

At the edge of the known universe lies Nova, a planet orbiting a massive black hole. In this extreme environment, Ethan, a traveler from Earth, rises to lead Nova's resilient people, building a powerful industrial and military system. As they face an imminent invasion by the formidable demon Andrew, who wields dark energy and advanced technology, Nova's fate hangs in the balance. Ethan, having grown into a remarkable leader, is joined by the angelic warriors Rena and Moni. Together, they confront the demon threat, showcasing extraordinary courage and intelligence. Amid the chaos, Ethan's bond with Rena deepens, adding a layer of personal stakes to the epic struggle. "Edge of the Universe: Nova" is a sci-fi epic blending adventure and cosmic warfare. It highlights humanity's resilience and the power of courage, wisdom, and love in the face of overwhelming odds. Through Ethan's journey, readers will explore the farthest reaches of the universe and the indomitable spirit of those who fight for their home.

Caesar101 · sci-fi
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60 Chs

Chapter 7: Heavenly Intervention

**Location:** Upper Atmosphere of Nova


Angels Yan and Moyi were preparing to report to the Holy Keisha.


"Queen Keisha!"


Angel Yan and Angel Moyi bowed to the faint shadow of the throne appearing through the clouds.


"How are things, Yan?"


"Queen Keisha, Moyi and I have arrived on the planet called Nova. We witnessed a warrior here fighting against the demon Andrew..."


Angel Yan detailed Ethan's battle with the demon to Holy Keisha.


"No super genes? Yet possessing the power and speed of first-generation God River super soldiers? And this is common among them? Their leader rivals the second generation? And they live under gravity far exceeding that of other planets? Dark adamantium? Abundant resources? Yan, if it weren't you reporting this, I would find it hard to believe such a planet and such God River beings exist."


"So, Yan, do you think they have a government that fights for their people?"


After hearing Yan's report, Holy Keisha, slightly astonished, asked a series of questions, then pondered for a moment before speaking again.


"Queen Keisha, this is exactly what I wanted to emphasize. This planet has a long history, possibly longer than our angels', but for tens of thousands of years, their technology remained in the cold weapon era, much like other planets."


"However, eighty years ago, a man named Ethan led the people to rebel against their oppressive ruling class. Fifty years ago, they unified the government and began advancing their technology. Now, they have achieved Ethan's vision of a society where everything is for the people."


"In this regard, I admire Ethan. His thinking is far ahead of his time."


"In terms of technology, they have mastered controlled nuclear fusion and several other technologies surpassing the pre-nuclear era, reaching the early space age. Their technological foundation is solid."


"But due to the planet's massive gravity, their spacecraft cannot escape into space, which sets them apart from other civilizations. So, I don't know how to categorize their era!"


"In summary, they are more worthy of angelic protection than any other civilization I've seen. We angels should protect them..."


Yan's voice trailed off, almost as if speaking to herself, but Holy Keisha, listening intently from her throne on the Skyblade, caught every word.


Holy Keisha's lips curved into a slight smile.


"Yan, I've never heard you speak so highly of a civilization before. Why? Is it because of Ethan? Could it be that you're developing feelings for him?"


Yan's eyes flashed with a trace of unease at Holy Keisha's teasing.


"No, Queen Keisha. I just think such a civilization is rare."


"Hmm, Yan, be mature and find a god who won't rot into dust."


Yan's unease vanished at Holy Keisha's remark, and she responded earnestly.


"I understand, Queen Keisha. I have another matter to report."


"Go ahead."


"Queen Keisha, during Ethan's battle with the demon Andrew, I detected dark data indicating that Andrew has sent this planet's location to Morgana. This means, if Morgana attacks and spreads her gene virus, the consequences would be disastrous."


Hearing this, even Holy Keisha straightened up, her expression turning serious.


"That would be catastrophic! Nova, with a population of one billion, would be unable to resist the gene virus infection. They would all become Morgana's soldiers. Countless first, second, even third-generation demons would invade, threatening not just the God River beings but the entire universe. The order of justice would be obliterated!"


"Morgana knows the significance of Nova to her. I suspect she is already on her way. Time is of the essence!"


"Yan, immediately negotiate with Nova about evacuation plans. Share our cloaking algorithms with them, but assist them in implementing it as their technology might not suffice. I'll dispatch Cold and Azu through long-range wormholes, but the Skyblade One and Skyblade Seven must travel through the grand worm bridge, which will take time. I hope we have enough."


"I have a feeling Nova might be the decisive battleground."


"Understood, Queen Keisha!"


Ending the call, Holy Keisha quickly sent a message through the Holy Knowledge Treasury to all angels, then addressed Angel Kyla standing below the throne.


"All angels return to Skyblade One and Skyblade Seven immediately. Head to Nova at top speed, no delays!"


"Understood, Queen Keisha!"


Angel Kyla gracefully bowed to Holy Keisha and left to organize the operations. Having served beside Holy Keisha for millennia, Kyla knew that whenever Queen Keisha showed such a grave expression, something significant was afoot.


In the capital city of Nova, Radiance, in a conference room, six hours had passed since Angel Yan left after the great battle.


Ethan, Mikhail, William Eaton, Zachary Thompson, Leonard Smith, and their department heads were in a meeting.


Mikhail hesitantly asked, "Leader, is that what the alien Angel Yan really said?"


"Yes, and we don't have much time!"


Ethan replied emotionlessly, staring at the burning cigarette in his fingers.


"But why would that alien Morgana want to attack us?"


Hearing Mikhail's question, Ethan turned to him, speaking solemnly.


"Because we can be her weapons. Unfortunately, we are caught in a war sweeping across the universe—the war between angels and demons! Angels uphold justice, judging the demons' evil. I believe the demons are on the verge of collapse, and we are their hope for a comeback!"




The surrounding people questioned further upon hearing Ethan's explanation.


"Why? Because you are the vessels, the best carriers for Morgana's gene virus!"


A sudden regal female voice echoed.


"Who goes there?"


Mikhail and the others turned towards the voice, demanding.


Angel Yan and Angel Moyi stood silently in a corner.


"Heh, after helping you deal with a big problem, is this how you welcome us, children?"


Angel Yan ignored their questions, walking towards Ethan.


"How could we not welcome you? We appreciate the angels' help in preventing greater losses. Please, have a seat."


Ethan, recognizing Angel Yan's voice, smiled slightly and gestured for her to sit.


Hearing this, Angel Yan walked gracefully to a seat opposite Ethan, her white wings arching behind her.


"Children, let's get straight to the point."


Angel Yan crossed her legs, speaking with a hint of depth.


"Alright, please go ahead."


Ethan gestured for her to proceed.


"Firstly, the demon queen Morgana is the greatest evil in the known universe. This is not just about her extreme fallen freedom ideology but also her evil technology!"


"Demon resurrection technology and gene virus technology!"


The group, except Ethan, looked bewildered, not understanding Angel Yan's terms.


Angel Yan sighed inwardly and continued.


"Let me simplify it for you. The universe you see with the naked eye is called the material universe. However, in the angels' sight, there is another universe called the dark universe or the dark plane, lying between reality and illusion."


"In the dark plane, there exists information about the entire material universe, which we call dark information."


"Dark information can be preserved or intercepted through certain methods. Morgana's resurrection technology is based on this, preserving her warriors' dark information and injecting it into suitable vessels or bodies, thus resurrecting them. This is akin to what some myths refer to as soul possession. Got it?"


"And the gene virus, as the name suggests, is Morgana's research into demon genes. This gene has strong infection and thought-modification abilities. Once ordinary beings are infected, they become mindless lower demons under Morgana's control."


"Unfortunately, you have caught Morgana's eye. With your physical advantages, if her gene virus transforms you, you could become first, second, even third-generation demons. How could Morgana not be tempted?"


The group, understanding the gist, felt their hearts racing despite the unfamiliar terms. They realized they were targeted by an alien terrorist leader who wanted to enslave them.


Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose, thinking deeply before addressing Angel Yan.


"And what about the angels?"


"Heh, what about us? Kid, did you forget we recently helped you deal with a demon?"


"Of course not. We are grateful for your help. But I still want to know the angels' stance."


Ethan lowered his hands, staring at Angel Yan with determination.


"The angels' stance? Angels and justice will not allow evil to prevail."


"I have reported everything here to Queen Keisha. She deduced that Morgana is already on her way, so she sent me to assist you. If the demon army arrives before us, we need to buy time for Skyblade One and Skyblade Seven to arrive."


"And time is of the essence. We must prepare immediately."


Angel Yan's tone was stern, her previous frivolity gone.


Ethan pondered deeply upon hearing Angel Yan's words. After a long silence, he responded seriously.

