
Not You, Fruitcake

Autor: Khendia
Fantasy Romance
Laufend · 4.5K Ansichten
  • 19 Kaps
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  • NO.200+

What is Not You, Fruitcake

Lesen Sie den Roman Not You, Fruitcake des Autors Khendia, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Allara desperately wants to be happy. But the world she inhabits is unyielding and keeps throwing obstacles in her path. Two run-ins with a prince seem to change that but she only finds herself exchan...


Allara desperately wants to be happy. But the world she inhabits is unyielding and keeps throwing obstacles in her path. Two run-ins with a prince seem to change that but she only finds herself exchanging one set of challenges for another.

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I had zero ratings so I decided to get the party started. I gave the book five stars because I wrote it. I could be humble and not review my own book at all but where's the fun in that? If you agree with my inflated assessment of my own writing ability, you know what to do... If not, we both know I had it coming. Cheers.


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