
Not Human 1

A night in the woods, a morning of questions. Asher McKnight's life is changed after he wakes up to the most painful experience in his life. The stories always said a bite did it, but it's different now. The tables are turning and the bodies are piling. Teenagers and townsfolk going missing and Rider's Crest has more creatures than it should boast suddenly showing up everywhere. What's worst, someone is turning people into supernaturals but not the regular way. Asher's new world is catching up to him fast,and he seems to keep hearing that lone wolves never make it to winter. Yet with a stubborn alpha hell-bent on pulling him into the pack, a vampire that won't leave his side and Helsings in the mix. Asher can't believe he'd actually grown up in such a dangerous place. Maybe, just maybe he'd get to see winter.

SaimtNoctis · Fantasie
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33 Chs

Turned out like...


The next day was hell, literally and figuratively and well emotionally. I locked myself into my room and let my mum think I'd suffered a heartbreak, that part well was quite true. But it was more to hide my wounds than to hide from her. Hell if it were up to me I'd walk around like nothing happened.

"Asher. Come out here hunny. You can't sulk all day cause of a girl". She kept saying as she pounded on my door.

"I'll give you a chore free day. Promise. Just come talk to mum" she pleaded. Didn't feel good making her worry but knew she'd worry more if she saw my state so I just declined.

"I'll be fine ma. I'll do the chores too. Not to worry.'

I assured.

"But..." She was cut off by her radio coming on as she was called to an animal sighting.

"Ash. I'll attend to this and I'll be right back" she promised

"Just go mum. I'll be fine, promise." I replied not moving from where I lay. She didn't answer again leaving the house in a rush soon after.

"You're not actually doing the chores are you?" Begherius popped up in my head like an unwanted chathead.

"Yes I am." I stated then rose and began actually doing the chores. It calmed me though it aggravated the wounds. It was a little normalcy for me ,just being alone and doing chores.

I spent an hour or two with the chores when the bell rung. I turned my neck to look down the stairs wondering who it was . Entering my room I put on a loose polo that still stung when it rubbed against my slowly healing wounds. Then I went down to the door and opened it.

Aurora stared back at me a sad worried look in her eyes. Behind her stood Venna and Benjamin who both stared at my face like it had three horns.

"What the hell man. What happened to you ?" Benjamin rushed out as he sidestepped Aurora and faced me. I eyed Aurora not knowing what she said about seeing me yesterday. She slightly shook her head confirming that she told them nothing.

"Just some stupid frat boys" I lied smoothly. "Stepped on one's toes and they couldn't take an apology" I spoke smiling sheepishly or as best as I could.

"Frat boys gave you those " Venna the ever lovely girl she was pointed out the claw marks on my face.

"Don't ask me how, just felt them and saw them in the mirror." I lied again looking anywhere but at Aurora.

"Okay look Asher we get that you pissed off at George and Aurora being back together but it's better than..." I cut Venna off as a growl slipped out from me while I stared at her.

"Okay. What was that man?" Benjamin asked eyeing suspiciously.

"Sorry. Dry throat. " I glared at Venna then walked off into the sitting room.

"Why are you guys here?" I asked turning to look at them.

"Dude I found your jacket and a ton of blood, seriously" he asked looking offended.

"Sorry, I meant them. Her I get, " I looked to Aurora." But her... What you doing here?" I asked coldly. I watched Aurora step closer ready to stop something that was probably about to escalate.

Venna looked like she was about to be rammed by a speeding car though as she stared at me like fish outta water.

"What do you mean" she finally asked.

"You don't like me Venna that much was obvious yesterday. So spill" I hissed. I was truely tired and doing what I did best. Filtering. No way was I chasing Aurora straight out, I'd promised her to watch her back and I was sure going to keep it.

Venna was a different story altogether though. I glared back at her.

"Asher maybe we don't.." Aurora started but I glared at her cutting her off.

*What you doing man?". Benjamin asked looking annoyed but I didn't care. I needed a little normalcy and they weren't helping. Hell I didn't even remember the last time he'd been here and suddenly he came cause he thought me dead. Well it wasn't like I visited him either but maintaining the status quo right. This wolf thing was beginning to change a lot in my life. For now I wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not.

My head spun and rage seemed to simmer in me. It all felt annoying and saddening at the same time. I looked back to Venna who was watching me cautiously like I was gonna bite. Maybe I would I thought darkly.

"Look Asher I'm sorry about yesterday I should not have asked you such a thing when Aurora was ...". She got cut off again by me as I turned to face her fully.

"Save it. It's done. What I wanna know is what you're doing here?" I asked slowly. She scoffed then stepped back shaking her head before turning and walking out the door. My eyes found Aurora who stare back at me like I was a stranger.

I did feel like a stranger, up till now. Smiling and being happy wasn't my thing till I became a wolf and it was all crashing around me again like usual. I felt Begherius whine in my mind before I watched her walk to the door then stop turning to me so only the side of her face was visible.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked then shaking her head she left. I sighed dropping her head before I turned to Benjamin who stared at me quietly.

"You're fucked up man." He muttered then left too shutting the door quietly behind him. I closed my eyes and turned back to the sitting room walking slowly to the kitchen area to open the fridge.

Point one for me I thought as I took out the egg crate and some other ingredients and began cooking. Back to me.


I sat in the black Chevrolet as it rolled down the street my thoughts filled with various things. Last night our actions , the previous afternoon and then finally this morning. Trying to find something that would make him act as he did.

"It's not your fault girl" Venna comforted from the front where she sat with Benjamin.

"Yeah. Totally not your fault." Benjamin added. "It's her fault" he glared at Venna.

"What. What'd I do?  I tried apologizing." She rebutted.

*Yeah. After making him and Aurora feel bad about they other." He accused the anger leaving his glare and only tiredness settling in.

"Okay what the hell was even wrong about what I asked"she accused stretching out her hands.

"Really. You know he told me about the conversation you both had" he said looking to me as he pointed at Venna and I.

"Also about your little threatening gazes and signals" he faced Venna.

"Your point." She asked raising an eyebrow.

Benjamin looked at her like she were mad.

"You literally tell the guy in not to subtle ways that your friend isn't ready for another relationship. Threaten him constantly to not hurt her and then bomb smack him with the question of the day right in Aurora's presence." Benjamin deadpanned turning into another street.

"Wait so it's my fault he said what he said now" Venna shot back looking mortified at his accusation.

"Nope. It's your fault he replied the way he did.  Cause genius, his answer was for you not her " he shot back then pulled to a stop

*We're here." He hissed. Dang was he pissed. I looked to Venna who was now silent and staring at me warily while I just watched realizing I hadn't moved an inch since the conversation started.

"Look. Best thing now is to sit till this calms a bit." He advised. I looked to him still not following at all.

Sure he was pissed at Venna but why me, he looked as cold as hell when I saw him. His blue eyes that always reminded me of the sea did remind me of the sea but not a calm one. One with a storm that could sink anything that floated on it.

"What does this have to with me?" I finally spoke.

"Nothing. He's just that way. Shuts off when he feels tackled or something. I can't explain it really. I just try not to get it in hard. Though I shouldn't have said what I said to him when I left." He looked like he  regretted something.

"Actually. That's not just it . Atleast I think." Venna muttered. Benjamin and I looked at her. His curious mine stormy.

"He was kinda at the game... saw you" she stated looking at me sadly.

"Saw me?" I asked  confused.

"Yeah.. you and George" My eyes squinted then widened. Shit.

"Shit." I muttered silently. Venna bit her lips while Benjamin stared confusedly at us both.

"Mind looping me into this part of the story." He asked with a hint of sarcasm. Venna mouthed to him the words and he froze then looked back at me.

"Ok. Screw that . This is officially more fucked up". He cursed. " The relationship didn't even start and there's this much drama already. " He added groaning.

"Funny right" Venna tried but we both snapped eyes to her making her stiffen.

"I really love you girl.." I started " .. but you're too overprotective you know." I finished fighting myself from screaming. She sighed out and nodded .

"I'm sorry I just don't like you crying and I wanted to scare him to act right. Sorry it backfired, though in my defense... You kissed the other boy so..." She deadpanned smiling sheepishly.

"Way to escape this girl" I sighed.

"Where to?. Back or forward?". Benjamin asked looking at me softly.

"I'll go back myself. I don't think he'll appreciate seeing you now " I answered looking at Venna. She nodded understandingly. I got down and watched the car stand there for a while before it pulled away driving off. Turning I took in my house heightening my sense and listening to my parents bickering away before I turned and zipped down the road back to Asher's.

I stopped right by the entrance catching a breath before I inhaled quickly then stopped.
