The protagonist of the tale is Klaus, a freshmen in Sophie, a little town. He unintentionally joins a battle royal that his teacher, Johan, has organized on his first day of school. Despite denying any prior martial arts training, Klaus demonstrates impressive talents, including the use of Jeet Kune Do. Klaus discovers he has hurt his classmates when he awakens in the school's medical facility following the intense fight. Johan urges Klaus to continue his martial arts studies, believing that his uncorrupted nature will enable him to become a formidable and honorable fighter, while Klaus recovers and talks with his instructor about what happened. Klaus's father had enrolled him in a martial arts and physical education program in an attempt to alter his outlook on combat. The story highlights Klaus's internal conflict and confusion as he navigates his newfound curiosity in martial arts despite his past hatred. It also emphasizes the importance of family and the influence of caring individuals in shaping one's character.