
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Spiele
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246 Chs

Unseen Shadows

The NexaRealm arena trembled with the unexpected twist as the enigmatic assassin materialized behind Seo-yeon, the formidable mage. The virtual crowd, both real and digital, erupted in a mix of gasps and cheers. It was a moment that defied the logic of the game, a move so extraordinary that even the seasoned commentators, Ji-hoon and Min-seo, were momentarily rendered speechless.

"Min-seo, did you just witness that? Our mysterious assassin has executed the 'Shadow Step.' This is a spell known for its elusive nature, allowing the caster to teleport instantaneously behind the target. It's a move rarely seen in 1v1 tournaments, let alone on this scale!" Ji-hoon, recovering from the shock, exclaimed.

"Ji-hoon, this is unprecedented. The Shadow Step requires precision and timing, and the execution is flawless. Seo-yeon had no time to react. This changes everything in the duel!" Min-seo, still processing the unfolding spectacle, responded,

The camera zoomed in on the assassin, who stood behind Seo-yeon, shrouded in the residual shadows of the teleportation. The mage, caught off guard, frantically turned to face his unexpected assailant.

"Folks, this is the beauty of NexaRealm. The unpredictability, the strategic depth – it's what makes this game a true masterpiece. The Shadow Step has turned the tables, and now the assassin holds the advantage," Ji-hoon continued.

"Seo-yeon's meticulous planning and the Cerulean Bind's dominance are now in question. The duel just took an electrifying turn!" Min-seo added.

As the camera captured the intensity of the moment, the assassin and Seo-yeon faced each other in the virtual town. The crowd, both online and offline, held its breath, eager to witness the repercussions of this unexpected twist.

"We're witnessing history, Min-seo. The assassin has showcased not only incredible skill but also an innate understanding of NexaRealm's mechanics. The Shadow Step has opened up a realm of possibilities," Ji-hoon, his excitement evident, said.

"Absolutely, Ji-hoon. This move is a testament to the assassin's mastery of the game. But let's not count Seo-yeon out just yet. He's a seasoned mage with tricks up his sleeve. The duel has entered a new phase, and I can't wait to see how it unfolds," Min-seo agreed.

The NexaRealm arena buzzed with anticipation as the duel resumed, the clash between assassin and mage reaching new heights. The assassin's Shadow Step had disrupted the established order, injecting an element of unpredictability into the virtual battlefield.

"Hold on to your seats, NexaRealm fans. The assassin has just rewritten the script with the Shadow Step. The unseen shadows have become the focal point of this duel, and we're in for a thrilling ride!" Ji-hoon concluded.

The virtual stage was set for an epic showdown, and as the duel continued, the world of NexaRealm brimmed with excitement and speculation.

The swift swing of the assassin's blade cut through the virtual air, aiming for the spot where Seo-yeon had seemingly materialized. However, as the blade connected with the mage's form, there was an eerie dissipation—a mere illusion shattered into pixels. The assassin caught off guard, found himself striking a mirror image, an afterimage of Seo-yeon.

"What a brilliant maneuver by Seo-yeon! It appears he's not just relying on brute force. That was a Body Double spell, folks, creating a perfect decoy to confuse the assassin. Absolutely stunning!" Ji-hoon, astounded by the turn of events, exclaimed.

"Ji-hoon, this is the beauty of NexaRealm's strategy. Seo-yeon's hidden trait has just been revealed. He's not just a master of offensive spells; he's a tactician, utilizing illusions to outsmart his opponents. The assassin, for all his skill, fell for the trap," Min-seo, equally impressed, added.

The camera panned to the real Seo-yeon, who had positioned himself from afar, preparing for the next move. Unbeknownst to the assassin, who was recovering from his failed strike, the mage's fingers danced in the air, conjuring a spell of destructive power.

"Look at that, Min-seo! Seo-yeon is channelling energy for a devastating spell. The assassin is unaware, and this could be the turning point in the duel. The unpredictability of NexaRealm at its finest!" Ji-hoon, his excitement unabated, said.

"Indeed, Ji-hoon. The assassin may have the advantage in close combat, but Seo-yeon's strategic use of spells gives him the upper hand in versatility. Let's see what spell he has in store for our elusive contender," Min-seo, analyzing the situation, remarked,

As the Luminos Cascade spell formed in Seo-yeon's virtual hands, the crowd, both in the arena and online, buzzed with anticipation. The assassin, regaining his composure, turned to locate Seo-yeon, only to find the mage preparing to unleash a formidable attack.

"Fans, this is the tension we live for in NexaRealm. Each move, each spell, adds layers to the strategy. Seo-yeon's Body Double spell was a stroke of genius, and now he's gearing up for a long-range assault. Will the assassin see it coming?" Ji-hoon continued.

"The duel is a dance of wits, Ji-hoon. It's not just about the power of the spells; it's about how and when they're used. Seo-yeon is showcasing a masterclass in tactical gameplay. Let's see if the assassin can adapt to this unexpected turn," Min-seo added.

The virtual town served as the battleground for this clash of tactics and skill. As the Luminos Cascade streaked through the air, hurtling toward the unsuspecting assassin, the NexaRealm arena held its breath, awaiting the outcome of this spellbinding duel where every move could be the difference between victory and defeat.

The Luminos Cascade shot through the assassin with full power, the radiant energy engulfing his entire virtual form. The crowd erupted in cheers, thinking the game had reached its climax. The dazzling display of the laser bolt covered the assassin from head to toe, creating a spectacle that left the audience in awe.

"What a spell, Min-seo! Seo-yeon's Luminos Cascade has hit the assassin with full force. It's a breathtaking visual, and it seemed like the end of the road for our elusive contender."

Min-seo, caught up in the excitement, responded, "Absolutely, Ji-hoon! The crowd went wild, and it appeared that Seo-yeon had secured the victory with that spectacular spell. But wait, the game UI hasn't declared the winner yet. Seo-yeon is still on guard, and there's an air of anticipation," Ji-hoon's voice echoed through the arena.

As the virtual dust settled, Seo-yeon remained cautious, his guard up despite the seemingly conclusive strike. However, the assassin, fueled by determination, had already dashed in front of him with astonishing speed. The crowd gasped in disbelief as the assassin's blade cleanly pierced through Seo-yeon's virtual body.

"Unbelievable! The assassin, against all odds, has closed the distance. Look at that precision! The blade has pierced through Seo-yeon's defence. This is incredible!" Ji-hoon's voice rose.

The UI finally declared the victor, and Joon-ho Kang's name appeared in bold letters.

[Game Victor: Daehan Academy, Joon-ho Kang]

The crowd erupted into a mix of cheers and stunned silence. Ji-hoon continued.

"It's Joon-ho Kang! He's done it! What an unexpected twist. The game UI has spoken, and Joon-ho Kang emerges victorious. This is the kind of NexaRealm action that leaves us speechless!"

"Joon-ho Kang, the elusive contender, has pulled off a remarkable victory. The crowd is going wild, and rightly so. Seo-yeon, despite his brilliant tactics, couldn't hold back the determined assault. What a match!" Min-seo, recovering from the shock, joined in.

The camera panned to Joon-ho, whose virtual character stood triumphant over the fallen Seo-yeon. The NexaRealm arena echoed with the cheers of the audience as Joon-ho basked in the unexpected glory of his triumph. The commentators, still processing the turn of events, added their voices to the cacophony of excitement, marking a pivotal moment in the NexaRealm tournament.

In the Daehan Academy arena, the virtual battleground now silent, both Joon-ho and Seo-yeon removed their Realms, the neuro-game appliances that had transported them into the immersive world of NexaRealm. The quiet hum of the equipment filled the air as the students in the audience watched in anticipation, the atmosphere thick with the residue of the intense duel.

Joon-ho, still revelling in the unexpected victory, raised his Realm in a salute to the crowd of students who had come to support him. The cheers and applause echoed in the arena, acknowledging the remarkable feat that had just unfolded. The high school teenager, known more for his gaming prowess than his real-world achievements, stood in the spotlight of the NexaRealm tournament.

Turning away from the crowd, Joon-ho walked purposefully toward Seo-yeon, a silent gesture of respect between players. The arena held a moment of stillness, a brief interlude before the expected camaraderie between competitors. The students observed the exchange, recognizing the unspoken bond shared by those who ventured into the virtual realms of NexaRealm.

Joon-ho's actions spoke volumes—acknowledging not just a victory but the shared experience of the game. The air crackled with a mix of tension and admiration as the two players stood face to face, each contemplating the events that had unfolded in the game and the unexpected turn of fate that had led to this moment.

You know what, after some calculation, I can give two chapters a day for the first ten chapters. Though it won't be for long, it should serve as a starting point, right?

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