
I'll Make a Joke Out of You 2

Her body fell weakly on the floor as she covered her stinging cheeks with both hands, "Y..you two.. you dare hit me?!"

- 30 seconds ago-

Lily walked through the crowd and saw Karen's raised arm against Susu. Seeing that arm made the ignited flame inside Lily's soul burst as if gallons of oil had been poured into it. She rushed to Susu's side to protect her.

With one arm, Lily held Karen's wrist in place. As for her other arm, Lily swung her palm striking it faster than the highest wind record on earth. Right after that slap landed on Karen's right cheek, Susu didn't let this opportunity go to waste.

Karen tilted her face towards Susu, still trying to figure out what had just happened to her when Susu used the back of her right hand and gifted her another striking slap. Lily loosened her grip on Karen's wrist, letting her drop to the floor like the weakling she always loved to pretend to be.

- Present -

Tears streamed down her face as she bit her rosy lips while rubbing her swollen cheeks. Lily and Susu clapped their numbed hands together and rubbed it as if they had been on a cleaning duty and is now cleaning the dust from their skin.

Susu smiled at Lily, "Nice timing, goddess."

"A great bitch slap. How could I have missed this?" Lily smirked and winked at Susu.

"Hey! I'm talking here!" Karen screamed at the top of her lungs from the cold hard floor.

Lily spreads Susu's reddened hand, "My poor child, you should've let me do the heavy work. Who knew this thick skinned creature could be this harsh for your delicate skin? Tsk, tsk, we'll apply some lotion on it later. I got it from France. It works so well!"

Susu looked at Lily's hands and took out a travel sized hand sanitizer, "You're acting like that slap was fine for your hand. Look at your palm. Here, let's sanitize our hands and then go for a hand spa. I heard the one that we enjoyed last time has a milk treatment now."

Karen gnashed her teeth and stood up facing Lily and Susu at eye level, "Bitch! I was talking to you!! You and Yin Susu!! Why did you interfere for? Huh? How dare you hit me?"

Lily rubbed her left ear and stared down at Karen, "Excuse me bitch, you were in my way. It was just a bump. Why be so petty? When you were causing a ruckus to my friend over here, I didn't see you having any problems with your attitude. Also, hitting is different from slapping. If you really want to challenge me on that term, I can prove to you on the spot what the difference is."

Karen's bloodshot eyes glistened desperately for a fight as her blood boiled from within, "It's been long since I've met a feisty one. What makes me slapping her have anything to do with you? I'll poke those eyeballs out of you and have you feel regret for picking a fight with me." She rolled up her sleeves and tossed the bags in her hand onto the floor.

"My pleasure to teach rats a lesson. I've heard of your name plentiful times, but the descriptions don't even match up to a centimeter of which you really are, especially your looks. Those chunky eyelashes that look like cockroach legs really send chills to my spine and definitely will be a turn off for guys. Your weak act only works on men, but certainly not for me." Lily was ready to take Karen one on one.

Susu pulled Lily's arm slightly and signaled her using their secret eye communication language that they came up with. Lily realized what Susu meant when she saw a man walked down towards their direction and nodded with a smile.

"Karen, I suggest you to stop what you're doing before you regret it. Do you even know who you're dealing with?" Susu tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Hah! It's she who doesn't know who she is dealing with! I'm from the Yin family, and she's a hopeless nobody who hangs out with a divorced gold digger loser! What? Tian Yuo is mine and you two are jealous of me? Want to ruin me? In your next life!"

The second the last word came out of her mouth, the man who was walking towards them had stopped right behind her. His deep hoarse tone scared the wits out of Karen, "What's going on here?" His normally gentle voice became solidified ice from a freezer room, sending shivers all over her body.

"B..Bro..Brother Yuo... she.. it's not what you think. They forced me to say it! This is not how I am!" She turned around and tried coaxing the man who had a brooding look in his eyes.

From what Karen had said, Lily clearly heard the word, divorce. Looking at the situation, Lily got a glimpse of what was going on and walked towards Tian Yuo. The sound of her palm meeting his cheeks was as dominant as the roaring thunder from a violent storm.

"I can't believe what you gave up for a shattered pile of spiked dirt. Tian Yuo, I thought you were blind to begin with, but would eventually be clear of your position and duty. Over and over again, you only knew how to stab blades through Susu's heart for this woman. Before your marriage took place, I had heard stories from your family. After you two had got married, she didn't complain once about you. She always told me she was alright, but looking at how it is today, she must have suffered endless torture in this marriage!"

Lily could no longer keep the words that she had wanted to spit out since long ago inside of herself any longer. She cursed and punched Tian Yuo while he stood there receiving each punch and slap that she aimed towards him. "Tian Yuo! As your friend, I really can't see how great this Karen is to you and how she managed to grab a hold of your heart. In my eyes, you don't even have a heart. Exactly because you don't have one and that is why you have to kill off those who has one!"

Karen pressed the security button on the wall and tried to stop her from hitting Tian Yuo, "Yin Susu! Do something about this wench!! She's hurting Tian Yuo!" The man's eyes were focused on Susu, whose expression did not look good.

Susu approached Lily, who was fierce and persistent to every move she made on his body, trying to calm her down. Finally, Tian Yuo held her wrists and said, "Enough is enough. Lily, even though we are friends, you do not have the right to interfere with my love interests. As for whoever the birdie is who told you things or not told you things, that is up to you to make sense out of. The papers were signed and given to the lawyers already."

He didn't know what was wrong with him, but his eyes were glued to Susu as if he had anticipated a reaction from her. Unfortunately, Susu's only focus now was on Lily, who was breathing fire breaths like a fierce dragon. Even after hearing the words that he had just said, she remained careless about it.

Two security guards walked towards them and asked, "Excuse me, but someone pressed the emergency button. May I ask what's going on here?"

Karen was quick to spit out and point at Lily, "She! She is causing trouble for me and my boyfriend."

Lily and Susu let out an amused laughter before making eye contact with Karen as if she was an idiot, "I believe I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Lily Jiang, the daughter of Jiang Corps' CEO. Skylight mall is only one property that we own."

Lily stepped in front of Karen and bent down slightly, "Did I sound like a joke to you earlier? Sorry, but I just made a joke out of you and you can't do shit about it."

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