
Mock Battle

As the bell rings, Leon and Miyuki separated from the group and headed to the class 1-A, while Erika and the rest to the 1-E.

The first lesson was easy and normal, it's the same as Leon's previous life. But it was different for the magic lesson, it's quite hard to follow, but he made it through somehow. Still, it was very exhausting for him.

Leon flings his head back, staring at the ceiling.

"... Maybe I should forget the temple today and focus on my responsibilities as a student." Leon sighed, "I have plenty of books to read tonight."

While he was lost in despair, someone taps him on the shoulder.

"Huh? Miyuki... what are you doing?"

"Are you alright? I have been calling you, but it seems you are lost in thought."

"Ah, it's nothing." Leon waves his hand dismissively, "So, what do you need? Did something happen to Tatsuya?"

Startled, Miyuki let out a silent yelp.

"Um, what's it got to do with Onii-sama?"

"It's not about Tatsuya?"

Leon raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Didn't you asked us to visit the student council together this morning?"

"Yeah, I... remember now." he sighed in disappointment, "... Let's meet up with Tatsuya first."


"Welcome." Mayumi smiled happily, "Don't mind us, please come in."

Inside the meeting room, the long table greets Leon once again.

There is only Mayumi and Mari inside the room with bento in front of them, so without hesitation, Leon approached the table and sat down on a random chair.

The siblings who stood behind Leon raised their eyebrows in surprise by his casualness.

It will be weird for them if they show formality at this time, so the siblings had no choice but to follow Leon and chose their seats.

Mayumi smile broadened at this spectacle.

They started to have lunch by using meal dispenser while engaging in small talks about school activities. Different from the other, Leon always takes a mouthful of beef between words.

It makes them speechless when they look at him, he looks like someone who doesn't eat for two days. But they don't seem to find it disgusting, there is some unexplainable elegance coming from his gait that transcends his messy eating.

Leon feels like it's been ages. He was already forgotten the last time he stuffs his mouth with something so delicious.

But there is one thing for sure, Mayumi lips didn't count.

The lunch break proceeds smoothly. Even with some little problems along the way, the atmosphere in the meeting room is quite harmonious and Mayumi finally asked Miyuki to join the council.

Leon had already told her about this matter, so Miyuki is not surprised when she heard it coming from the president lips, but her mood still goes downhill fast.

She is sad and angry that the school was so unfair to her brother.

Even though he is smarter, better, and stronger than her, she is the one that was chosen.

Although she knew it was useless, she still trying her best to protest and convince the president to let her brother join the council as well.

Alas her hard work is unsuccessful when Mayumi rejected her plea. Although she is the president of the student council, she can't bend the school rules as she wishes.

"I'm sorry Miyuki, but the second-course student can't join the student council."

Mayumi power comes with responsibilities, she knew it well because she belongs from the Ten Master Clans.

That's why she can't blatantly disregard the rules for her personal reason or other people sake.

As expected Mayuki didn't seem to take it well.

"But... Onii-sama is way better than me in everything!" Miyuki gaze burns with stubbornness, showing no sign of giving up.

Finally, her persistent bore fruit in the end.

"Why not join the public morals committee instead? there's no rule that forbids second-course students from becoming a member."

Everyone in the room focused their gaze on Mari, they seem so happy with her suggestion, especially Miyuki.

But the same can't be said about Tatsuya. He is rather flustered with the way a simple lunch could develop into something like this.

This development proceeded just like in the show, even Leon existence was not enough to alter the school rules and main characters decisions.

While they are happily chatting, the door of the student council meeting room suddenly pushed open by a considerable force.

A complexion full of Irritation filled the person face who just barged in, his steps hurried.

"President! You must be joking, right? It's impossible for weed to become public morals committee." He took a gasping breath, "...They are weak and powerless, so it's beyond their ability to fulfill the responsibility of the public morals committee."

The newly arrived man seems so angry for some reason and everyone face started to get serious when the man finished his words.

Except for one person.

Leon who had his mouth full of beef is looking at this angry man with a weird gaze.

His timing is too perfect, it's as if he was eavesdropping outside the door.

Too suspicious.

"Vice-president, why don't you have a mock battle with Tatsuya-kun," Leon said in an exasperated tone. This discrimination is starting to annoy him.


Everyone is startled by Leon remarks.

It's unthinkable for weed to fight against bloom, they don't stand a chance. that's what everyone thought.

"Don't worry, Vice president. He is my senior brother, we are learning under Kokonoe guidance." Leon said, "If you let your guard down, you will get beaten badly."

"So... you better go at him with all you've got."

Teasing smirk found it's way across Leon's face and it seems to annoy Hanzou badly.

"Are you saying I'm gonna lose to a mere weed?"

"Who knows?"

"You... alright." Hanzou said slowly, "I will show you that a weed won't be able to win against me."

Although he is arrogant, Hanzou is undoubtedly not an idiot. In fact, he is quite intelligent, that's why he was able to become the vice president of the student council.

In his mind, he was already analyzing the words spoken by Leon carefully and trying to remember the specialty of the famed Kokonoe-sensei. One countermeasure after another started to formulate in his mind at lightning speed.

Under the gaze of everyone in the meeting room, Tatsuya is planning to reject the challenge that Leon and Hanzou created without his consent.

But the moment he saw his sister worried, yet hopeful gaze, the words refused to escape from his lips.

So, the lunch break ended early for Leon and his friends. Everyone started to get ready for the mock battle, especially Tatsuya who left his briefcase containing a silver handgun CAD in the office.

It only takes ten minutes for them to get ready and arrived in the practice room.

The first high school had plenty of rooms to practice magic or experiment, but because there are many who takes an interest in it, it takes a long time to wait for their turns.

But it's different today, one of the room is empty, so they used it for the mock battle.

Leon stood in the spectator place with Mari and the students' council members, looking as though trying to suppress something.

Although he tried very hard, Leon can't seem to contain his excitement, it started to show on his face.

One sided battle is not fun if he's not directly involved in it, so that's why Leon did something to alert Hanzou, hoping to increase his struggle a little longer before he gets demolished by Tatsuya.

Although in Leon'eyes Hanzou has no chance of winning, at least he may be able to show something interesting.

He is full of anticipation toward the mock battle between Tatsuya and Hanzou.

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