
Chapter 50. Alchemist shock and first kiss.

When the Pt period was over Raku saw Lala, As she spoke: "here you go, Raku." bringing his towel as he looked and thanked: "Thank you, Lala." while he looked at her while Ren was looking from the side had a worried expression as he walked toward Lala and asked: "Lala have I become manly, What do you think, haven't I."

Ren remembers his life with Lala, but what made him stick out to her was his love for Lala, while he has been admiring her, not for her power, status, and beauty but due to the kindness of her when he was injured, for her sister, her sacrifice made her the girl of his attention, who is still standing before him but she seemed so far.

"I don't know, what do you mean by the manliness and manly but Ren doesn't need to be manly or something because even without it he is my best friend." Lala smiled Innocently and truthfully while Ren was affected by her kindness and smiled as he nodded, thank you, Lala, for saying that to me he thought and walked away with a wave of his hand.

While Raku saw it and said 'Goodluck my friend, after all, life is not all about past love but also about future encounters, you just have to be versatile and you will find someone who will care for you in this world, which is still so big.'

While Ren had been thinking about it and his mind was a mess as he kept on repeating "Wh- Why?" while he looked at Lala and thought: 'I- I've become so manly? Why Lala?" as he looked at Raku "She doesn't acknowledge my manliness."

Soon the time passed and Raku sat beside a tree as he waited other while saw Ren coming his way and thought: 'Something awful happened here but what?' while Raku looked back and smiled while asking: "what's up! stupid Idiot wants something." while Ren got angry and asked: "what do you mean by stupid and Idiot." while Raku nodded while saying: "Now you looked a lot better, than the previous one look."

"Now ask what you want to ask." raku smile while Ren was taken aback as he asked: "Ichijo Raku we had to talk? privately."

"Hey pass it here, and don't throw it." A boy stood behind Ren shouted as he moved backward, as Raku lifted his face to look at Ren, what he saw was stunning and O my God scene occurred while Raku regretted this decision as he would always remember that his first... was taken by a boy.

They both shouted as they punched the guy till unconscious while they looked at the other guy as prey and Raku smiled "I know magic using electric shock which will erase their memory for the past few hours."

"Don't worry this guy is the best and it will not hurt you enough, it will be only effective for you to stay 2 to 3 months on the hospital bed." Ren smiled like a demon as he approached the other guy.

After erasing the memory of the other guy both of them glared at them and left while going to their ways.

The next morning Raku woke up and saw Momo coming out of the bathroom while Raku laughed and said: "Good morning Momo, Nana, and guys do you some minutes for I need some time to discuss something Important and need your guy help and all." Raku smiled as he looked at Nana and Momo, they both nodded and said: "Alright, Raku- San, well what is it about."

Raku smiled and said: "it's about Plants and Animals, that's your specialty right."Raku asked as he looked at the pair who nodded and walked toward the kitchen with a happy mood.

Sitting on the dinner table Nana, Momo and Raku finished their food while they left leaving Mikan, Lala and Justin stunned. Soon three of them sat inside the Raku room while he asked: "I will be drawing Images of the plant and animals, while can you guys help me tell what are their original name, place and where they can be found."

Nana and Momo nodded while Raku smiled and asked: "in return Nana, I'll help you tame an elemental alien species for your future safety and Momo, I'll find a weapon plant of explosive quality which will increase her Deviluke power." while Nana and Momo expression drastically changed while Raku smiled mysteriously and said: "While if we could plant some tree I will be able to create body strengthening potion for all of us and will help you guys open Mana circuit inside you."

Momo and Nana were shocked since all the things Raku said were impossible and they knew it but his confidence was not baseless so they could only endure their belly full querries.

Raku knew what they want to know and he didn't hide it since these two will be his future partner and concubine.

"I'll tell you guys but please keep it a secret for me from everyone, As you guys must have heard about the alchemist."

Suddenly Nana and Momo asked: "Do you know some Alchemist because there is only one alchemist in the Milkyway galaxy and he worked for father while he provides only 5 vials of restoration every 5 years I return of millions no trillions of Milky Galaxy banknotes."

"Just so you know, a banknote is equal to 100 galaxy coins while Miky Way Galaxy notes are equal to 100,000 of galaxy coins." Momo exhilarated while Nana nodded.

"Ohh! that means I can become Milky way Galaxy richest man if I made 20 of those vials huh!but I don't care about money because I need those for training and you guys help me find those and I will train both of you too, the point you will be able to beat your father."

Momo and Nana had a headache coming but they soon felt warmth as he cares about their safety first instead of all that money and fame of the alchemist and all."

While Raku walked away while Momo looked at Raku and spoke: "Sorry Onee- Chan, I guess, I am falling in love with him too."

Soon Raku and Lala walked out toward the school as they said goodbye to Mikan and walked toward the next alley as they had to go straight and Mikan had to go by Suguha house side since they were planning something Raku was mysterious about and Lala had been part of it as she kept eye on the Raku since Raku make clone needed some time to be created and used while he had to make hand sign and all.

Raku laughed as he said: "I won't go, I promise while let's go quickly."

As they saw Haruna coming out of the turn: "Good morning, Lala!"

"Oh, Haruna, good Morning." Lala said as she jumped and hold her hand while Raku only smiled as he looked at girls talking when Shuu entered and asked: "What feeling alone, Wana hold my hand."

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