
Night in Terror

John living a normal life, forced to work with CIA on top secret mission. slowly ruining his life, loosing everything thanks to an evil, blood-thirsty villain who wants John dead. will John survive? or will the blood-thirsty villain get the better of him?

Beasty_Boy · Aktion
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one question I am asked alot, "when will it end?" truth is I don't know. Pain, and desolation asphyxiating the streets of New York.

Streets empty, shops demolished and no one in sight. Hiding and shivering in their homes, with hope to live and see another day. Grey clouds terrorised the city, monumental strikes of undomesticated streaks of lightning that was seen as a bolt from the blue, creating a mould of despair, suffocating the sense of hope that still lived within the city.

No one knew her. Accept from me. An innocent and simplistic man, who gave service to a local supermarket named "Just Shop". Who is it I talk about? Beckie! She was always suggesting that she new the "forbidden magic", yet NO-ONE! believed her. Accept me that is. I warned the city,

I screamed down the local police throat, but everyone thought I was schizophrenic, and a madman. where am I now? I'm held against my will, amongst many other schizophrenics far away in a cell, cushioned for "safety" with yellow foam surrounding me.

I knew her from primary school. She was never ... fully there. She seemed bemused consistently. Over the year I grew a liking for her. Beckie's soft, blonde hair. Her dominant behaviour, and her body. She had the body of a goddess. Gigantic ass, Decent breast and a small waist, just enough to hold in the tip of your fingertips. Everyone was scared of her, but I? I was in-love. every second away from her was a heartache.

During math class we both ran and accommodated in the males bathroom. 5 teachers from our detention unit scanned the school and couldn't find us anywhere. We squeezed in the locked door and hid so no one could see us. not even the small camera outside the toilet. I never been this close to her before, I blushed bright red, almost like a tomatoe. my hands unable to move, rested on the top of her ass. Leaving an uneasy feeling rummaging my stomach. we started talking and within minutes class was over. The teacher Mr Terry walked in and demanded us to open up seeing nothing but trousers, a dress and both blazers thrown over the floor. and two figures wrestling in the bathroom locker. one leg in my hand, and her left, soft breast in the other whilst I rock back and forth filling her with nothing but immense thrill. Mr Terry called back up and we was surrounded by 5 angry, fuming teachers screaming down our faces like we was criminals. we scrambled around to get dressed like scared, little children and opened the door. We was banished home and told to never come back. I begged her to forgive me but she ran away in tears. that's the last I heard of her.

30 years later I saw her in my supermarket, buying nothing but a note book, feathered pen, and a blade. "Beckie! is that you?" she soon realised who I was and screamed like a psychopath. my manager asked her to calm down, otherwise she will be refused in the store and escorted out. That angered her more, leaving nothing but the immense feeling of distress shared by the two. we all saw a side of her which no one new existed. well thought was a myth atleast. She screamed a chant. screeching down our ears "now the living, soon the dead. Your families weeps for the rising kept" confusion battered our faces as we was thoughtful to what she said. What does she meen "rising kept?" then a blue strike threw me across the store. leaving me vulnerable and hurt. I yelped in pain and demanded help, but everyone who was once concerned, looked empty like a blank canvas, they soon carried on with their job like nothing ever happened. I stumbled to my feet and asked my manager Kiran Oscar "can I have an ambulance" little to suprise, no answer. "Hello? can anyone hear me?" I screamed leaving a throbbing pain on my throat. no one answered, but the running body who was once my childhood lover. she said "I will raise the once alive and cause havoc, WHATCHA BACK SCUMBAG". Before I knew it, she was gone. vanished in thin air. like she was batwomen in the comics.

I was a simple innocent boy, I never wanted this to happen. Now everyone in New York is going to die, and it's all my fault.

Now a hard-working man who supplies for a family of four, I have one hope, one wish. My family stays safe. My son Xar, he is appreciative for arts, music and gaming. He is quite small, abling him to fit in minuscule areas. My daughter Hope, she is ... well, homogeneous to me (her father). A living twin of her father, hoping one day she can be like me. Although I don't know why. My wife, Karen. The most beautiful women I have ever met. Mud brown hair, long, thick legs. small miniature waist and hazel brown eyes. Lastly myself, John. A simple man who loves his family.