

League of Vilains, the infamous group of bad guys, Pro-Heroes and so are the first year students of UA Highschool fought off, a fight that might've write itself in history

After the incident occured. Tomura Shigaraki, the leader of the said group and his comrades was caught and imprisoned in Tartarus, a high-end prison for such Villains

"Oh so you think everything would be alright after this then? Fighting for peace? There's no such. None of you knew what these people has been through, on why they do the things you call bad. Everyone in this world is a Villain. They just wanted to be one of the rest yet you push them out. No peace, No equality that is what it is"

All for one, the founder of the League. Awoken something in the heads of the Government

"We should atleast let some Villains have freedom, they're just as human as we are. If we lock them up in there forever that wouldn't  make them any good."

"That's ridiculous, if we do they might run and again spread their villainy"

"He's right we cannot risk it. Human lives are on the line"

"And so what are they? Not human? They were just sucked up by evil desires but that they still are human. As I said if we keep them in a cell they'd just die in there along with there devils"

"That is what should happen to them. Die in miserableness to pay of the lives they took"

"Then they'd never be equality in this world"

"Stop talking like some kind of world peace maker or whatsoever we are talking about the sake of our COUNTRY not the world"

Law makers and so as other officials debated.  Months and months of talk until they made things public. Public surveys and polls and Government officials signed petition

And as stupid the ideology might sound like, most people agreed unto letting a Villain out and live like one of them saying that they shouldn't always favor the Heroes as for the Villains were just one of them and society was that who changed them

Baba Nakamura, an old lady whom is a Government's Minister's spouse, a Senator's step-mother, also a teacher in Shiketsu Highschool and a Pro-Hero

She was chosen to be the guardian of Himiko Toga, the Villain who the Government chose to receive freedom as for they believe that her quirk is atleast controllable

But of old age she passed and the responsibility was given to her apprentice/granddaughter, Katsumi Bakugo though since the girl was underaged thus her parents would be carrying the responsibility despite her to be the guardian of the freed villain

The students of UA High school knew about that一 which they probably heard from rumors but they were never given the information that they'd be in the same school as them except for Class 1-A of course they need the info as for their once enemy was standing right infront of their class

A blonde-fluttered-and-fidgetting-on-where-she-stands-looking-at-both-Midoriya-and-Uraraka girl and another girl who's having a glaring contest with Bakugo

"I already told you about the transferees which are these two and I know you've heard of the government project and we'll be a part of it. And these two here are the main priority of the project so the both of you, go and introduce yourselves to the class" Aizawa looked over at the two girls standing beside him

"I am Himiko Toga! I am so happy to be here I hope we all become friends! Specially you Deku and Uraraka~" The girl chuckled devilishly plastering a grin over her mouth

Uraraka and Izuku frowned looking at the psycho infront who's turning her gaze in between them

The girl beside Himiko rolled her eyes cutting the glare she and the irritable guy sitting behind a floating uniform shares, facing them before nodding

"Katsumi Bakugo, it is nice to be here."

The rest of the class mumbled a 'what' hearing the surname that comes after the girl's name. Looking at Bakugo sitting on the left side of the room

A vein popped out of Bakugo's head aggressively facing the others that are staring at him confusedly

"Stop staring or else!!"

Aizawa just sighed and told off the two girls to choose from the two seats behind the room. Just behind the seats of Satou and Todoroki

Both walked on different aisles, Himiko stopped midway looking at Izuku's seatmate. Sero flinched on his seat

"Mind if we exchanged seats?" She said with a grin

"Toga. Choose one of the seats from the back of the class." Katsumi demanded blatanly

"Why would I, if I don't want to? And besides when you like someone you seat close to them, don't ya? So, Uraraka why are you sitting there?" Himiko looked over at Uraraka seated in the right corner from the back

The rosy cheeked girl sat up straight, face flushed by being called out out of nowhere

"You better choose a seat from the two seats from the back, kid or else" Katsumi threatened throwing her a glare

Himiko groaned looking at the seats, her grin came back seeing a seat close to Uraraka. Behind Satou

She ran there and sat down staring dreamily at the creeped out girl's turned back. Katsumi sighed and walked towards the remaining seat

But before that she met gazes with a scar faced guy with a stare mixed between confusion and blankness. She ignored him and just sat behind him since that was the only seat

The class continued. Everyone felt awkward because of a former villain's presence add up the fact that she wouldn't  cut out her stare on either Midoriya or Uraraka. But if she did she'd fall in a state of daze

The teachers would often call out to her on which she won't respond having Katsumi to subtly kick her chair and she swore she'd be doing that every now and then

How dare she fall for the brat's act. She emphatizes with her the kid might've been through so much and missed the feeling of studying since Himiko was known to be missing after some gruesome incident that happened on the girl's highschool days

So when she came to her begging her to go and convince the officials to let her go to a school, at first they decided to enroll her to Shiketsu but the psycho releases a tantrum wanting to go to UA saying she wanted to meet up with the students she fought with

At first the government won't obey thinking that the former villain was just trying to manipulate them and the girl really wanted to cut the head off of the people that caused her to get caught but then they couldn't do anything else for the half of the officials would spoil her.

In the end Himiko won, made it in UA without a single sweat drained

Oh how much she hates this girl. The bell rang indicating lunch. Present Mic, the English teacher dismissed them and just as he was walking out Himiko stood up from her seat about to walk towards Uraraka

Katsumi stopped her by holding the back of her collar. The brat looked at her with a glare she didn't back down and returned it with the same intensity

"Let's go." Katsumi muttered demandingly pulling the back of Himiko's blazer to get her to come with her to the cafeteria

When they walked out the door the others overwhelmed Bakugo who was just putting his stuff in his bag

"Who was that brunette hot chick?"

"Why is her last name the same as yours?"

"Is she your relative?"

"How do you have sthuch a thicc relative?!"

"If she is that villain's guardian then you might know some more juicy info right?"

Questions were thrown at him. A vein then again popped out of his head readying his vocal chords--


He stood up walking hurriedly out of the class not wanting to hear anymore of their questions

"Wait isth sthe sthingle!?" Mineta asked on his retreating back. On which good thing he didn't hear. Kirishima ran after Bakugo wanting to eat with him

"I don't think she is yet taken, Mineta" Izuku answered the question. Mineta looked over at him in confusion

"You know Bakugo's sister, Midoriya?" Sero asked

"Well somehow.."

"How can you sthay sthe'ths sthingle? Don't tell me--"

"Uhh yeah she was--"

"You're her ex aren't you!! How can you be stho cocky, Midoriya?"

"Uh no no, it's not like that back when we were kids she was Kacchan's bully and would often bully Kacchan's friends and me. Then I heard she did something bad that made their parents really mad and decided to send her to her grandma's care and eversince she never came back not until now and also I heard from Kacchan back then that their grandma was very strict and scary which is why they hate visiting her so if that was the case then I guess she'd never have a lover or some sort until she's in her grandma's watch."

"Oh wow you sure do know a lot about her."

"No, not really. I just said what I remember back then" Izuku scratched his head smiling awkwardly

"Wait by how you said it. There was a part where you said she did something bad? Do you mean she was just as bad as Bakugo himself?" Mina asked

"I don't think so because if she was just the same level of meanery as Kacchan then their parents wouldn't have to send her to her grandma"

"What!? So someone can outmean Bakugo!?"

"That sounds terrifying, Midoriya!!"

"U-uhh I am not sure if she is still the same it's been a decade since then so maybe she's changed, I guess?" Midoriya defended her awkwardly


"Eat a lot more vegetables. For some reason you looked malnourished what have you been eating these days?" Katsumi puts a lot of greenery on Himiko's plate. The kid just snorted and played with the vegetables

"Hey. That's our table butt out" Katsuki slammed a hand on the table making both girls look up at him. Kirishima was pulling on his other arm telling him to just find another table and not cause a ruckus

Katsumi acted as if she is finding something   below the table and on her seat before looking up at him"Sorry, but I've got zero fvcks to give."

More veins popped out of his head before initiating small explosions on the table"You wanna die!?"

Katsumi stood up to look at the guy at same line of sight and to intimidate him"You wanna fight?"

Kirishima pushed Bakugo's chest with his arm to keep his distance

"Sorry, about him" The red head apologized before whispering pleas to Katsuki to not fight in the cafeteria if he doesn't want to be expelled

Himiko on the other hand took the oppurtunity to throw the vegetables in the near trashbin and continued to eat

"My, my look at these they so called Class 1-A. Fighting in the cafeteria so unprofessional this is why Class 1-B is better" Monoma, a guy from another class butts in with a maniacal laughter

Both the Bakugos attention was brought to him. An orange head girl walked up to him karate chopping the guy's nape 'causing him to go unconcious

"Sorry, about that.." before dragging the guy on the floor with her

Then again the two glared at one another but at this time Kirishima was able to pull Bakugo with him to another table

Katsumi sat on the chair and continued to eat

"You really don't have a good relationship with your brother huh?" Himiko pointed out. She just hummed not wanting to talk about it "How will you be able to handle me if you can't even handle him?"

"Don't compare yourself to him. You're not in the same level of stubborness as he is." She said not looking up from her plate

"Aww you're really undersetimating me aren't ya? Want me to show my full attitude?"

"I appreciate your effort but no thank you."

"Pfft. Yeah yeah whatever" Himiko then shoved food in her mouth looking around finding a certain someone

Just around the corner she sees Izuku talking with Uraraka and Iida. She smiles as she eats staring at the Green head guy and the bobbed haired girl

"Hey where's your vegetables?" Katsumi asked noticing that the food she puts in Himiko's plate was nowhere. The girl ignored her and continued to gaze upon a certain direction

She shook her head, sighed and ate the food that is on her plate. She then randomly looked somewhere unto where Himiko's eyes were

The scar guy that sits infront of her in class was sitting there along with the girl and the boy Himiko was obssessed about. She stared at his head weirded out cause of the guy's half white half red hair

He must've felt as if someone's staring at him and looked around meeting her gaze. The guy then just looked away and continued to eat

"Hey Himiko." She called out at the girl sitting infront of her hearing no response she looked over at where she was sitted seeing no blonde head

She again looked at the direction where she was looking a while ago and there she was walking to Midoriya and Uraraka's table with her tray in hand

"Sht." She hurriedly stood up and ran after her