
No title :/

Autor: Yumeno_
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What is No title :/

Lesen Sie den Roman No title :/ des Autors Yumeno_, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Bro I don’t even know what to put here...


Bro I don’t even know what to put here

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Goyah Batin

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A Warlock in Danmachi

This is a crossover between Danmachi and Dungeons & Dragons Update Warning: This will not be updated regularly. My job doesn’t give me reliable access to the internet. On top of that I tend to take my time with writing. The first chapter of this took me at least 40 hours of writing and rewriting to get it to a place I was happy with, just to give an example. Obligatory I own nothing. Detailed Synopsis: *Spoilers, Kinda* As I stated above, this is a crossover between Danmachi and Dungeons & Dragons. Following a shift in the planes of existence the world of Vestothas is merged with Gekai, bringing all of its monster demons and horrors with it. Most of the gods of Vestothas have disappeared, either destroyed by, or hiding from whatever force caused this event. Those that remain aren't exactly friendly faces. Our protagonist, an elf warlock by the name of Farren, is flung head first into the dungeon after his home continent of Slinnelyn became ground zero for this event. The setting for the D&D side is mostly homebrew, using the rulebooks as references. What rulebooks? Mostly 5th edition and Pathfinder, though I do have books going back to 1st edition AD&D that I might use if newer info and stat blocks don’t exist. So if there were characters or locations you wanted to see in the Forgotten Realms, Ebberon, Ravenloft, ect. you probably aren’t going to see it here. I say ‘probably’ because spelljammer tomfoolery is an option. Though one I don’t plan on doing anything with for the foreseeable future. One final thing I’m going to touch on here is magic in D&D. For magic I’m going to be changing things up a little bit. Spell slots, on the tabletop, are a convenient and balanced rule. In writing they never made much sense to me. For the purpose of this book I’m going to be using a less rigid spell system. If you want more information I’ll write a Vol 0 chapter on it. For here all you need to know is that it won’t be too different from the tabletop system, but different enough that spell casters can do things that they normally wouldn’t be able to on the tabletop.

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  • Geschichtenentwicklung
  • Charakter-Design
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