

" mom ?, were are you going?" 6 year old Cyrus asked his mother whom had a huge bag hung over her shoulder. “ sweetheart, from now on you have to leave on your own ” the black haired woman with soft green eyes said as she opened the door of the small apartment. hearing what he's mother said he rushed to her clutching her leg, preventing her from leaving. “ you can't leave me, you won't leave me ” he sobbed into her jeans. “ honey you have to understand that a lot of bad people want to take you away from me, and I can't let that happen ” the green eyed woman stated calmly patting his jet black hair. “ but mom you can beat them up, you are very strong ” he knew he's mother was crazy strong, ever since he was 3 he had seen his mother fight of crazy creatures who wanted him for some absurd reason he didn't know . “ yes I can, but you are still a child, you could get seriously hurt ” she said making him sob harder . “ how about this then. you have to grow up fast and strong so you can stay by my side okay ?, until then we can write letters to each other. you just have to burn the paper and say my name ” Cyrus nodded his head since he knew he's mother wouldn't budge from her decision. ********** Cyrus Kingston is a 18 year old with freakishly raw power and disarranged memories, whom looks for his mother that supposedly does not exist . after joining the devil hunters academy under his mother's request, he start to uncover disturbing truths about his origin and what he was. he starts to doubts his own memories and his goal of finding his mother became hazard. follow Cyrus as he discovers dark secrets and undeniable fact about the foundation of his birth. watch as how he conquers the world and pushies past his limits and how he makes friends and how he finds love. ps : this story is an original and is proudly owned by me, try stealing it and you will have me to deal with me . hehe that rhymes PSS : expect high grade comedy and splitting action. also watch out for amazing side characters

Favour_Kennedy_0315 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Chapter 6 : test of affinity

In the moonlit expanse of the screening ground, the air was charged with anticipation as the second phase of the evaluation began. The initial buzz of gossip and speculation had been dismissed by Levi, their doubts extinguished by his authoritative presence. The evaluators and candidates alike stood on the precipice of the unknown, their faces a mix of excitement and trepidation.

Levi's commanding voice echoed through the screening ground, the weight of his words settling on the assembled candidates. "Welcome, candidates!" he declared, his gaze sweeping over the crowd. "This phase will test your innate abilities, the traits that set you apart."

The candidates exchanged curious glances, their anticipation palpable. As Levi gestured to the towering mechanical android, its advanced design drew awed gazes. The candidates waited with bated breath for Levi to continue.

"This is the Aurora System," Levi announced, his voice carrying authority. "This android gauges your aptitude. When you touch it, it'll emit light representing your affinity."

Tobias's figure leaned against a tree, a languid smile playing on his lips as he observed the proceedings. Nearby, the cloaked figure lingered at the close, their presence an enigma shrouded in shadows.

Levi's eyes held a mix of sternness and encouragement as he continued to address the candidates. "Each color signifies a unique power you possess. The brighter the glow, the stronger the affinity."

Excitement and curiosity swirled within the candidates as they formed a line, waiting for their turn. The air crackled with anticipation, the chamber alive with a sense of impending revelation.

One by one, candidates stepped forward, their hands meeting the cool surface of the mechanical android. A girl's face lit up with delight as a brilliant blue glow enveloped her hand. "Water manipulation!" the android's voice declared, matching her triumphant smile.

Nearby, a boy's shoulders slumped as a dim white light bathed his panel. "Air manipulation?" he mumbled, disappointment evident in his tone.

In another corner, a group of candidates exchanged excited glances as their panels all glowed in a harmonious green. "We're all earth masters!" one of them exclaimed, a sense of friendship forming among them.

Among the candidates, the most attention was drawn to the duo and and the cloaked guy whose panels shimmered with the rarest of hues. Whispers and speculation swirled around them as the significance of the gold, silver, and violet lights remained a subject of intense curiosity.

An evaluator watched the readings with a furrowed brow, his attention fixated on the candidates with the unique aptitudes. "This changes everything. Gold, silver, and violet... we've never seen these before."

The mechanical android's readings continued, each touch unveiling a new story of hidden talents. A candidate's panel emitted a vibrant red glow. "Fire manipulation? That's a strong power to have."

As the candidates' readings unfolded, the evaluators recorded the results, their expressions reflecting intrigue and contemplation. The distribution of abilities was as varied as the candidates themselves, ranging from elemental control to otherworldly talents.

The mechanical android's readings gradually wound down, the last few candidates receiving their displays of aptitude. Among them, a candidate's panel emitted a soft brown glow. "wood affinity? Well, that's unexpected."

Levi stepped forward once again, his gaze sweeping across the assembly. "The Chromatic Ascension has shown you your strengths, but remember that these aptitudes are only the beginning. The journey ahead will require hard work, dedication, and a willingness to face challenges head-on. Embrace your abilities and strive to exceed your potential."

The candidates absorbed his words, their expressions a blend of determination and uncertainty. The chamber slowly emptied as the candidates dispersed, conversations buzzing with excitement and questions about the colors that had been revealed.

Levi's gaze turned to the cloaked figure, his expression a mix of curiosity and something else—a lingering skepticism. But his attention shifted when a familiar figure stepped forward, unnoticed by most.

Cyrus walked up to the android, his face a mask of calm resolve. He placed his hand on the panel, expecting a glow to envelop it. But nothing happened. The panel remained dormant, unresponsive to his touch. An uneasy murmur rippled through the crowd.

"He's a non-gifted." The words came as a hushed whisper, spoken by one candidate to another. Pity and scornful glances were cast in Cyrus's direction, a reminder of the hierarchy that governed their society.

Tobias remained unfazed, his attention fixed on Cyrus. Ivy and Luna exchanged curious looks, their brows furrowed in question. "Why would you pick a non-gifted?" Ivy inquired, her voice low.

Tobias's response was accompanied by a casual shrug. "Why not? Sometimes it's the unexpected that leads to intriguing outcomes."

Cyrus's gaze remained steady as he removed his hand from the panel. Levi watched, a mixture of interest and skepticism evident in his expression. But then, something unexpected happened.

On Cyrus's second attempt, the android's panel glowed with an array of vibrant colors, each shining with unprecedented intensity. The brilliance of the colors surpassed even the prodigys'. As the chamber filled with a kaleidoscope of light, gasps of amazement filled the air.

But Cyrus's affinity kept changing color, shifting like the phases of the moon. Murmurs of astonishment echoed as the colors shifted and danced, as if Cyrus's affinity couldn't decide which power to settle upon.And then, as abruptly as it had started, the shifting colors stopped. The panel glowed with a midnight black hue, a color as deep and enigmatic as the night itself. The intensity of the black glow seemed to pierce through the very fabric of reality, casting a shadow over everything around it.

the shifting colors stopped. The panel glowed with a midnight black hue, a color as deep and enigmatic as the night itself. The intensity of the black glow seemed to pierce through the very fabric of reality, casting a shadow over everything around it.

The mechanical android, unable to contain the intensity, shattered, leaving behind stunned silence. Levi's astonishment was palpable, his gaze locked onto Cyrus with newfound intensity. The chamber was hushed, the air heavy with the weight of the unexpected.

The cloaked figure remained lingering in the shadows, their features hidden, but their aura seemed to radiate intrigue and interest. As the shattered remnants of the android were cleared away, the candidates exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of awe and uncertainty.

" hm... so what's my affinity? " Cyrus's was more confused than anybody. the first time he placed his hand on the panel he felt a strange blockage from his body, as if rejecting the android. but the second time he really was just bewildered. a burst of energy just came pouring out, and whenever the colour changes he felt a sight change in his eyes , like a simple odd glitch that made him a bit dizzy .

but alas it all stopped, and all he felt was this cold dark feeling of a pure ominous presence suffocating him, but as soon as the android broke he felt normal. but that didn't change the fact that he wasn't sure about his affinity.

" well it seems to me you're more inclined to nether affinity, no one has ever gotten such a gift in history " Tobias smiled as he stood close to Levi in the blink of an eye, surprising Levi whom stood next to him.

" when did h— " ivy was stunned

" I didn't even notice he moved " once again they seemed to have underestimated Tobias .

" more inclined? " Cyrus asked, the statement not really adding up. Cyrus's brows furrowed, a mixture of bewilderment and skepticism in his expression. "I don't get it. What's with all the colors?"

Tobias's eyes glinted with mischief, his tone casual. "Congratulations, Cyrus. You're not just good at one thing. You're like a buffet of talents—a multi-gifted individual."

Cyrus blinked, his confusion deepening. "Multi-gifted? Is that even a thing?"

Tobias shrugged, as if discussing the weather. "Rare as a double rainbow, but yeah. The gods tends to play favorites once in a while."

The other candidates leaned in, curiosity evident on their faces as they absorbed this new layer of mystery. Cyrus's uncertainty was palpable, his skepticism overshadowing any hint of awe.

"Two cases in history. Not many," Tobias continued, his tone still relaxed. "Their lives had their moments, though. Had quite the impact."

Cyrus's gaze remained fixed on Tobias, his skepticism warring with curiosity. "So... what do I do with this buffet of talents?"

Tobias's smirk held a trace of amusement, his eyes glinting mischievously. "Pick whatever looks appetizing, I guess. Your path just got a lot more colorful."

Cyrus's confusion lingered, but he didn't seem inclined to dive deeper. "Guess I'll figure it out as I go."

Levi, who had been observing the exchange, had transitioned from skepticism to a mixture of surprise and realization. The notion of a multi-gifted being was a rare revelation, and it carried implications that stretched beyond the immediate moment.

As the chamber buzzed with whispers and the candidates attempted to make sense of this new twist, the shattered remnants of the android were cleared away. The atmosphere remained charged with a sense of discovery and uncertainty.


As the colorful aura of the candidates' affinities gradually dissipated, Levi stepped forward once again, his gaze sweeping across the assembly. The hushed anticipation was palpable as they awaited his announcement.

"Congratulations to all of you for unveiling your unique affinities," Levi began, his voice carrying a note of authority. "Now, it's time to reveal the results."

A murmur of excitement rippled through the candidates, their expressions a mix of hope and apprehension. Levi's gaze was firm as he continued, "Only fifty of you will proceed to the next stage of the trials. For those who haven't been selected, worry not. Teleportation runes will transport you back to your homes, and you'll have a chance to rest and regroup maybe next time. "

A sense of anticipation and tension filled the air as the candidates exchanged glances. For some, the disappointment was evident; for others, the relief of being chosen was palpable.

Levi's voice carried a tone of finality. "As for the chosen fifty, you have a day of rest before the next phase of the trials begins. Use this time wisely to prepare yourselves."

The candidates began to disperse, some with heavy hearts, others with newfound determination. Levi's attention, however, was not on the departing candidates. Instead, his gaze shifted to the enigmatic figure who had stood at the outskirts—the one who had exhibited the violet glow. Tobias's presence was noted as well, his demeanor as inscrutable as ever.

Back at the hotel suite, Levi found himself in the company of the other evaluators. The atmosphere was a mixture of excitement and uncertainty, a reflection of the day's events. As they settled in, Levi's focus shifted to Tobias. With practiced nonchalance, he leaned against a wall and addressed the enigmatic figure. "Tobias, I have questions. You seem to know more than you let on."

Tobias's lips curved into a faint, knowing smile. "Questions, questions. Isn't life more interesting with a bit of mystery?"

Levi's gaze remained steady, determination in his eyes. "We're not kids . This isn't a game."

Tobias's gaze met Levi's, his expression unyielding. "You're right, it's not a game. But answers have their own price."

Levi's jaw tightened, his frustration evident. "Fine, then. Give me a straight answer. Why did you pick Cyrus?"

Tobias's smile remained enigmatic, his response shrouded in riddles. "When light and shadow dance, the truth may be revealed."

Levi's patience waned, his frustration growing. "Enough with the riddles! Just tell me!"

Tobias's gaze flickered with something unreadable, his demeanor shifting subtly. "The river holds many secrets, but not all are meant to be fished out."

Levi's exasperation reached its peak, his voice tinged with irritation. "That doesn't make any sense!"

Tobias's smile never wavered as he stood up. "Well, it was nice chatting. Good luck with your inquiries, Levi."

With that, Tobias turned and strolled away, leaving Levi standing in the midst of his frustration.

Levi's fists clenched, a mixture of irritation and curiosity driving him to seek answers. But as the door swung shut, he was left with more questions than he had started with, and the enigma of Tobias's motives remained firmly intact.