock.

Suddenly, the rock shook, with its portions slowly crumbling and descending. The crater had lost safety and was on the verge of endangering Akira.

Akira rushed to the edge of the crater and stood as close up as possible to the rock.

"At least, impacts of the crumbles won't be as much," he thought.

Immediately, he heard a loud noise on the surface. It sounded like a roar accompanied by crackles of fire. A few minutes later, he sighted a large explosion.

He could see it through, a tiny opening at an edge of the crater beneath the rock.

His heart pounded, and his sight was lost once more. He panicked even more upon losing his sight, as he would be trapped till the end of time in the crater without vision.

"It seems that I lose vision once I lose composure, and succumb to fear."

"Then, I'll panic as much as I want now so that I won't later," he concluded.

Soon, screamings commenced, and he envisioned the possibilities above his shelter that he sought.

Whilst he imagined, the rock above him vibrated as though it had been hit by something mighty. He immediately shuddered and descended.

He took in a large breath of air and exhaled calmly, and in a few seconds, his vision was restored.

The ground still shook and quaked, but Akira fearlessly ascended. He quickly pushed the rock upwards and peeped through the hole he had created.

He saw the red monstrosity descend and carelessly swaying its long tails at random locations. It occasionally spammed energy blasts that repelled all matter close to it and caused the ground to vibrate.

Upon seeing this, his will to engage the dragon in combat had drastically declined.

"Is that the creature that I have been forced to face?" He spoke silently, his teeth jittering.

He stared around him and eventually forced himself out of his little makeshift shelter. As the rock landed, the attention of the dragon drew nearer.

It turned its gaze to lock with Akira's. I'm in a state of shock, he stood frozen as though the ominous red eyes had cast a spell on him.

Its malevolence lurked within the parameters of the void and could be felt at the very end of it - if it possessed one.

Akira forced a blink and shielded his face with his hands. Dumbstruck, he fell to the floor, his legs raised at a certain length in the air.

"I need to get it together! I'm making myself vulnerable," he spoke, slowly arising from the ground.

He carefully dusted his white robes, although a few stains refused to disappear. He raised his head, breathed in, and locked gazes with the dragon once again.

He forced himself to retain his courage because the extreme energy of the dragon was overwhelming. In a few seconds, he felt a slight shift in the temperature. Gusts emerged randomly, and soon he could feel himself losing grip.

The dragon turned even further until its face was shown totally to Akira. Immediately, he felt a force, not an ordinary force, but one that both repelled and sucked away his life force.

Slowly, he felt himself wither, and his skin became pale. He lost all strength, and fatigue set in dominantly. His feet were suddenly swept away from the ground and pushed speedily into the endless void.

"What's going on!!" He screamed, being repelled with great force.

He felt an intense mass being subjected over him.

With the immense size of the dragon, he still sighted its outline although he had been repelled to a great distance away from it. Due to the occurrence, he was forced into a chain of thoughts.

Periodically, he stared away from the dragon, into the endless space, and fantasized about the presents it could hold.

"I shouldn't get distracted," he uttered.

He turned back towards the dragon and tried measuring the distance.

"It seems far."

He walked for a few minutes and was immediately discouraged by the fatigue he bore. He stared longer at it and decided to pace towards it.

"I know it's far, and it'll drain all my energy, but it's worth a try!"

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