
Not the Harem Protagonist

Dean McLovin was just your typical 2nd ranked student of an Esper academy located on one of Mars' moons, Deimos. He had no friends or family members, but that was okay for him as his career was set and stone after graduation. One day, he woke up to find undead and former classmates turned insane hellbent on killing him and anyone else who isn't. Even worse, the 1st ranked student, Mark von Harem and his harem of Espers belonging in the top 10 are missing. Hoping to find survivors and answers, Dean along with a trusty assistant sets out into the darkness filled academy to stop this nightmare....or at least escape it. ------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Notes: (Cover is not mine)

DeftHyperion · sci-fi
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55 Chs

Helping Hand?

5 years ago

[Hi everyone! I'm Kat the top graduate of my class and this here is my fellow graduate and best friend, Jen.]

[Tch, don't talk to me.]

[Why're you all cranky Jen? Is it because I bragged about my top position in our class?]

[Don't associate me as your best friend. We only hung out together because I like being a loner while you just barge into my life with your bubbliness. Heck don't even come near me anymore.]


The two girls were arguing with each other as usual but this time it was in front of their senior co-workers at the digital space of the Omega Academy's Central Network. One was a cute pink haired girl wearing a pink bunny onesie while the other was a goth girl wearing all black with various accessories and leather straps.

Both were 10 years-old but their physical....digital appearance were more in line with mid-teens appearance. A stark contrast to the rest of their co-workers whom were all at least in their 20s while the oldest was in their mid-30s.

[Alright Kat and Jen, you shouldn't fight with each other. Unless you want to already tarnish your first job experience.]

A mature motherly voice came out quickly quelling the brewing argument between an introvert and an extrovert. Kat and Jen stood at attention and focus on the most senior paxian stationed in Omega Academy, Rae.

Rae was wearing a maid outfit that mostly resembles the late Victorian era and was assigned to Ha-eun Cheong, one of Melanie Asato-Romanoff's close friend. Unlike Dean McLovin, Ha-eun was personally authorized to know of the Paxian race's existence.

[Thank you for the introduction Kat, and wow the top of her class? I was barely top ten in my year fufu. And Jen you shouldn't be so negative with Kat.]

Rae's lovely voice spoke out praising Kat with a bright smile before reprimanding both of them like a mother.


[No 'buts' little miss, it seems Kat is your only friend and you should really cherish the people around you before its too lat. Now as for Kat, I can guess you invaded Jen's private space a lot.]

[Umm...just a little]

[Sigh....Respect Jen's privacy and she'll respect you more little Kat.]

Kat's fake bunny ears were drooping with sadness as she nodded in agreement. For 5 years since she knew Jen, Kat only wanted to make her feel like she's not alone. But it seems she was pushing her best friend away slowly without even noticing. 

Rae seeing Kat's sad expression provoked the motherly instinct inside of her as she rushed forward to hug Kat.

It was a stark contrast between a maid and a pink onesie wearing girl.

[Umm...thanks mom- I mean senior Rae]

[Call me Rae or Big Sis, I'm not that old]

Rae had a big pout on her face as Kat giggled seeing it causing Rae and everyone else including Jen to laugh at the awkward moment.

Rae's smile and motherly.....sisterly aura touched both Kat and Jen as both were starting their first job upon their graduation together.


Present Time

Rae's maddening smile and sinister aura was breaking Kat's heart as tears started to well up in her eyes. Even Rae's maddening eyes were still flooding with tears as she couldn't fight the urge to attack Kat constantly.

[Please....I'm begging you.....I don't want to fight you Big Sis]

Kat's voice was lower this time but was quivering with so much negative emotions that Rae temporarily stopped her barrage. 

Rae tilted her head a little hearing Kat's pleading of mercy almost as if it touched Rae's heart and snapped her out of it.




If only it was true.

[Fufufu....little Kat I told you before that it's either you or me walking out of this alive.]

Rae's chain sickle started spinning rapidly again to get ready for another one-sided clash with Kat but this time she was gonna go all out and morph her weapon mid-fight to counter the shield.

Meanwhile, Kat's null weapon of a round shield was unbreakable in the digital space but there were multiple scratch marks.....a testament of how fast and deadly Rae's barrage of attacks were.

She knew she had to stop Rae or else she might die resulting in Dean getting pressured from two sides and even die possibly.

The memories of their time together as friends and co-workers flooded her mind but were quickly processed in under a split second.

'No....I made a promise to protect Dean. Even if Rae is in front of me, I need to do everything in my power to keep Dean alive'

Kat's eyes became focused again as her renewed vigor helped Kat to at least switch her weapon to a polearm with a hook on the end.

'I don't know if I can kill Rae, but I can at least put up a fight and stall her'

Both sides had a brief staring contest before charging at each other again.



"Haaa....haaaa....Dean...Dean...Dean you're really making me work up a sweat huh?"

Ha-eun said while panting from Dean's recent attack, and using her charging attack multiple times leaving wall holes everywhere on the 4th year building's ground floor.

Dean pushed his glasses up while hanging from a ceiling by a electric cord. For the past 5 minutes, Dean was trying to find a solution as his strength wasn't high enough to penetrate Ha-eun's metal skin in one go with his sword.

He tried to use his telekinesis to send various weapons imbued with hard light tech towards Ha-eun but the cramp space didn't allow for enough acceleration to penetrate her skin. Dean could've also tried to leave the building, but something tells him that Ha-eun would use that chance to trap Kat in a enclosed space by coordinating with her paxian, Rae.

His options were limited but....

'It's not impossible'

The electric cord was another option that Dean used earlier, but as Ha-eun was just panting, there clearly wasn't enough voltage.

If only....

"Pssst....hey kid if you could slow that bitch down then we can hit her where it hurts"


A/N: Survivors? Who could it be? :O

This one was a little late.

DeftHyperioncreators' thoughts