


what does it mean to people? does it say stop what you're doing or just wait for me? this 2 letter word has different meanings in different contexts. So how does one really understand what it means when someone says no.

Caroline was an obedient girl who always followed rules and was disciplined due to fear of failing her parents. She was an excellent academic student and loved by teachers. She had a good life till 7th grade. She had good friends and one really special person she cared a lot about. Everything was going great until she moved to California. that's when things started going wrong. she fucked up. Real bad. And she knew that. She was in for a hell of a ride and she willingly gave up her life. No one was there. She was all alone when the darkness took over her life and she willingly submitted to it. Was she weak? Was she psychotic? Would u have done the same if u were in her place? Do u agree with her reasons?

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