
The beginning

Water sloshed underfoot as the mysterious figure ran through the alleyway. With her pursuers not far behind she was running out of options and very quickly. Their yells of " come out freak!" drawing ever closer and the panic started to set in. Distracted by the glow of their flashlights, something causes her to trip and fall flat on her face. Her luck had run out as they catch up and back her into a corner. " This cannot be happening" She thinks to herself " This morning had started like any other, how did I end up here?" She knew why it was happening its just too much to process so fast

The alarm beside on the beside table rang out tunes of catchy music just as it had every morning at 6:30 am. With groans of sleepy protests she hit the snooze button and got out of bed, taking so long in the bathroom that her mom came to drag her out for breakfast. Once every part of her outfit was deemed perfect for the day she dug into the egg hash breakfast her mom was known for. After she was done eating she kissed her Mom on the cheek before bolting out to her car. If she had known this was the last time she'd see her mom for a long time, she would have savored the moment.