

Autor: Alanduardo
Video Games
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Lesen Sie den Roman O MAIS FORTE DO UNIVERSO des Autors Alanduardo, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Em 2080 o Jogo UNIVERSO ÔMEGA Promete ser o melhor jogo do século com mais de 10.000 mundos com todos tipos de ambientes.Davi Lira acorda assustado pois achou que estava morto pelo seu melhor amigo e ...


Em 2080 o Jogo UNIVERSO ÔMEGA Promete ser o melhor jogo do século com mais de 10.000 mundos com todos tipos de ambientes. Davi Lira acorda assustado pois achou que estava morto pelo seu melhor amigo e sua namorada que tinha o traido com ele. Percebe que não estava mais em 2100 onde foi assassinado por ter ganhado um item epic no jogo ÔMEGA relembrando do seu passado decide fazer tudo diferente em sua vida em vez de ser um jogador casual vai se tornar o mais forte de todos com o conhecimento de sua vida passada, e se vingar dos que o traíram.

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7th Life of the Beloved Child

There's this one famous saying that all humans live their lives in service to. Just like how cats have nine lives, "Humans all have seven lives." And everything they do in the seven lives whether it is good karma, bad karma, their effect on the world, achievements, skills, their level of knowledge can be calculated. When their final life, the seventh literation is over, everything is tallied up to determine which level of the afterlife you will reside in for the rest of eternity. One human—beloved by the angels and the demons to the point that they compete to see how much gifts they can provide the child, is on his final life. Given the strongest body, the most fortified constitution, the greatest library in his mind to store every information that exists in the world, and an arsenal of skills to conquer the world a million times over—surely he should have accumulated a level of points beyond anyone's imagination right? Nope! The child beloved by God and the Devil themselves suffers from a condition. No matter what body his souls ends up in, the environment he grows up in, or the people surrounding him—he suffers from laziness. Capable of all things but nothing to motivate him forward, throughout every single lifespan, not once has he had a goal that extends beyond wanting to eat some good food or get an entire day's worth of rest. The angels and the demons wants to motivate him to live his life to fullest. How will they do so?

drunkspacerabbit · Fantasie
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