
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Spiele
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246 Chs

Virtual Pursuit 

Amidst the intense pursuit, the echoes of clashing spells and the swift footsteps of Lunar Enigma's relentless quartet reverberated through the digital realm. Soo-jin's shoulder bore the mark of a near-fatal hit, a piece of her armour sent flying by the powerful assault. Min-jee, the dedicated healer, quickly responded with a burst of healing magic, seamlessly restoring the damaged armour to its rightful place. As the duo sprinted through the virtual terrain, urgency painted their every move.

"Soo-jin, find cover! That combo of the witch and battlemage is tearing through our defences," Min-jee urgently communicated, her healing spells countering the persistent onslaught.

"Agreed. Let me know if you need another healing. We can't afford any missteps," agreement passed through their virtual connection, and Soo-jin replied.

The digital battleground intensified, each step fraught with danger. The relentless barrage of spells and curses from the pursuing enemies fueled the urgency in Soo-jin and Min-jee's actions. Footsteps echoed, magical incantations hummed, and weapons clashed as the duo sought refuge, navigating the virtual landscape in a desperate bid for survival.

As the relentless pursuit reached its heart-thumping climax, the marksman from Lunar Enigma, a ghostly spectre amidst the chaotic chase, meticulously secured the perfect vantage point. Perched on a precarious rocky outcrop, the marksman blended seamlessly with the shadowed edges, becoming one with the virtual environment.

This strategic positioning afforded an unobstructed line of sight across the flat, open terrain of the lava-themed arena, turning the battlefield into a deadly chessboard where every move was under the scrutinising gaze of the unseen sniper.

The anticipation in the virtual realm was palpable, the air charged with tension as Soo-jin and Min-jee sprinted across the hazardous expanse. Each step taken on the exposed landscape beneath the fiery glow heightened the vulnerability of the duo.

Unbeknownst to the Daehan Reckoners, a lethal crosshair patiently tracked Min-jee, singled out for her lower base health as a support healer. The tension reached its zenith as the marksman, a silent predator in the shadows, calculated the perfect alignment. The shot, a whisper away from release, was momentarily delayed, prolonging the suspense and intensifying the digital pursuit.

In this climactic moment, the virtual air quivered with anticipation, setting the stage for a decisive turn in the confrontation. The impending shot hung like a sword of Damocles, ready to alter the course of the battle.

The pivotal moment unfolded in a blink as the marksman from Lunar Enigma prepared to deliver the decisive blow. However, a swift intervention disrupted the carefully planned execution. A fleeting arrow soared through the air, knocking the rifle from the marksman's grasp.

Jae-hwa, Daehan Reckoners' skilled archer, had arrived just in time to intercept the deadly shot. In a seamless motion, he saved Min-jee from imminent danger and retaliated with a precision shot that eliminated Lunar Enigma's marksman. The system broadcasted the crucial message.

[Suck-Chin Sim eliminated!]

"Jae-hwa, you're a lifesaver!" With the enemy marksman eliminated, Soo-jin, her armour still bearing the impact from earlier, shouted through the team chat.

"Just doing my job, Soo-jin. Let's turn this around," Jae-hwa responded, his voice steady despite the situation's intensity.

With the tables turned, Lunar Enigma, previously confident in their pursuit, now faced the daunting prospect of confronting four Daehan Reckoners. Hyo-sonn expressed gratitude for their strategic decision to allocate resources, allowing Jae-hwa's lethal accuracy.

"Great shot, Jae-hwa! Now, everyone, focus on the mages. Min-jee, keep healing Soo-jin. We've got them on the run!" Hyo-sonn, the in-game leader, seized the opportunity.

The archer continued to rain arrows, aiming to strike down any of the two mages from Lunar Enigma. However, the witch and battlemage wisely retreated, aided by the support they had at their disposal. Sensing an opportunity, the Daehan Reckoners, led by Hyo-sonn, rallied to chase down their retreating foes.

"Healing in progress. Soo-jin, brace yourself. We're turning this chase into a victory!" Min-jee acknowledged.

The exhilaration of the unexpected rescue fueled the Daehan Reckoners' determination. Jae-hwa continued to unleash arrows, the rhythm of his shots synchronizing with the team's pursuit. The in-game communication buzzed with strategic commands and acknowledgements as they relentlessly pursued Lunar Enigma.

The pursuit became a test of both skill and teamwork, as the Daehan Reckoners aimed to capitalize on their newfound advantage. The unfolding chase held the promise of a game-changing moment in the ongoing 5v5 showdown.

The chase across the virtual landscape intensified, with the outcome hanging in the balance. The exhilarating pursuit marked a dramatic shift in momentum, and the echoes of the virtual battlefield resonated with the urgency of the chase.

As Daehan Reckoners closed in on Lunar Enigma, the current four members engaged in rapid-fire strategizing.

"We've got them on the ropes. Soo-jin, charged in and disrupted their formation. Min-jechargedp her healed, and Jae-hwa, focus on pinning down their mages. We need to break through their defences," Hyo-sonn, orchestrating the plan, exclaimed.

"I'll charge in and draw their attention. Min-jee, stay close. We can't let them regroup," Soo-jin, her fighter instincts in full force, agreed.

"I'll be right behind you, Soo-jin. Ready to heal and support," Min-jee responded.

"I'll target their mages, slow them down. If we can take out their main damage dealers, the rest will crumble," Jae-hwa, adjusting his strategy, added.

"Excellent. Soo-jin, initiate. Min-jee, be on standby with your healing. Jae-hwa, unleash your arrows on their mages. Let's crush their resistance and secure the victory," Hyo-sonn, formulating a plan to maximize their strengths, concluded.

With the plan set, Daehan Reckoners executed their roles with precision. Soo-jin charged forward, her blade gleaming as she disrupted Lunar Enigma's formation. Min-jee followed closely, ready to provide healing support. Jae-hwa, positioned strategically, aimed his arrows with deadly precision at Lunar Enigma's mages. The virtual battlefield became a stage for their coordinated assault, a dance of skill and strategy as they sought to turn the pursuit into a decisive victory.

As the coordinated assault unfolded, Daehan Reckoners executed their plan with precision. Soo-jin, charging into the fray, drew the attention of Lunar Enigma's members. The clash of swords echoed through the virtual realm as Soo-jin engaged in a fierce melee with a summon from the witch. Min-jee, staying close, provided healing support, mending wounds and ensuring Soo-jin's sustained presence on the battlefield.

Jae-hwa, the skilled ranger, unleashed a flurry of arrows aimed at Lunar Enigma's mages. His precise shots disrupted their spells, hindering their ability to retaliate effectively. The virtual air crackled with the sound of magical clashes and the twang of arrows as the battle intensified.

Hyo-sonn, positioned strategically, unleashed potent spells from a distance. His magical onslaught further pressured Lunar Enigma's already beleaguered team. The synergy among Daehan Reckoners became evident as they exploited their strengths, creating a chaotic but controlled battlefield.

Lunar Enigma, once confident in their pursuit, found themselves overwhelmed. The mages struggled to cast spells amidst Jae-hwa's relentless arrows, while Soo-jin pressed the attack with unwavering determination. Min-jee's healing abilities proved crucial, sustaining Daehan Reckoners through the intense clashes.

With Lunar Enigma's resistance faltering, Daehan Reckoners pressed their advantage. Soo-jin's fighter instincts kicked in, sensing the weakening defences of their adversaries. She unleashed a powerful combo, incapacitating Lunar Enigma's mage with a swift strike. Min-jee's healing support ensured that Soo-jin remained a formidable force on the battlefield.

[Mi-Ok Won, eliminated!]

Jae-hwa's arrows found their mark, and the remaining members of Lunar Enigma were pushed into a defensive stance. Hyo-sonn's magical onslaught proved too much for them to handle. The virtual realm resonated with the display of Daehan Reckoners' dominance as they continued to engage Lunar Enigma in a battle of skill and strategy.

[Hee-Young Sam, eliminated! Chung-Ae Eogeum eliminated!]

The system displayed the ongoing conflict, announcing the successive eliminations, and heightening the tension as both teams fought fiercely for control. The taste of a certain victory, sweet and earned, fueled Daehan Reckoners' determination to see this battle through to its conclusion.

As the clash intensified, the Daehan Reckoners found themselves in a favourable position, successfully eliminating three members of Lunar Enigma. However, victory was not yet assured. The lurking presence of Lunar Enigma's assassin remained, shrouded in the virtual shadows.

Tension hung in the air as Daehan Reckoners, despite their numerical advantage, were acutely aware that the tide could shift with the swift and deadly actions of the unseen foe. The virtual realm resonated with uncertainty, and the battle was far from over. The outcome hinged on the elusive assassin's next move, leaving both teams on edge as the chapter concluded.

Desperation laced the voices of Daehan Reckoners as they tried to communicate with Hei-ryung, seeking information about her situation.

"Hei-ryung, what's your status?" Min-jee's concerned tone cut through the virtual tension, seeking crucial information.

"Did you secure the tower? What happened?" Soo-jin added.

"I... I got ambushed. The assassin... took the tower," Hei-ryung's breathless response left an uneasy silence.

The response they received was the haunting sound of her panting, a visceral reminder of the intense struggle at the last tower. Hei-ryung's words came in breathless bursts, conveying the chilling revelation that the assassin from Lunar Enigma had successfully secured the last tower. The system, unrelenting in its announcements, displayed the grim confirmation.

[Hei-ryung Ra, eliminated!].

Fear gripped the team as they comprehended the threat posed by an assassin elevated to unparalleled strength. The looming danger now set its sights on Daehan Reckoners, leaving them to face an adversary meticulously empowered by Lunar Enigma's strategic prowess.