

At the edge of the known universe lies Nova, a planet orbiting a massive black hole. In this extreme environment, Ethan, a traveler from Earth, rises to lead Nova's resilient people, building a powerful industrial and military system. As they face an imminent invasion by the formidable demon Andrew, who wields dark energy and advanced technology, Nova's fate hangs in the balance. Ethan, having grown into a remarkable leader, is joined by the angelic warriors Rena and Moni. Together, they confront the demon threat, showcasing extraordinary courage and intelligence. Amid the chaos, Ethan's bond with Rena deepens, adding a layer of personal stakes to the epic struggle. "Edge of the Universe: Nova" is a sci-fi epic blending adventure and cosmic warfare. It highlights humanity's resilience and the power of courage, wisdom, and love in the face of overwhelming odds. Through Ethan's journey, readers will explore the farthest reaches of the universe and the indomitable spirit of those who fight for their home.

Caesar101 · sci-fi
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60 Chs

Chapter 16: The Demons' Strategy

Meanwhile, in the outer space surrounding Nova, within the command center of Demon One, a strategic meeting was underway.


"So, this is the famed Nova Star? Just as Andrew reported, situated next to a black hole with no stars within a thousand light-years," Demon King Moni exclaimed in amazement as she stared at the holographic screen.


Demon One had just exited space transition, and Nova Star lay not far ahead. Continuous streams of data about the planet were being processed and displayed on the holographic screen for Moni and the other participants.


"Queen, this appears to be the Nova Star described in Andrew's data. Its mass is extraordinarily large, far exceeding that of typical planets. If life evolved here, it would naturally develop physical capabilities far superior to ordinary life forms," reported Atai, a demon operator with black wings, as he swiftly worked at his console.


"Andrew's data indicates that the average composite value of their God River entities is close to, or even at the level of first-generation super soldiers. If we can infect the entire population of this planet with your gene virus and convert them into your warriors, our forces would conservatively exceed the angels', with a victory probability of over sixty percent."


"Atai, only sixty percent? Shouldn't it be closer to eighty or ninety?" Moni retorted. "You have no idea how much energy it took to get here ahead of Holy Keisha."


Moni had acquired vast gene resources from Death God Carl specifically to convert Nova's God River entities into her warriors. Now that she had arrived before Holy Keisha, converting the planet's population seemed a mere formality.


"But Queen, I just scanned the planet. The original population of one billion has vanished, leaving only about a million. There appears to be a dark information shield, and we can't locate those missing people! Moreover, I detected angels!"


Atai's voice trembled slightly as he reported the unexpected findings, causing Moni's frustration to rise.


"What? Angels? And we can't find the people? Damn, those angels must have hidden them! Who's there?"


"Queen, it's Angel Hane, Angel Cold, Angel Chase, and Angel Mory," Atai said, glancing at the data alongside Atto, who had hurried over.


"Damn it! Hane and her gang. She's the Holy Left Wing, and the others are high-ranking guardian angels. They've probably already detected us. What should we do? Think, think!" Moni paced back and forth, muttering to herself.


"To hell with it, we'll crush them! Atto, summon Xueyi. You and Xueyi each take a squad, and I'll support you with Demon One. We must eliminate Hane and her angels quickly!"


"But remember, Hane is the Holy Left Wing. Even without a divine body, she's almost as powerful as a third-generation god, possibly stronger. You haven't upgraded to a divine body yet, so avoid direct confrontation. I'll equip the sniper teams with Godslayer One armor-piercing rounds to help you take them down."


"Atai, deploy our low-level demons. Let our other troops lead them against the God River entities. Use Demon One to locate those hidden people and start spreading the gene virus as soon as you find them."


"Yes, Queen."


The demons, including Atai, Atto, and several nameless others, responded in unison.


"Cold, Chase, Mory, the demons have arrived. We need to hold out until Queen Keisha arrives," Ethan instructed his guard, then reunited with Angel Hane, Cold, Chase, and Mory.


"Hmph, Hane, you should take care of yourself. These demons are no match for me," Cold declared with confidence.


"Don't underestimate them. Moni must have detected us by now. They'll likely launch a god-killing operation soon. Even with the Sacred Knowledge Treasury's support, we'll be under heavy pressure, so stay alert."


"Our main objective isn't to destroy the demons but to prevent them from finding Nova's refuge spaces before Queen Keisha arrives. Mory, you'll operate the dark information shield and counter Demon One's signals through Nova's supercomputing network. Delay them as much as possible until Queen Keisha arrives."


Nodding at Hane's command, Mory spread her wings and disappeared.


"Cold, Chase, once the demons attack, we'll be under immense pressure. But don't worry. Keep moving and avoid direct confrontation. Ethan will support us."


Chase nodded, but Cold scoffed dismissively. "That little man? Can he handle it?"


Hane smiled mysteriously. "You'll see. He's quite capable. Why don't you give him a try and find out?"


"Whatever. Who cares?" Cold retorted, while Hane chuckled.


After parting with Hane, Ethan quickly gathered his Leader's Guard. The one hundred guards assembled, each wearing a pair of black wristbands—Nova Armor.


"Nicholas, you and your team follow me to support the angels."


"Yes, Leader!"


Leader's Guard captain Nicholas shouted his response. Knowing their mission meant facing demons directly, none of the guards flinched.


"Regroup!" Ethan ordered Nicholas, then picked up a nearby communication device.


"Mikhail, William Eaton, Zachary Thompson, Leonard Smith, once I'm gone, you will take full command. Don't hesitate. If any situation becomes uncontrollable, eliminate the threat decisively."


A fervent and resolute voice came through the communicator.


"Rest assured, Holy Leader. We will complete the mission."


Hearing their determined words, Ethan's thoughts drifted. Who would survive this war? Would Nova even remain? Ultimately, they were still too weak.


Snapping back to reality, Ethan looked at his hundred guards.


"Move out!"