
Killing Bandits

After the other bandit died from the attacks of the various Beastmen, the only one remaining were the Vice Leader and Crimson Bandit.

The situation looked very grim for the two of them. They were both exhausted, both mentally and psychically, barely managing to defend against the various arrows shot at the. However, the biggest threat was still the Alpha Wandering Beastman. The only reason they did not fall yet was because it was slowly restoring its spiritual power, to initiate a finishing blow.


An arrow from a wandering beastman hit the Vice Leader's right hand, who did not nanage to dodge in tome, ripping off the artery from his wrist. The sword fell from his grasp, before he desperately tried to stop the bleeding with no results.

"Leader! I won't be able to escape this calamity, but you can! Please leader, just run! We can't win this fight anymore, i only hope you will avenge our brothers and me in the future..."

"What nonsense are you talking about,Mohn'Kul? Run? Does it look like i have enough strenght for that? I am almost at my limit, right now, if we don't kill them all off, we won't survive at all The heavens sure are cruel, why must we have met with such a big gang of beastmen here? How did we even encounter such bad luck!"

"Since it's like this, we shall fight with all our powers, to the end! Even if we die after killing a few more beastmen, it will still be worth it!"


Seeing the current weakened state of the Alpha Wandering Beastman, Lan has finally decided to take action.

"If there's really a good chance for me to get stronger and reach higher levels, this should be the best chance! Since you dared to treat this young master as a slave, i'll repay it back to you ten fold! None of you stinky bandits shall survive today! As for that goat head, hmph!"

Getting out from underneath the carriage, Lan made way to the forest in a very silent. But skilled manner. In the past, his grandpa brought a lot of martial masters to train him, including a hitman. He has been taught how to assasinate, but only as a brief introduction. As long as it's not someone especially skilled at detecting, Lan would have no problems taking down his target and leaving without getting noticed.

Normally, when people deal with situations such as this, they tend to be confused or afraid. Nowdays, the humans have grown far too weak for these trials by fire. There has been so much propaganda about mercy, justice and heroism that people don't even believe in the so-called evil. For example, in the past 30 years, after the disappearance incident took place, vandalism, rape, robbings ,kidnappings, as well as terrorism rate rose to new heights. However, the people keep turning a blind eye to the events, followed by excuses such as 'the government will protect us', which is practically a fairy tale..

Lan, however, was different from such people. He was born in an extremely rich family that stood on top of China's wealthiest families. From an early age, his education took another turn from the ordinary child. While other kids are sent in kindergarden, and them elementary school and so on until university, Lan has been under the teachings of home teachers, the cream of the crop. He has been taught politics, world history, military training, safety training and even after his parents disappeared, nobody could shake the foundation his family had. He has been under the care of the Butler of the house, who has watched over him since birth. After his grandpa returned home, he has been taken to that secluded island and taught commando warfare, gun training, archery, sword training and even the art of assasination.

His grandfather has captured criminals from around the world, before sentencing them to be killed, by Lan, every single day. One of the cruelest methods possivle of tempering a young kid. It has been a gamble, because a normal kid, only after having seen a little bit of blood would feel nauseating and very scared, moreover to kill a person with his own hands! However, Lan, no matter how much he struggled to fight the urge to cry, he has always followed his grandfathers orders. At first, his hands were trembling like crazy, but after a continuous streak of killing wanted criminals with a very bloody history that would make one want to chop the person in a thousand pieces, Lan actually felt that killing them is letting them the easy way out! This was one of the biggest surprises to his grandfather. Making a kid kill people truly was not an easy task, but Lan had no choice but to follow the orders of his elder. The biggest lesson he had been taught since birth was to listen to his family elders no matter what, because they know what's best for him! Lan would never disobey them , even if he hated them very much! This was the legacy of Lan's family and it was unshakable by anyone. The elder having returned from the New Realm, where life is not worth even a dime, has seen way too much bloodshed and things that would put the most heinous criminals from Earth to shame! Slavery, humans used as cannon fodder against beast attacks, backstabbing for the smallest thing, this was the New Realm Kill or get killed. the law of the jungle , the strongest fist survives! The winner is king, the loser is slave, no matter if one is wrong or right!

Slowly, Lan made hid way through the forest, before locking on a target that hid inside a bush, with a readied bow locked on the bandits.

Like a spectre, Lan appeared behind the beastmen, before the sword severed it's head in a swift movement with high precision. One hit, one kill!

Picking up the bow and quiver, Lan continued to ambush the other hidden beastmen.

Congratulations, you have reached level 2! You are given 2 additional points to be added to your stats.

"After killing around 10 beastmen of levsl 3, only then could i barely reach level 2... It looks like reaching higher levels will be harder than i thought."

Muttering to himself, he slowly climbed a tree like an agile monkey before taking a loom at the current situation.


Meanwhile he was assasinating the hidden beastmen, the Vice Leader's face turned into a deathly pale colour. He has lost too much blood and he looked as if a small gust of wind would turn him into a corpse.

The Crimson Bandits face was very serious. He knew that today he has met his end, but he has never expected for it to happen in this forest, which he crossed around for years. One has to know that here are normally mainly Level 1 Killer Bee's or level 2 Wardogs and rarely level 6 Lizardmen could be seen. He has used this route a lot of times in the past, always transporting newly summoned people to be sold as slaves. He has met small groups of beastmen in the past, but never had he met such a tough fight like this!

Using his last spiritual power, his sword turned into a burning green flame. Sword Aura! Looking at the Vice Leader who has followed him for the past years, he sighed, before charging towards the nearby beastmen.

*Tshhh* two heads went flying, becore they rolled down the road dying it red as if a carpet has been laid dow.

Now, in the Crimson Bandits eyes was only one enemy. The Alpha Wandering Beastman! Kill or be killed!

His sword, containing the last bit of strenght he had and boosted by the Sword Aura slashed straight at the Alpha Beastman. However, before he could even reach the last step to hit the beastman, a furious thunderbolt hit him, scorchibg him black and extinguishing the last bit of life he had left in his body. The sword's momentum couldn't be stopped, however, it did not manage to penetrate the Beastman's heart and only buried itself on it's abdomen.

Lifting its hand to pull the sword, the beastman was howling in pain. Clearly, it wasn't a minor injury at all.


Before it could even pull out the sword, however, an arrow was howling through the winds before it embedded itself on it's brain. Lan, who has always been hidden, has finally decided to take action. Like a fisherman. He waited until both sides managed to critically injure each other, before he made his move, killing two birds in one shot. Ever since ancient times, most conquering wars happened like this. Two sides warring each other because of various disputes and when a third side came, it would sweep bothcof them, earning all the spoils of war!

Congratulations, you have reached level 3, you have a total of 4 unallocated stat points, would you like to add them?

[bCongratulations, you have reached level 4, you have a total of 6 unallocated stat points, would you like to add them?[/b]

With just a thought, all the points were allocated to agility.

Now from the 5 points of agility, it has increased to 11! A new flow of power surged through Lan's body, invigorating him. Pulling out the sword and taking a stance to slash, Lan could truly see the difference. Now, he was more agile, faster and his body reactions were practically doublez'


Looking at the body of the Alpha Wandering Beastman, Lan could see an ancient lookong book on the floor.

"Is this what i think it is? A skill book? I struck it rich hahahaha!"

It was just as Lan thought, the ancient looking book was really a skill book!

Going forward and picking it up, a surge of information entered on Lan's head before a blue panel appeared in front of him.

Lesser Thunderbolt, level 1 Skill Book. Allows the user to use the power of thunder and create lesser Thunderbolts to attack his enemies.

"Oh, just a Lesser Thunderbolt, well, it shouldn't be that bad right? I'll sell it once i get to a town, hopefully i can get some good stuff out of it.."

While deep in thought, Lan has finally remembered a very important thing that his grandpa told him about. There are some monsters who have a Magic Core inside their body, mainly being the bosses or high leveled creatures. Looking at the corpse of the beastman, Lan went slowly and cut it's chest open. Inside of its chest, a small golden mixed with a faint blue colour Magic Core in the form of a marble stood. Crouching down to pick it up, Lan felt a fresh surge of explosive power radiating from the stone.

Magic Cores were the thing every being channeled its powers into. In the human body of a person from the New Realm, as well, had such things. All their powers were channeled inside this stone and if one absorbed the power of other Magic Cores, they would be able to get stronger without having to fight. However, absorbing a Magic Core was a tedious process that was filled with endless risks. Sometimes, while absorbing the power of a Magic Core, ones level could get boosted, along with extra stat points, however, other times, the user could lose stats or even become a cripple. Of course, the Magic Cores were also used in the crafting of equipment that warriors used in this world so a Magic Core could be said to be another currency! The humans, however, could not absorb othef human cores, but the beasts had no such restrictions. That's why the beasts are so crazed to attack any random person or other group of beasts they meet, eating the Magic Core boosts their powers to new levels!

The Thunder Magic Core in Lan's hands was a very suitable material for creating weapons for Thunder Elementalists. Which means, this stone could fetch a decent price as well!

Looking at the Crimson Bandit's corpse, Lan couldn't help but feel disappointed. The Crimson Armor worn by him was scorched black with no chances for repair in the future, this truly made Lan cringe inside. But on another side, the weapon used by the Crimson Bandit was on an entirely new league than the Rusty Sword he has taken from the other bandit in the carriage. Picking the sword up, only one word could describe the feeling of holding it. Light! Way too light!

A small stream of information entered Lan's head after using identify.

Silver Sword, a rare sword created by a Master Blacksmith. It's very sharp and won't easily break in a fight against higher leveled opponents despite it's low weight!

After looking at the bandits corpze once more not to have missed anything, Lans gaze finally landed on his right hand, where a pitch black ring stood. Lan's eyes started to shine brightly and his eyes almost turned into two stars while looking at the ring! This was something that was of utmost importance for him to get sooner or later, but he did not expect to hit the jackpot so soon! A blessing disguised as a disaster indeed.


Interspatial Ring.

It allows the user to store objects in another space.

Dimensions: 5x5M

Rarity: Common

Grinning from ear to ear, Lan took a look at the items in the Interspatial Ring, but sadly, it only had survival items such as a tent, dryed food, clothes and some weird looking coins.


GC - the main currency used in the New Realm.

"Only 7 GCs? Why is this bandit so poor...? So stingy!"

But what Lan dis not know was that these 7 GCs was all the fortune that the Crimson Bandit has accumulated in the past years since he was thrown in this world, clearly, it shouldn't be a small sum at all..

Throwing away all the unnecessary stuff and storing his new gains, Lan left the place before heading in another direction from the carriage.

Looking around, Lan was truly amazed by the vastness of this forest. He has already walked for an hour, but all he could see were endless towering trees and trails of beasts. He can't just go in the open and fight like a lunatic every beadt he meets without a plan or information about his surroundings.

Lan normally never had the chance to go outside alone ever since he was born. Everyday, he was under the teachings if professionals and his daily routine was simple, learn, eat, train, aleep and so on. Now that he had the chance, he is finally acting like a kid his age should!

Skpping on the forest and staring at the strange creatures that looked similar but different from the ones on Earth, Lan has finally started living the life of a true wanderlust person!


After having his fun on his first adventure, Lan stumbled upon a nest, a Humongous Bee Nest.

Bee's the size of a human's head were flying around, in big groups scattered around.

Killer Bee, level 1. Weak creatures that live in the forests of New Realm. They are always in big groups.

"Oh shit.."

Just as Lan was inspecting the Killer Bee's, they slowly turned around and after seeing a human after some time and remembering the taste of the flesh, the bee's statted buzzingike crazy. Streams of Killer Bee's ran out of the nest, covrring the heavens and earth.

"Ehm, little bee's..i am not here to steal your honey..please don't mind me..."

Beforece could even continue sprouting nonsense, the Killer Bee's swarmed at Lan, trying to drown him like a tidal wave.

Run! Lan's instincts were screaming like crazy to run, increase the pace, and never look back!

With his newly attributed agility, Lan ran through the forest at an alarming pace, with a sea of Killer Bee's following close behind. Normally Lan would not be afraid of fighting againat another person, but in case of an insect, it was terrivle! Normally, the human races biggest fear were insects. No matter how tough you are, a human could never stand a crawling insect in front of him! The first thought a human had when seeing such things was to squash them away!

This is what Lan was feeling right now. No matter how much he ran, the sea of Killer Bee'a couldn't be shaken off!

As he ran through the forest, Lan met a group of 4 Wardogs that tried to ambush him. Before they could even attack the running Lan, they were drowned by the sea of Killer Bee's and only their bones were visible after it passed.

"Is this how am i gonna lose my life...?" Lan slowly fell into despair. No matter how collected he was, in the end, he was a 12 year old kid! No matter how much training and teachings he has received, a kid is a kid in the end.

Ezhausted, Lan was slowly losing strenght in his lrgs. In the end, he couldn't outrun the sea of Killer Bee's and they rapidly approached him. With no strenght on his legs and having fallen on the floor ,panting for air, Lan's face was slowly getting wet from the tears and snot. He has already ran for two hours' this was already enough to put an adult to shame.

"No...no...noo! I don't wanna die..." Lan's face filled with snot and tears and his crying voice was easily drowned by the buzzing sound of the Bee's.

However, before he could resign himself to his fate , an arrow flew past him, stabbing itself on a Killer Bee situated in the middle of the group.


A huge explosion burst on the impact before a majority of the Bee's started falling to the ground. What was once a sea of Bee's was now a downpour of Bee's! The surviving Bee's, terrifisd, immedilty flew away, without bothering to look back at their kind.

As the smoke was skowly clearing itself, the sound of footsteps could be heard and a soft voice flew in Lan's ears.

"Are you okay, little one?"

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