

"What happened to Nana? I came straight from work," Olivia asked, troubled while taking her shoes off.

"She collapsed, and mom took her to the emergency" Georgio dipped his head in his hands.  He got up and dragged Olivia to the couch. "I'm sorry, babe, we'll have to cancel our honeymoon or, no, postpone it. I promise I'll give you the best one ever, please try to understand. I've to be there for mum."

Olivia rolled her eyes and whacked his head. "Are you kidding me? Why on Earth would I stop you. We have to go straight away and be there for nana."

Georgio let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding and gave an appreciated glance. "I love you."

Olivia smiled and asked, "What about all the bookings? We possibly can't get any refunds."

Georgio smacked his head. "Yeah, right; I say, we can send Rafael and Jetta."

Olivia gawked at Georgio as if he grew two heads. "Are you in your right mind? They can't even be in the same room without screaming and tearing each others' heads off. Here you are saying to send them on a honeymoon?"

"Just a vacation, perhaps? Get to know each other? Believe me; it'll be for their good" Georgio stood upright in confidence.

Olivia snapped her fingers and smirked. "Wanna bet?"

Georgio rubbed his hands in excitement. "I'm listening."

"If they fall in love, you get me a new car, the one I like, and by any chance, If you win, meaning they don't fall in love, I'll make dinner for a year," Olivia proposed.

"I'm thinking, I'm thinking, and I'm done. Yes, it's a bet."

"So it is" They shake hands, and like that, the bet was sealed.

Georgios abruptly asked, "But why the fall in love tho? It sounds pretty cheesy, and I highly doubt they will. Be prepared to lose my love."

Olivia crossed her arms around his neck and hummed, "Just one of those love stories, babe. Never! Start saving for the car, my love."

They both leaned in for a kiss, but soon one thing led to another, and they were into full making out. Georgio took Olivia in his arms, and before they knew it, they were in bed and making love.

They were cuddling, and Georgio muttered in realization, "I'm a horrible grandchild. My nana is sick, and here I'm making love to my gorgeous wife."

Olivia chuckled, hearing this. "She is fine. Your mom texted me a few minutes ago. I read the notification on the home screen. I didn't reply since I was too busy with my husband."

"Then we should go on our honeymoon! I'm over the moon; she's okay." Georgio suggested while Olivia noticed his red cheeks and sweat dripping on her bare chest. This was somehow hot to her.

She shook her head and smacked his head, which happens quite often, "No way, mister! The bet is on, and you know well enough I never back down! How could..."

Georgios snickered and raised his eyebrow, questioning her. "You told her, didn't you?"

She hid her face in his neck gap and moaned, "Ugh, yes, I did."

He threw his head back, laughing out loud. "Oh babe, it's alright it'll be fun how this plays out. Now we've got two results."

Olivia listened carefully and motioned with her hand to go on, so he did. "One, they could fall in love which will never happen. Two, they come back, hate us that we planned it, and you lose your best friend" Her tears beat Georgio's realization. As soon as she started crying, Georgio cursed himself.

He held her tight and joked, "Oh wow, stupid me, of course, they'll fall in love. That's what always happens in the movies and novels. So don't worry, they'll fall in love, and you won't lose your best friend, and hopefully, I won't lose mine." He whispered the last part to himself. Oh God, what did he entangle himself into?

They both fell asleep and decided they should call their friends tomorrow.

And that's it for the first chapter. See ya in the next one.

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